Chapter 1337 Xingyao Spearmanship
"Don't talk so much, hurry up and find the Sacred Path Stone. I have a hunch that all the Sacred Path Stones in the rock pool were brought out during this collapse."

Jiang Mo flew towards a boulder, Gu Linfeng and the others saw this, and without wasting time, they split up to look for the Holy Path Stone.

"court death!"

"I discovered this sacred stone first. Whoever dares to snatch it from me, I will chop him with a knife!"

"Fart, this Holy Path Stone is a treasure born from Tianming Waterway. How can it be owned by you alone?"

"I want to monopolize it, are you not convinced?"

"If you don't accept it, I will kill you until you accept it!"

Boom, boom, boom!

The sound of fierce fighting swept away from this space.

One after another of terrifying energy fluctuations, crazily shaking, the surrounding rocks were continuously shaken down.

Jiang Mo flew towards a very huge boulder, because he sensed that there was a complete holy stone in it.

If you can get it, it will be worth more than dozens of scattered Sacred Path Stones added together.

"Go away!"

Three monks in uniforms stopped in front of Jiang Mo, and murderous intent erupted from their bodies.

Although these people had seen Jiang Mo's strength before.

However, in front of such a huge Sacred Path Stone, they planned to take risks, trying to stop Jiang Mo and monopolize this huge Sacred Path Stone.

"If you want to die, I don't mind giving you a ride." Jiang Mo raised his eyebrows, and the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword in his hand shot out immediately.

The space along the way was shattered away.

"Let's attack together, kill this kid!" The three monks shouted loudly, bursts of strong blood suddenly gushed out from the three of them.

I saw them chanting the mantra silently in their mouths, and when their blood qi spun, the aura of the three of them seemed to merge into one, and suddenly became very powerful.

"As expected of the assessment of Tiansheng Dao Palace, the Tianjiao you can meet on the way of the assessment all have certain abilities." Jiang Mo said secretly in his heart.

"Ping Xian with one sword!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Mo did not underestimate them, and displayed the strongest sword move.

The surging vitality, like the tumbling of a great river, directly hits the ancient sword of Heavenly Punishment.

The Heavenly Punishment Ancient Sword released a frightening sword energy, and with one strike, the blood energy on the three people was suddenly shattered.


Three painful roars came suddenly, Jiang Mo's sword broke all their defenses, and the three of them fell instantly on the spot.

"Tsk tsk, this kid is really ruthless!" In the void, the three monitoring envoys looked at each other, and they all saw a hint of shock in each other's eyes.

"Anyone who dares to block my way, this is the fate!" Jiang Mo's gaze swept towards the monks who were staring at him.

The main reason why he killed these three people forcefully was to establish his prestige.

Only by deterring these covetous guys, can Jiang Mo successfully snatch more Sacred Path Stones.

"Jiang Mo, die!"

However, at this moment, a sound like a thunderbolt from the blue suddenly resounded above Jiang Mo's head.

It was a cold light, bursting towards here.

Even Jiang Mo felt a sense of danger.

"Unexpectedly, this place is really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger!" Jiang Mo displayed his agile movement technique, and after a flicker of his figure, he appeared in another direction.


That ray of cold light hit the place where Jiang Mo was standing before, and immediately created a huge hole with a radius of about ten feet and a depth of one hundred feet.

It's hard to imagine, if this cold light hits the body, what kind of terrible consequences it will have.

Bursts of blue smoke rose from the hole, shining with lightning.

"Your Excellency, good means!"

Jiang Mo raised his eyes, and his eyes fell on the man like lightning.

Jiang Mo was somewhat familiar with this person, and he was a strong member of the Starfall Alliance.

"You also try my trick!"

Jiang Mo blasted out with both palms, and the violent power suddenly exploded like thunder.

"Annihilate Tiangang!"

As soon as the words fell, that palm print seemed to turn into a sky full of stars, and moved towards the attacker to suppress it.

"This kid, the martial arts he displays are a bit scary!"

"This level of martial arts is probably comparable to the cultivators of the 'Eighty Nine Great Tribulations'!" Luo Shengtian said in the void.

Obviously, Jiang Mo's talent in martial arts was constantly changing Luo Shengtian's judgment.

"As far as I know, Nangong Wentian, the Xingyao marksmanship he cultivated, is quite a bit like that old guy from the Nangong family."

"If Jiang Mo wants to deal with Nangong Wentian's Xingyao marksmanship, if he doesn't show some real skills, it will be very difficult!" the black-haired old man said.

"That's true. If Jiang Mo can't even match Nangong Wentian, then Leng Jian can defeat him with one move."

The three supervisory envoys were discussing casually in the void.

"Xingyao marksmanship!"

"Liuguang Skyline!"

Nangong Wentian was a little shocked by Jiang Mo's blowing palm, and he immediately used the third Xingyao spear technique.

Once upon a time, the style of 'Liuguang Skyline' could easily defeat any monk under the 'Fourty Nine Little Heavenly Tribulation'!

Boom, click!


The shooting star's dazzling gun light, carrying a terrifying and oppressive aura all over the sky, collided with that palm print.

For a moment, piercing sonic sound, madness swept outward.

The terrifying shock wave, like a stormy sea, flattened the towering peaks one after another.

At this time, Gu Linfeng and Chu Xiu had stopped snatching the Holy Path Stone, and they protected Yetong behind them.

The rest of the monks did not dare to continue competing for the Holy Path Stone under such circumstances.

If he was not careful and got involved in that battle, he might not even leave his bones behind.

"Jiang Mo, is he all right?" Seeing such a terrifying confrontation, Ye Tong couldn't help asking worriedly.

"Don't worry, when did my junior brother do something that I wasn't sure about?"

"Since he is fighting that guy, he is at least [-]% sure of winning." Gu Linfeng said.

In fact, he also felt a sense of oppression from Nangong Wentian.

After all, Gu Linfeng had just stepped into the "Four Nine Little Heavenly Tribulation", while Nangong Wentian had long been a strong player in the "Four Nine Little Heavenly Tribulation".

"What kind of martial art is this that you are so strong?"

"Even my Xingyao marksmanship is no match for you?" Nangong Wentian said in disbelief.

The sixth form of the Nine Dragon Wind and Thunder Palm directly destroyed the spear light shot by Nangong Wentian, causing his confidence to be thwarted.

Nangong Wentian's figure retreated again and again, and a stormy sea was stirred up in his heart.

Originally, he thought that it would be easy to kill Jiang Mo.

Now it seems that is not the case at all.

"Oh my god, even Nangong Wentian is no match for him!"

"This person's combat power is already against the sky!"

"How many people in the Tianming Waterway can defeat him?"

"This Jiang Mo will probably become the most dazzling arrogance in Tianming Waterway!"

Surprised voices came from all around, making Nangong Wentian's face even more ugly...

(End of this chapter)

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