Chapter 1367 More Than Enough
"I said senior brother, can you have a little confidence in me. Although he is very strong, your junior brother is not a vegetarian!"

Jiang Mo pouted helplessly.

The 'Eighty Nine Heavenly Tribulation' monk on the battle stage is only in the early stage, and even his strength is not even comparable to Leng Jian.

In addition, when facing Luo Han, this person was instinctively afraid of fighting, which is why he lost so quickly.

If he is willing to resist desperately, it will definitely be another result.

It's a pity that he was eliminated before he had time, or dared to show his strength.

No martial arts master is willing to accept such a person as a disciple.

It is worth mentioning that neither Jiang Mo nor Luo Han has received an invitation from a martial arts master.

Because those famous martial arts masters with sharp eyes knew very well that these two people would definitely be able to make it to the end.

Rather than speaking now, it would be better to wait until Jiang Mo and Luo Han fully demonstrated their talents before sending out invitations.

At that time, it is estimated that there will be many martial arts masters competing for it.

At that time, it wasn't the master of martial arts who chose the disciple, but the disciple who chose the master.

After all, wherever a genius goes, they will receive preferential treatment.

The battle of 140 people is divided into seventy games.

It has been compared from sunrise to sunset. Fortunately, all the people present are monks with profound cultivation and will not feel tired.

Even, for those disciples whose strength is low, this is an extremely rare opportunity to observe.

If you can understand it, it will be of great benefit to your future practice.

The battle that shocked Jiang Mo the most was the battle between fourth and seventh on the Qianlong list.

The one ranked fourth, named Luo Chenghe, had already reached the 'Nirvana Tribulation of Reincarnation' cultivation base, and his explosive fighting power was comparable to that of the early Martial Emperor.

Luo Chenghe and Luo Han are cousins ​​of the Luo family. They are also known as the Luo family's twin prides, representing the top fighting strength among the younger generation of the Luo family.

There will be more than tens of thousands of people participating in the selection of disciples in each Dao Palace, and these tens of thousands of people are not ordinary people.

However, Luo Chenghe and Luo Han were able to stand out from the tens of thousands of arrogances. One ranked fourth on the Qianlong list, and the other occupied No.12 on the Qianlong list. From this, it can be seen that this is so dazzling achievement.

This also confirmed the strength of the Luo people from one side.

You know, if you want to cultivate such a terrifying peerless hero, talent alone is far from enough.

Without the support of a deep clan background, it is impossible to cultivate such a powerful hero.

The aftermath of the energy that erupted from the battle between the two was so huge that several Martial Emperor powerhouses in the Dao Palace had to block it to prevent the surrounding low-level monks from being instantly killed.

To put it bluntly, ordinary monks under the realm of the 'Fourty Nine Tribulations' are really likely to be instantly killed by the aftermath of that berserk energy.

As for the seventh person on the Qianlong list, named Qin Le, he also reached the realm of 'Reincarnation Nirvana'.

Although the two ranked high and low on the hidden dragon list, when they really fought, they didn't distinguish between high and low.

The two fought fiercely for an hour, causing the mountains to collapse, the river to reverse, and the void seemed to be pierced through holes, and there was still no winner.

Later, Zheng Tong had to come forward and announced that the two were tied.

As for Qin Le's origin, it seems like a mystery that few people know.

Among the top ten disciples on the Qianlong list, except for these two who fought against each other, the other eight did not show up.

Because, with their unparalleled talents, they have long been accepted by the top martial arts masters, and there is no need to participate in the final selection.

As for Luo Chenghe and Qin Le, the reason for their fight is said to be to compete for a woman.

"Compared with his cousin, Luo Han is really far behind."

"Whether it's xinxing or cultivation." Zheng Tong said.

"Luo Han has a very violent personality. Even after practicing the "Nine Yin Yuhan Sutra", it is difficult to completely refine his inner violence. It will be fine if there is no accident in the future. If there is an accident, it is estimated that the Luo people will immediately, Abandon him." Luo Shengtian touched his chin and said slowly.

These two powerful Emperor Wu knew that the Luo people cherished their reputation very much. When Luo Han's inner violence could not be suppressed by the "Nine Yin Yuhan Jing", then he had probably become a demon.

For the Luo people, the best course of action is to kill this arrogance directly in front of the people of the world.

"You're right, but at least for now, those old fellows of the Luo clan can still see a glimmer of hope from Luo Han." Zheng Tong said with narrowed eyes.

The two chatted for a while, and Zheng Tong's figure immediately flew into the air, making a thick and powerful voice.

"The first round of final selection is over."

"Now, there are 60 people left. In the second round of final selection, the method will be slightly changed."

After finishing speaking, Zheng Tong drew a horizontal line and two vertical lines in the void with both hands.

The grid fell on the battle platform from the void, causing the original battle platform to be divided into six small independent battle platforms.

"The second round is the defending battle."

"Six disciples will go to the stage first, and the remaining disciples will challenge. If they win a game, they will get [-] points."

"If you can win consecutively, the points will be superimposed."

"It's just that if you lose, half of the points from the defender will be given to the challenger."

"These points can allow you to enter the secret realm of the Dao Palace to practice in the future."

"The benefits of the secret realm of the Dao Palace, you don't need to talk about it, you will understand it in the future."

After Zheng Tong finished speaking, the eyes of the remaining 60 people became hot.

The attraction of the secret realm of the Dao Palace is probably greater than many treasures!
It is said that the disciples in Youdao Palace once entered the secret realm of Earth-level Dao Palace in the realm of 'Samsara Nirvana Tribulation', and when they came out, they entered the realm of Emperor Wu.

The secret realm of the earth-level Taoist palace alone has such a terrifying effect, so what about the secret realm of the heaven-level Taoist palace?

It is even more mouth-watering!

"Mo Wangchen, Lin Xiaoyu..." Zheng Tong read out six names, and they will be the defenders first. As long as they can defend for one round, they can get [-] points.

"For the remaining 54 people, you can each choose a battle platform. Once you choose, you cannot change it." Zheng Tong said.

Hearing this, everyone's eyes swept across the six arenas, wanting to choose the weakest defender.

Looking at the commotion around the crowd, Jiang Mo slowly stood up and walked towards the sixth battle platform.

Because, on the sixth battle platform, he saw a member of the 'Children of the World'.

The member of the 'Shizituan' is the Overlord of the Purple Spear. When Zheng Tong was doing roll call just now, he just named the Overlord of the Purple Spear as the ring guard.

"If I remember correctly, you just had a big battle a few hours ago, do you still have the strength to challenge me?" The Purple Spear Overlord couldn't help but sneered when he saw Jiang Mo approaching.

"I dare not tell others, but it should be more than enough to deal with you."

Jiang Mo rubbed the tip of his nose, smiled faintly, his expression was very calm...

(End of this chapter)

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