Chapter 1373 Awakening from a Dream

The moment he saw the three-color flame, Luo Han's eyes widened, and his face was full of horror.

He was only less than ten feet away from Jiang Mo, so he could most feel the terrifying fluctuations released from the three-color flame.

If that energy bursts out, even Luo Han, he has the possibility of falling.

"How did this kid come up with such a powerful move?" Luo Han's heart trembled violently, and for a moment, he didn't dare to act rashly.

He was worried that if he moved, he would be bombarded by Jiang Mo like a storm.

Apart from Luo Han, the two people who touched me the most were Zheng Tong and Luo Shengtian.

Because their cultivation base is the strongest among all the people present, if the group of three-color flames erupt, what kind of terrible impact it will bring, even they can't guarantee it.

"Huh? Why is Luo Han's body shaking?"

"Could it be that he thinks he's no match for his junior?" Gu Linfeng's eyes were sharp, and he noticed Luo Han's trembling body and fearful eyes.

"Since you have always wanted to kill me, then I will give you this chance."

"If you can catch my move, I will let you be slaughtered." Jiang Mo's mouth curled into a faint smile, and then his vitality poured into his palm, ejecting the three-color flame.


The three-color flame flew out, like a beautiful flower, slowly rotating, and wherever it passed, the space turned into pitch blackness.

Under the beautiful appearance, there is a deadly danger.

"Boy, are you crazy? Do you want to die together?" Luo Han yelled in horror.

Before this, Luo Han never thought that Jiang Mo could survive ten moves under his command, let alone threaten him.

But now, that three-color flame really made Luo Han smell the smell of death.

"It's definitely not an easy task to defeat me." Luo Han roared, and from the pores of his body, he released strands of silver 'refinement vitality'. The majestic amount made the entire battle stage are all enveloped.

"Ziwei is here!"

Luo Han's handprints changed rapidly, and at the same time, he was silently reciting the formula, which made the 'refinement of vitality' merge with the heaven and the earth, and he was about to have a hard blow with Jiang Mo.

"My God!"

"Luo Han has displayed his ultimate killing method!"

"It is said that there used to be a strong man in the early days of Emperor Wu of the Luo clan who was imprisoned in the Luo clan and used it to practice martial arts with Luo Han."

"But when Luo Han practiced the move of 'Ziwei Advent', the prisoner in the early days of Emperor Wu was directly killed on the spot."

"This move, even in the Luo tribe, is considered a top-notch martial art."

"Among the younger generation of the Luo tribe, only Luo Chenghe and Luo Han have practiced. It's just that Luo Chenghe's grasp of this move is stronger than Luo Han's."


Some monks who knew the inside story said with shocking eyes.

They obviously didn't expect that Jiang Mo would force Luo Han to use this move 'Ziwei Linshi' without hesitating to waste some of his cultivation.

After a few breaths, a huge crape myrtle star fell from the void, releasing a radiant light.

The power of one after another star turned into a sword, an axe, and a ferocious ancient wild beast, and suppressed it towards the tiny three-color flame.

Jiang Mo narrowed his eyes slightly, and immediately backed away quickly, uttering a syllable 'Boom! '.

As soon as his voice fell, the two forces that could shake the world suddenly collided with each other.

Bang, bang, bang...


A series of terrifying bangs that could shatter eardrums resounded through the sky.

Energy ripples like a tsunami swept out frantically from the center of the collision, causing all the clouds in midair to be shredded.

The swords, axes, and ancient wild beasts transformed by the power of the stars were all destroyed by the violent power of the three-color flames after several confrontations.

The void has been torn apart by thousands of feet, even Zheng Tong and Luo Shengtian were shocked.

This level of confrontation is not weaker than some Martial Emperor powerhouses.

"Hahaha, if you are able to use such a method, you should have used up all your cards. Next, let me see what you have to fight with!" Luo Han couldn't help but see Ziwei stars blocking the small three-color flame. laughed out loud.

Although he is very weak now, he believes that with Jiang Mo's cultivation, he must consume even more.

Let's see now, who can last till the end.

"Really? Do you think too highly of yourself?" Jiang Mo sneered coldly. The moment his voice fell, the three-color flame spun again, and a beam of thumb-thick light burst out from the center of the flame suddenly. .

The flame beam destroyed Ziwei Star in an instant, and finally hit Luo Han's body with undiminished power.


On Luo Han's right chest, a bloody hole was pierced by the flame beam.

However, when the terrifying high temperature passed through Luo Han's body, it directly burned his blood vessels and muscles into coke, and not a drop of blood flowed out at all.

If it weren't for Luo Han's physical body, which was very powerful, this flame beam might have wiped him out on the spot.

Jiang Mo took a deep breath, mobilized the last bit of strength in his body, jumped up, held the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword, and slashed at Luo Han.

Unexpectedly, when Jianfeng was about to cut off Luo Han's neck, he relied on his instinctive reaction to arouse the last desire to survive in his body, and dodged it. At the same time, he raised his knee and slammed towards Jiang Mo's abdomen.

Jiang Mo was also shocked, he never expected that Luo Han's vitality was so tenacious.

Turning around like lightning, Jiang Mo staggered Luo Han's attack, and at the same time kicked out with his right foot, hitting Luo Han's head.

Luo Han couldn't dodge in time, so he could only step back quickly to avoid Jiang Mo's kick, which would smash his head into pieces.

In the end, both of them were exhausted and fell on the battle platform, but Jiang Mo still kept his right foot on Luo Han's head.

For Luo Han, such a scene was a great shame and humiliation.

However, at this moment, there is not even a shred of strength in his body.

The power of 'Ziwei Advent' is very powerful, but if it is used with all its strength, it can almost drain all the power of a person.

"The battle is over, Jiang Mo wins!" Zheng Tong yelled at the right time.

If Jiang Mo really killed Luo Han on the battlefield, he might cause countless troubles.

The Luo nationality also had a deep influence in the Tianshengdao Palace.

From Zheng Tong's point of view, he doesn't want any accidents to happen to Jiang Mo, a peerless genius.

After hearing this voice, everyone woke up like a dream, with incredible expressions on their faces...

(End of this chapter)

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