Chapter 1339 News of Suzaku Sword Soul

"Who exactly won?"

These monks who were watching the battle all had this question in their hearts.

It's just that the ultimate confrontation happened in the jasper Qinghai bowl, and countless beams of light hung down, covering up many situations inside.

Therefore, many people felt that there were shocking fluctuations inside, but they couldn't judge who won the final victory.

At this moment, the space under Jiang Mo's feet collapsed inch by inch.

His body was trembling slightly.

His eyes looked not far away, and said faintly: "This guy, he must have lost, right?"

The moment Jiang Mo finished speaking, there was only a muffled bang, and Nangong Wentian's body slowly slid down from a beam of light.

Blood continued to flow from the corner of his mouth. At the same time, his clothes were burned to ashes, and his skin was parched and cracked by the terrifying heat.

Victory and defeat!

Jiang Mo was still standing, while Nangong Wentian fell down. It was already clear at a glance who was stronger and who was weaker.


The terrifying aftermath of energy had already dissipated slowly, Luo Shengtian made a big move, and he took back the Jasper Qinghai bowl.

The situation of Jiang Mo and Nangong Wentian couldn't be clearer.

Everyone can see this scene.

"I knew that Junior Brother's tricks are endless. The person who can defeat him has not yet been born." Gu Linfeng's eyes were very sharp, and when he saw Nangong Wentian fell to the ground, he immediately shouted excitedly.

There was also a very happy smile on Ye Tong's pretty face, she was sincerely happy for Jiang Mo.

At the same time, an indescribable admiration grew in his heart.

In the Tianming Waterway, strong men emerge in large numbers, and the arrogance is like a cloud.

But Jiang Mo was able to pass all the way and remain invincible. What a majestic thing is this?

If it were other Tianjiao, how many people would be able to do what he did?

"Am I not mistaken? Nangong Wentian is a strong man who has survived the 'Fourty Nine Small Heavenly Tribulations'!"

"And, he also unlocked the 'Forty Nine Tribulations'!"

"This kind of strength is already very close to the powerhouse of the 'Eighty Nine Tribulations'."

"But looking at Jiang Mo, he only has the realm of a false emperor at rank seven."

"With such a huge disparity in cultivation, Jiang Mo was able to turn defeat into victory!"

"This has to be said to be a miracle!"

"Tsk tsk, this time, Jiang Mo must be the most dazzling talent in Tianming Waterway!"

There were bursts of admiration in the crowd.

At the beginning, everyone was just jealous of Jiang Mo's cultivation.

Now, Jiang Mo had defeated Nangong Wentian forcefully, causing everyone's emotions to change again.

No one was jealous of Jiang Mo anymore, but admired him from the bottom of their hearts.

This kind of record, it is estimated that those genius disciples of Tiansheng Dao Palace may not be able to achieve it, right?
"This little guy is really amazing?"

"I remember that it was written in his file that he was half a disciple of Emperor Wu of Samsara."

"Reincarnation Martial Emperor, his vision is still as sharp as ever!"

"The half of the disciples he recruited this time are not inferior to the first two disciples."

"Among the four disciples of Emperor Wu of Samsara, if the talent is the weakest, it should be Gu Linfeng?"

"Actually, you don't know much about Gu Linfeng. His talent will not be revealed until he enters the realm of Emperor Wu."

"He belongs to the kind who has accumulated a lot of money."

"Don't you think that Emperor Wu of Samsara's vision is really that weak?"

In the void, the three monitoring envoys of the Heavenly Saint Dao Palace were discussing in low voices.

Jiang Mo was able to defeat Nangong Wentian who had broken the 'Four Nine Tribulations', which was something they did not expect.

Below, Jiang Mo put a few pills to restore vitality into his mouth, and soon his face became much rosier.

He put the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword behind his back, and slowly walked in front of Nangong Wentian.

"Just now, didn't you want to fight me to the death?"

"Now, you are defeated!" Jiang Mo walked to a place three feet away from Nangong Wentian, stopped, and said calmly.

Winners and losers have been like this since ancient times.

The winner can stand high and overlook everything.

"What? Do you still want to take my life?" Nangong Wentian opened his eyes with difficulty.

"of course."

"However, before that, you need to answer me a question. I will let you die happily!" Jiang Mo said.

"You and I should have never met before."

"Have you been ordered by someone? To take my life?" Jiang Mo asked coldly.

Before Jiang Mo, with the power of the divine sense in the emperor's realm, he heard the sound transmission of the vitality, otherwise, he would not have connected Nangong Wentian with this matter.

Hearing Jiang Mo's question, Nangong Wentian's eyelids twitched slightly.

"If you don't answer, you will die now!"

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Mo released an awe-inspiring killing intent.

That killing intent, like ice and snow, covered Nangong Wentian's body, making him dare not move.

"I say."

Nangong Wentian didn't want to die, he was still young, he was the pride of the Nangong family, and he still had a bright future, how could he throw his life here?

"It's from the Mo family."

"They want me to kill you, and then give me the holy stone as a reward."

"If I hadn't wanted to bid for a phoenix war beast, and I was in short supply of holy stones, I wouldn't have agreed to the Mo family to take action against you." Nangong Wentian said hastily.

He even couldn't care less about the bleeding wound.

"It really is from the Mo family?"

"It's really a good method. You can already buy someone to kill someone in the Tianming Waterway?"

"I don't know, how many of their killers are there in the Tianming Waterway?" Jiang Mo thought to himself.

However, he then changed his voice and asked, "Just now, you said Phoenix Beast?"

"How many holy stones will the Mo family give you as a reward, enough to support you to bid for a phoenix war beast?"

You know, the phoenix war beast is more powerful than the ancient remnants.

Jiang Mo didn't believe that his head was so valuable that the Mo family was willing to pay such a high price to reward him.

"That's not the real Phoenix Beast, it's just because it is bathed in red flames, it looks very magical and unruly."

"The people at the auction house described it as a phoenix beast for publicity!"

"Moreover, what's even more miraculous is that that war beast has a terrifying sword intent all over its body."

"This makes many sword cultivators very interested in this beast!"

Hearing this, Jiang Mo's eyes suddenly focused.

"Bathed in red flames, unruly, surrounded by sword intent..."

"Could it be... Suzaku Sword Soul?"

Since losing contact with Suzaku Sword Soul last time, Jiang Mo has been secretly looking for it.

Unexpectedly, here, I learned the news about Suzaku Sword Soul.

"Tell me, which auction house is that phoenix war beast at now!"

Jiang Mo's eyes fixed on Nangong Wentian like sharp swords...

(End of this chapter)

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