Chapter 1381
The old disciples of the Dao Palace here all jumped their feet in anger, but there was nothing they could do.

With their cultivation, they are no match for Jiang Mo at all.

"Only the few of us know about this matter, and no one is allowed to spread it. Otherwise, our reputation will be rotten in the Taoist Palace in the future." Hua Sheng looked at everyone and said.

"We're not fools. How could such a scandal be publicized?" Ao Zhen said angrily as his injuries had not yet fully recovered.

If it wasn't for Watson's instigation, how could he have fought Jiang Mo?
Losing those points is a trivial matter, and it's a big shame.

"Watson, you have the most ideas. That kid has won us so many points, so let's just forget it?" An old disciple said with an angry face.

"According to the current situation, it will be very difficult for us to get the points back from his hands." Watson lowered his eyebrows, and after a while, he said: "After I go back, I will think of a way and see if I can do it." You can't ask the core disciples in the inner palace to take action."

"No matter what, I have to let out this bad breath."


Jiang Mo's figure was flying in mid-air, and the power of the emperor's spiritual sense was released, covering the secret realm with a radius of thousands of miles.

There are many dangers here, and there are terrible wild beasts haunting from time to time, even Jiang Mo dare not make too much publicity.

"From here, six hundred miles to the northwest, there is a place of cultivation, which seems to be full of vitality. I can choose to break through to the realm of the nine-turn pseudo-emperor there." Jiang Mo said secretly in his heart.

Just now, the battle with Ao Zhen not only allowed Jiang Mo to master the seventh form of the Nine Dragon Wind and Thunder Palm, but also allowed him to touch the threshold of the nine-turn false emperor once again.

This time, Jiang Mo will not miss another chance.

The speed was driven to the extreme, and after dozens of breaths, Jiang Mo's figure appeared in that space.

A fiery gust of wind blew up around him, hitting his face, making one feel like he was in a steamer.

"Such a powerful fiery energy." Jiang Mo sighed with emotion, and then sat down cross-legged in the void.

The crimson vitality has formed a thick fog, covering the world.

The place where Jiang Mo was located was actually the top of a mountain. Due to the dense fog, the waterfall below was invisible.

Jiang Mo didn't pay attention to the roar of the waterfall coming from his ears. He sat cross-legged in the void with his eyes slightly closed, allowing himself to enter the best state of cultivation.

After about a stick of incense, he took a deep breath, formed mudras with his hands, mobilized the majestic vitality in his body, and began to attack the entrances in various acupoints.


If someone was beside Jiang Mo, he would be able to hear the abundant energy flowing through the meridians in his body, like surging waves, extremely vast.

"Dayan Tianji Jue!"

"Give me a run!"

After a low growl, Jiang Mo urged Dayan Tianji Jue to try to open the checkpoints in the meridians.

Time passed by minute by minute, and the vitality in his dantian was boiling, as if it was boiling.

I don't know how long it took, but his body seemed to turn into a black hole.

The crimson vitality around him poured into his body continuously.

Jiang Mo's body trembled slightly, only with the help of this huge power of heaven and earth, he could break through the entrance and reach the realm of nine-turn false emperor.

The so-called breaking out of a cocoon and becoming a butterfly is nothing more than that.

A few days later, the vitality of the world here was almost swallowed by Jiang Mo, and at the same time, thunder clouds gathered above the sky.

Heaven and Earth Thunder Tribulation is a hurdle that every top monk must pass through.

Just because Jiang Mo was in a secret realm, the process of the Heaven and Earth Thunder Tribulation would not be omitted.

Almost in an instant, Thunder Calamity came whistling, shaking the space as if it was about to shatter.

Some of the disciples who had experienced in the secret realm were a little horrified.

In the past, no one dared to choose to break through the realm in the secret realm!

You know, the thunder calamity in the secret realm is more terrifying than the outside world.

The dark red thunder gathered together to form a terrifying ferocious wild beast, which rushed down ferociously.

Jiang Mo sat cross-legged in the void, clenched his fists fiercely, and bombarded the ferocious Thunder Beast.

The thunder beast exploded directly, forming a mass of purple light spots.

It's just that the endless landmine beasts swooped down from the void.

Since they are in the secret realm, the shape of these thunder beasts is very similar to the size of the desolate beasts in the secret realm.

There are strange fish with huge tails, bone-eating birds with sharp fangs, and majestic mountain monsters...

These unheard of and unseen ferocious wild beasts seemed to be driven by some kind of force to rush down and tear Jiang Mo to pieces.

"Slay the sky with one sword!"

Jiang Mo roared in a deep voice, urging the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword to unleash the strongest kendo power, and swept across the area with a single strike, even those powerful Thunder Beasts couldn't resist it.

Bang, bang, bang...

The Thunder Beast was shattered, and the power of this Heaven and Earth Calamity gradually reached its peak.

Even for Jiang Mo, it was extremely difficult to parry.

The clothes on his body have been shattered by the terrifying thunder force.

The upper body exposed in the air looks very strong and powerful, like a wild cheetah.

Bang, bang, bang...

The power of lightning exploded on Jiang Mo's body, and his body was smashed into the bottom.

"I have gone through so many ups and downs, how could I fall here?"

Jiang Mo took a deep breath, activated the Nine Dragon Wind and Thunder Palm, and punched out with both fists, like a roar of wind and thunder.

"Annihilate Tiangang!"

Jiang Mo punched out the sixth form of the Nine Dragons Wind and Thunder Palm, and all the thunder beasts in the void shattered away.

With the coming of a long and vast terrifying aura, Jiang Mo's eyes shone brightly.

"Nine-turn False Emperor!"

"I have finally entered this realm!"

Jiang Mo raised his head to the sky and let out a long cry, clenched his fists tightly, and the feeling of full strength rippled through his limbs.

With such a powerful aura, the surrounding red mist of vitality was shaken away.

"Who allowed you to practice here?"

Just when Jiang Mo was happy, a cold voice, like a woman's voice containing anger, came from the waterfall below.

After hearing this voice, Jiang Mo was startled.

"There are still people here? Why didn't I notice it before?"

"If she makes a move when I break through, wouldn't I be very dangerous?"

Thinking of this, Jiang Mo broke out in a cold sweat.

Just as Jiang Mo's thoughts were turning, the red cloud was pushed away, and a tall woman with a delicate body in a white gauze, stepped on the cloud with jade feet, and flew in front of Jiang Mo.

From the woman in white, Jiang Mo felt a sense of oppression.

You know, Jiang Mo has already broken through to the realm of the nine-turn pseudo-emperor, and the person who can make him feel oppressed is at least a strong person at the level of Emperor Wu.

How could this young woman who looked like she was only in her 20s be a strong Emperor Wudi?
 In the chapter in the morning, the typesetting was not very good. Tang Tang readjusted it, and now it is fine.I would like to say sorry to everyone here.

(End of this chapter)

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