Chapter 1357 Final Selection

clang, clang, clang-
In the Tianming waterway, the melodious sound of the ancient bell sounded.

Upon hearing this voice, Gu Linfeng raised his head and said, "The assessment is over so soon?"

Not only here, but also in many other places, the disciples in the assessment all heard the bell.

The sound of the bell signified that the assessment of Tianshengdao Palace was over.

The arrogance of the seven ancient paths will gather together for the final decisive battle.

"Junior Brother, let's go. Everyone will gather in Canglong Mountain for the final selection!" Gu Linfeng said with fiery eyes.

At that time, it will be the collision between the top talents, and that will be the most exciting moment.

"it is good."

Jiang Mo nodded in agreement.

With his current cultivation base, coupled with the bottom-of-the-box methods such as the Seventh Heaven of Sword Dao and the Ancient Sword of Heavenly Punishment, Jiang Mo is fearless even in the face of the top Tianjiao.

Canglong Mountain exudes vast energy fluctuations, guiding the examination disciples to fly there.

For the seven ancient paths, the top [-] of each ancient path will be ranked based on the number of holy path stones in hand.

Only the top [-] are eligible to participate in the final selection.

However, if the performance is particularly eye-catching during the assessment process, such as entering the hidden dragon list, then even if you do not rank in the top [-], you can still participate in the final selection.

However, such people are very few.

From Tianming Waterway to Canglong Mountain, Jiang Mo and the others flew for nearly two sticks of incense before arriving.

After coming here, Jiang Mo discovered that this place is a very vast mountain range.

The surrounding boulders and ancient trees have been cleared away, making the field of vision very wide.

The top of the mountain seemed to be chopped off by a huge axe, forming a vast battle platform.

Around the battle platform, eight ancient bronze mirrors were placed to capture the scene here without any dead ends.

When the final election starts, the scene that happened here will be transmitted to Tianshengdao Palace, the cave of those famous martial arts masters.

If there is any famous martial arts teacher who takes a fancy to a certain disciple, he will directly light up the famous teacher pen on the battle stage.

On the battle stage, there are a total of [-] master pens, each representing [-] martial arts masters.

In previous years, there was a very monstrous Tianjiao who caused eight famous martial arts masters to light up the master pens at the same time, causing a huge commotion.

Now, some people are looking forward to how many famous martial arts masters will be favored by the most monstrous of the new disciples this time.

Swish, swish, swish...

As time passed, figures landed on the edge of the battle platform.

Each ancient road can only be born in the top [-].

Therefore, the seven ancient paths, added together, only have seven hundred disciples.

It is more than enough to be placed on this battle platform, and it will not appear crowded.

A burly old man with white hair descended from the void.

"Congratulations everyone, you have passed the assessment and come to the final election."

"If it goes well, you will become a true disciple of the Heavenly Saint Dao Palace."

This white-haired old man, named Zheng Tong, is a monk at the level of Emperor Wu, and his strength is very powerful.

After hearing Zheng Tong's words, many monks were very excited.

Except for the children of those aristocratic families, most of them don't have any deep background.

If you can enter the Tianshengdao Palace, it means that you can reach the sky in one step!
Just ask, how many people can not be tempted?
"This battle platform will change the battle environment and test your ability to survive in different battle environments."

"So, you have to be careful." Zheng Tong said.

"Hey, let me tell you, Old Zheng, if these 700 people compete one by one, when will it be?"

An old man dressed in rags, holding a broken cattail fan, came from the void, shook his head and said.

"Hehe, of course I won't compete one by one. In that case, wouldn't it be a waste of my time." Zheng Tong laughed.

After pausing for a moment, he looked at the seven hundred disciples on the battle stage and said, "The last eighty disciples of each assessment path step onto the battle stage and engage in a big scuffle."

As soon as these words came out, the seven hundred disciples immediately fell silent.

Big melee?
In this case, isn't it too unfair?
Especially for those monks who don't have any background and don't know how to form cliques.

"Don't look at the old man with such eyes. If you are really capable, those martial arts masters will definitely be able to discern gold with their eyes." Zheng Tong said.

In fact, even though he said so, when it comes to the big melee, there will definitely be unfair things.

In this case, it will test the adaptability of these disciples even more.

The last [-] disciples of each assessment path walked up to the center of the platform with mournful faces.

They looked at the people around them vigilantly, for fear that the other party would make a sudden move.

Because Jiang Mo defeated Leng Jian, he ranked No. 20 and eighth on the Qianlong list, so naturally he didn't have to participate in the big melee.

However, Gu Linfeng was going to be much unlucky. The number of holy path stones in his hand was not much, making him just ranked No. 60 at the ninth place.

As for Chu Xiu and Ye Tong, they didn't have to fight because they were escorts.

"Brother, be careful." Jiang Mo said to Gu Linfeng.

"Don't worry, although your senior brother and I are not as strong as you, it is still enough to deal with these guys. After all, I have broken through the 'Fourty Nine Little Tribulations'!"

Gu Linfeng rubbed his nose, and leaped onto the battle platform.

The release of his breath caused many monks to be slightly startled.

Indeed, as Gu Linfeng said, there are not many monks who have broken through the 'Fourty Nine Small Heavenly Tribulation'.


Zheng Tong yelled, and the surrounding area of ​​the battle platform suddenly lit up with a silver light, isolating those who didn't need to participate in the melee.

"Boy, you are going to die!"

"Get out!"

"Just because of you, you want to defeat me!"

"Tianshengdao Palace, I am in samadhi!"


As soon as the battle started, it was extremely fierce, and everyone used their skills to suppress the bottom of the box.

In this chaotic situation, if you still hide it, you probably don't know how you died.

Of course, this just happened to prove the true strength of a martial artist.

The aftermath of the energy released by the battle of hundreds of people is extremely terrifying.

Especially for these people, they are all arrogance from various places.

Even though the protective cover around the battle platform was condensed by the powerful Emperor Wudi, it was still shaking and might break at any time.

The battle lasted for nearly two hours, and with the rupture of the silver light curtain, Zheng Tong announced the end of the battle.

Gu Linfeng was on the platform, crumbling, his nose was blue and his face was swollen, and he was miserable.

It can't be blamed on other people, it's just that this guy is too arrogant.

As soon as the battle started, he released a powerful aura, which attracted many monks to attack him fiercely.

"All famous teachers, please choose your disciples."

Zheng Tong turned to the north, said slightly with his hands clasped.

At this moment, the eyes of those hundreds of disciples became blazing, and they didn't know whether they could be selected into the Heavenly Saint Dao Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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