Chapter 1354 Luo Han
Three days later, Leng Jian, who was No. 20 and eighth on the Qianlong list, was defeated by an unknown monk.

The news spread like a storm.

Not only the assessment disciples of Tianming Waterway knew about this, but even the people of the other six ancient paths also knew about it.

This news was also sent to the Mo family.


"This cold sword is simply a waste!"

"Leng Jian still has the nerve to regard him as the number one arrogance, which is simply ridiculous! He can't even take down a mere rank eight false emperor."

Mo Dingtian smashed a precious antique into pieces, and the people below were trembling, not daring to take a breath.

Mo Chenchen, who was kneeling below, turned his mind quickly, wanting to remedy the situation.

Leng Jian was the killer he invited, and now that the matter failed, it was natural for him, Mo Chenchen, to take up the responsibility.

"Father... my child has something to say, I don't know if I should say it or not." Mo Chenchen said in a low voice.

"Speak!" Mo Dingtian spat out a syllable coldly, his heart was full of killing intent, wishing he could go directly to Tianming Waterway and kill that kid named Jiang Mo with his own hands.

"I don't know if you still remember, my Mo family, and a wandering Wu lunatic."

Mo Chenchen has been reading classics in the family library these days.

Unexpectedly, he found a person known as 'Wu Crazy'.

That lunatic Wu used to be the pride of the Mo family, but because of drunken sex, he defiled a young niece of the patriarch at that time.

Afterwards, the lunatic Wu also said that he regarded the patriarch's niece as his long-awaited dream lover, and that's why he did such a careless thing.

However, when the patriarch asked Wu Fengzi to marry his niece, Wu Fengzi flatly refused.

The patriarch at that time was furious and wanted to kill that lunatic Wu.

However, due to the intercession of many elders, the death of Crazy Wu was spared. Of course, Crazy Wu was also expelled from the Mo family.

"When you say that, I have some impression."

"What, did you come up with any ideas?" Mo Dingtian said lightly.

"As long as my father agrees, if Crazy Wu makes a contribution to the family, he will be allowed to return to the Mo family. Then, my son will have a way to ask him to come out of the mountain and kill Jiang Mo." Mo Chenchen said with rolling eyes.

"It's easy for you to think. How can you be sure that after so many years, that madman Wu didn't die outside?" Mo Dingtian stared at Mo Chenchen and said.

"Boy, I went to the clan's ancestral hall to see that Crazy Wu's life soul jade is still shining, and the light is extremely strong. This means that his current cultivation base is very deep."

"It's just that because he offended the patriarch back then, his life soul jade was placed in a very inconspicuous place, so no one found it." Mo Chenchen said.

Hearing these words, Mo Dingtian's eyes flickered with light.

Now that Jiang Mo defeated Leng Jian, the news has spread.

In the future, he will definitely be able to enter the Tiansheng Dao Palace and become a disciple of Qianlong.

If that's the case, even the Mo family can't touch him, so they can touch him at will.

If you want to kill Jiang Mo and avenge Mo Qiyang, you must do so before he becomes a disciple of Qianlong in Tiansheng Dao Palace.

The time point is preferably between when he leaves Tianming Waterway and is selected into Tianshengdao Palace.

Just now, Mo Dingtian was still having a headache, how could he kill Jiang Mo without knowing it, without arousing the suspicion of Tianshengdao Palace.

Now, Mo Chenchen thought of Crazy Wu, but it made Mo Dingtian think of a way.

"The idea you said is very good, but if you want to bypass those old guys in Tianshengdao Palace, it is not enough to rely on a madman Wu to kill Jiang Mo." Mo Dingtian said.

He is now the person in power of the Mo family, and his height and gaze are not comparable to Mo Chenchen's.

Naturally, we have to look at the longer term.

If in the future, those old stubborn people in Tiansheng Dao Palace knew that he, Mo Dingtian, had secretly killed a Qianlong disciple, even Mo Dingtian would not be able to bear it after the fall.

"Then father... what do you mean?" Mo Chenchen's heart trembled slightly. It seemed that he still underestimated the energy of Tianshengdao Palace.

To kill a junior, one has to be so cautious, it is enough to see that the intelligence department of Tianshengdao Palace is already very large and terrifying.

"I will personally participate in this matter. You just need to bring that madman Wu to me, that's enough." Mo Dingtian rubbed his brows and waved his hand.

"What? Father, you have to participate in person!" After Mo Chenchen heard the words, his heart was shocked and his face was full of shock.

A mere rank eight pseudo-emperor actually wants his father to take action?
"Don't ask so many questions, hurry up!"

Mo Dingtian waved impatiently, but Mo Chenchen didn't dare to ask any more questions, so he quickly backed away.


At the same time, the other six ancient roads also got news.

Jiang Mo defeated Leng Jian. The news, not surprisingly, shocked more than [-]% of the monks.

Those weak monks all worshiped Jiang Mo with an attitude of looking up to him.

As for those monks who were standing at the top of the pyramid, they looked at this matter with a playful attitude.

"Tell me, what is going on with this cold sword?"

"Is he deliberately releasing water, using his reputation to make another person?"

"With the character of that guy Leng Jian, it's not like he can do something that intentionally releases water."

"Could it be that we have really met a strong opponent?"

"That's not the case. Leng Jian's strength is not that strong. I can defeat him within fifty moves."

Chenli Ancient Road, Luohuang Ancient Road...

The top arrogances on these ancient roads talked a lot.

In the end, this matter fermented more and more ferociously, causing the arrogances on several ancient roads to gather together.

These people accounted for [-]% of the people on the Hidden Dragon List.

Moreover, they all have a characteristic, that is, they all come from aristocratic families, and they look down on those casual cultivators very much.

"This guy named Jiang Mo is actually not very strong."

"This time, I called you here because I have something to discuss with you."

The monk who spoke had silver hair, and even his pair of pupils were silver in color. It looked a bit strange.

This person, named Luo Han, is a terrifying existence ranked No. 12 on the Qianlong list.

It is said that his realm is already very close to 'reincarnation and nirvana'.

"Brother Luo, what are your plans, we naturally support you." A woman with a very sexy figure and a charming appearance said with beautiful eyes.

Luo Han smiled, and his silver hair fluttered with the wind. If you observe carefully, you can see traces of Yuanli light flowing on his silver hair, which looks very strange.

"This matter is not a trivial matter, although on the surface, it is aimed at that guy named Jiang Mo."

"But in fact, they are challenging the bottom line of the Dao Palace."

"How? Do you have the guts to do this?"

(End of this chapter)

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