Chapter 1385 Titan Giant Ape
Wangyou Abyss is in a secret realm, not many people know about it.

It took Jiang Mo a full two days to find this place by luck after using the Divine Sense of the Emperor Realm.

"Phew, if you fall from this kind of place, I'm afraid there will be no bones left." Jiang Mo stood on the edge of the cliff and looked down, only feeling dizzy.

I don't know how high this place is tens of thousands of feet high. It is probably one of the places with the biggest gap in the secret realm.

Jiang Mo saw a blood-colored stone tablet floating in mid-air, with several blood-colored characters written on it: Wangyou Abyss!

The abyss is filled with poisonous gas, and there are many tyrannical monsters flying past in the abyss, making long cries.

"Even if Lou Qinghan comes to this kind of place, he must be cautious." After Jiang Mo secretly said in his heart, he activated the Eight Desolation Burning Heaven Flame, forming a circle of flame gauze around his body, covering the every part of the body.

This kind of radiant flame has the effect of restraining most evil things.

After doing all these, Jiang Mo leaned over and flew towards the bottom of the abyss.

You can see along the way, there are many bones in sight.

Some of the white bones were inserted obliquely into the cliffs, and some of the white bones had been blown into powder by the strong wind in the abyss.

There are not only the bones of Taoist monks, but also the bones of desolate beasts.

This has never been a greenhouse, but a place of experience that is more dangerous than the outside world.

The abyss of Wangyou seemed limitless. After flying for a stick of incense, Jiang Mo stopped. He didn't know where he would arrive if he continued to move forward.

However, his subconscious mind told him that he should not go any further, as there might be irresistible danger ahead.


The sound of chuckling came from next to his ears, which made Jiang Mo's goosebumps emerge from his skin.

"Could it be that there are dead spirits in this place?" Jiang Mo said secretly in his heart.

The voice just now was ethereal, like duckweed that hadn't taken root, floating around.

Just as Jiang Mo was looking for the source of the strange laughter, suddenly there was a dull thunderous sound from the end of the earth.

At the same time, Jiang Mo felt that the ground under his feet was shaking, and stones the size of a fist were suspended in midair.

"Could it be that we encountered the desolate beast in Wangyou Abyss so soon?" Jiang Mo thought to himself, then took out the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword, poured vitality into it, and waited for it.

After a few breaths, a gigantic ape with a size of more than ten feet galloped towards Jiang Mo.

The vegetation along the way was all trampled into powder by the giant ape. Its body was pitch black, but bursts of scarlet light radiated from its skin and muscles, making it very creepy.

"Titan giant ape!" Staring at this giant, Jiang Mo gasped and said in surprise.

This kind of desolate beast has long been extinct in the Middle Ages. Unexpectedly, there are such creatures in the Wangyou Abyss!
bang, bang...

The Titan Giant Ape swung a fist the size of a water tank, and smashed it down at Jiang Mo.

Before the attack arrived, the ground standing under Jiang Mo's feet had completely collapsed, and the huge stones were turned into powder in an instant.

The physical strength of the titan great ape is very strong and can destroy mountains. Ordinary body cultivators may not dare to confront it head-on.

"Nine Dragons Wind and Thunder Palm!"

"The gods are watching!"

Jiang Mo put the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword behind his back, and without the slightest hesitation, he activated the palm of Nine Dragons Fenglei, the strongest form he has successfully practiced so far!
Immediately, all the energy in the surrounding world was withdrawn and poured into Jiang Mo's fists.

Bang, boom!

The two huge forces collided suddenly, and the energy ripples converged into substance, sweeping wildly towards the surroundings like a storm.

An energy storm formed here, sweeping in the vegetation and boulders.

The titan giant ape retreated more than a dozen steps in a row, and finally hit the cliff, causing a large gap in the cliff.

Jiang Mo didn't feel well either, he just felt numb in his jaw, and his bones seemed to be shifting, which made his blood twitch.

"This titan giant ape is probably about to enter the ninth rank! The desolate beast that became an emperor in the flesh can be called an invincible existence in the same realm."

"Fortunately, it hasn't fully entered the ninth step. In that case, I still have a chance to kill it."

"A desolate beast of this level definitely has a holy soul in its body. If I can kill it and obtain its holy soul, it will help me gather the emperor's celestial phenomena in the future." Jiang Mo secretly calculated in his heart, Lou Qing Han did not lie to him.

Thinking of the role of the titan giant ape, Jiang Mo immediately became motivated. He drew out the ancient sword of punishment, turned into an afterimage, and quickly rushed towards the giant in front of him.

"Damn human, I'm going to smash your body and swallow your flesh alive!" The titan giant ape roared violently, and the black hairs on its skin stood up one by one like steel needles .

In the past, if the monks entered this place by mistake, they would definitely be terrified and then look for opportunities to escape.

It had never encountered a human monk like Jiang Mo who dared to take the initiative to attack.

Jiang Mo ignored the titan giant ape's provocation. He held the ancient Tianxing sword in his hand, and the immortal seal on the sword was aroused, and the light on it lit up one by one.

A row of sword energy floated in the sky, and as Jiang Mo's voice fell, a scene of thousands of arrows was fired in an instant, burying the Titan giant ape in the rain of arrows.

"Hmph, this level of strength can't deal with me at all!" The titan giant ape snorted, and immediately clenched its giant fist, forcibly bombarding it with the thousands of sword qi.

Swish, swish, swish...

It has to be said that its physical body is as powerful as a fairy weapon.

Such a terrifying sword qi criss-crossed and ravaged, leaving only shallow sword marks on its skin.

Only a few of the strongest sword qi pierced through its flesh and blood, leaving considerable injuries.

"You humble human being, come and fight me to the death!"

Jiang Mo's attack left the giant ape titan injured, causing it to become furious instantly.

"It's right above you!"

Jiang Mo's voice came from a height of more than ten feet, and then a terrifying river of sword energy descended from the sky, slashing at the head of the Titan giant ape.

The thousands of sword qi just displayed are just a cover-up, in order to attract the attention of the titan giant ape.

Jiang Mo's sword was ready to strike, and at this moment, when the river of sword energy fell, even the not-so-smart Titan Giant Ape felt a terrible crisis.

It quickly dodged, but its huge body limited its speed, and the sword pierced through its head.

Such a powerful attack, and it is attacking on the head of the titan great ape, even if it enters the ninth level, it may not be able to block it.

An incomparably painful roar came from its mouth, its huge body staggered a few times, and then fell to the ground with a bang.

Jiang Mo's heart skipped a beat, and just when he was about to collect the holy soul, he sensed a dangerous aura.

"Tsk tsk, I really didn't expect that when I first entered the abyss, I picked up a holy soul. It seems that it is really a good start!"

 Tang Tang wishes everyone a happy New Year's Day in advance. In the new year, all wishes come true, happiness and peace!
(End of this chapter)

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