Chapter 1359 Jinyang Pavilion

The other party was not kind, and all of them were strong one against one, even Jiang Mo did not dare to underestimate them too much.

He raised his eyes and looked at the so-called 'Children' over there.

"This Luo Han, maybe he has the strength to be in the top ten on the Qianlong list." Jiang Mo said secretly in his heart.

From Luo Han's pair of silver pupils, Jiang Mo felt a sense of disdain.

It seemed that Luo Han did not regard Jiang Mo as an opponent.

On the contrary, those people behind Luo Han showed fierce coldness in their eyes, and regarded Jiang Mo as prey, releasing vague killing intent.

"I should have no grievances with these people. If they really have the intention to kill me, then it is probably from Luo Han's instruction." Jiang Mo rubbed his brows, thinking quickly in his mind.

However, he never imagined that the reason why Luo Han wanted to kill him was to challenge the rules of the Dao Palace.

Luo Han wanted to use the death of a Qianlong disciple to test the attitude of those in power of the older generation in the Dao Palace.

Of course, Luo Han would not have dared to do this without the approval of the family's senior management.

Unable to figure it out, he simply stopped thinking about it. Jiang Mo looked away and made up his mind that if he stepped on the battlefield, he must be more careful.

"Luo Han, where do you think this is? Is it the backyard of your Luo family?" Zheng Tong scolded.

If it is true according to what Luo Han said, then Tianshengdao Palace will definitely be criticized in the future. Although there will be no problems in a short period of time, if things go on like this, it will be a fatal blow to the reputation of Tianshengdao Palace. hit.

Zheng Tong didn't dare to be that eternal sinner.

Luo Han was rejected, a trace of coldness flashed across his face, and then he backed away.

"Now the lottery is drawn, and the duel will be played in order." Zheng Tong said.

As long as a little comparison is made, it can be found that the disciples ranked in the bottom [-] of each ancient path are completely incomparable with the disciples in the top [-].

For the top [-] disciples, Tianshengdao Palace let them fight one-on-one to fully demonstrate their talents.

In this way, more famous martial arts masters will be able to notice.

If Gu Linfeng had gotten such an opportunity, it wouldn't have been so miserable, and he would have been eliminated directly in the melee.

After Zheng Tong finished speaking, he waved his hand, and white jade stones appeared in midair. Each jade stone was engraved with numbers, representing each other's opponents and the order of appearance.


With a move, Jiang Mo grabbed a jade stone with 'Fifteen' on it.

This means that he will play in the No.15 battle.

As for Gu Linfeng, he caught a jade with an 'eight' on it.

"Junior Brother, that's great. Now I can finally show myself." Gu Linfeng said happily.

"Brother, don't be careless. The monks who can break into the top [-] of each ancient road have extraordinary means." Jiang Mo reminded him, he was worried that Gu Linfeng would be like before.

"Jinyang Pavilion is short of a maid, would you like to come in?"

Just when everyone caught the jade, a rough voice resounded, and at the same time a beam of dazzling light fell on Yetong's body.

When this voice sounded, Zheng Tong frowned slightly, and said in his heart: "It is difficult to recruit a maid once in ten or eight years in this Jinyang Pavilion, what happened today?"

He knew very well that Jinyang Pavilion had an old pavilion owner with half of his foot in the ground.

This old pavilion master has always been studying the way of dual cultivation and knows how to harvest yin and nourish yang. Over the years, he has used countless women as his cultivation furnace.

However, because of the special status of this person in Tianshengdao Palace, no one has mentioned this matter until now.

Zheng Tong looked at Yetong with sympathy in his eyes, and sighed secretly in his heart: "Such a good girl will be ruined again."

However, many disciples didn't know the inside story of this, thought it was a great opportunity, and cast envious and jealous eyes on Ye Tong.

You know, just by listening to the name of the 'Golden Sun Pavilion', you know that it has an absolutely extraordinary position in the Tianshengdao Palace.

Even going in and being a maid is a blessing that many people can hardly achieve.

Yetong now completely regards Jiang Mo as her backbone. When she heard what she said just now, she subconsciously asked Jiang Mo for advice.

"If you are doing this little girl's best, then don't let her go to the Jinyang Pavilion." Luo Shengtian whispered a voice into Jiang Mo's ears.

Jiang Mo could sense the sincerity in Luo Shengtian's voice.

"I brought you here, so naturally you have to be with me." Jiang Mo said to Yetong, and immediately cupped his fists at the void, saying, "Senior, forgive us for not following orders."

After Jiang Mo refused for Ye Tong, those disciples all showed regretful expressions.

At the same time, the voice in the void made a heavy sound.

"I don't know what to do!"

"How many people, three lives and three lives, can't cultivate blessings, and enter the Jinyang Pavilion. You're lucky, but you refused?" the voice angrily said.

"Senior, please take back your kindness." Unknown Jiang said forcefully.

Does the owner of this voice actually want to rely on the power of Jinyang Pavilion to bully others?

What Jiang Mo hates the most is bullying others!

The owner of that voice was obviously very angry, but under the watchful eyes of everyone, he didn't dare to snatch someone.

"I hope you don't regret it in the future."

Master Jiao snorted coldly, and reluctantly moved his eyes away from Yetong's delicate body.

He sensed that Yetong possessed an extremely rare pure yin body, if he could bring her to the Jinyang Pavilion for the old pavilion master to enjoy, it would definitely greatly increase the old pavilion master's cultivation.

At that time, it will definitely be a beautiful thing for the old Pavilion Master to reward him with a Martial Emperor Golden Elixir.

However, all of this was broken by Jiang Mo, which made Master Jiao extremely angry.

"Okay, let's start the competition now." Master Jiao's breath, after leaving here, Zheng Tong announced the start.

Even Zheng Tong has some fears about the Jinyang Pavilion.

Few people know the background of Jinyang Pavilion.

Jiang Mo felt that Ye Tong, who was standing beside her, trembled slightly.

"Don't worry, with me here, they can't hurt you." Jiang Mo cast a comforting look at Ye Tong.

At this moment, the fight on the battle stage has already begun.

Those who can reach this step are all those who are at the pinnacle of the Nine-turn Pseudo-Emperor, and they are only short of that step to reach a higher level.

Therefore, when they played against each other, it was very dazzling.

It's just that the most powerful ones are only in the realm of "Fourty Nine Little Tribulations", so it's really hard to arouse Jiang Mo's interest.

After finally making it to the eighth round, Gu Linfeng shouted loudly and jumped onto the battle stage, looking full of momentum.

"Who will fight with me?" Gu Linfeng said, patting his chest.

"It's just a clown, let me let you know how high the sky is and how thick the earth is!"

A monk with very long arms came out from the 'Children of the World'. His eyes, with a burst of evil spirit, stared at Gu Linfeng and laughed maliciously...

(End of this chapter)

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