Chapter 1387
Manipulated by Chen Feng, the purple vines spread out from the ground, engulfing Jiang Mo's entire body.

"Boy, you are dead! As long as you are surrounded by spirit-swallowing flowers, you will soon be sucked into a mummy!"

Chen Feng laughed wantonly.

He is the pride of the Baicao Sect. Although his combat power is not very strong, his sensitivity to vegetation is unmatched.

This person is suitable for long-distance combat. Once he falls into the trap set by him, even the monks of 'Reincarnation and Nirvana Tribulation' will be tied up.

There was no panic on Jiang Mo's face.

He also recognized that this spiritual plant was a creature with a very low survival rate.

Ninety percent of the spirit-swallowing flowers could not survive in the seedling stage.

However, the [-]% of the seedlings that survive will devour their companions for nutrients.

As long as it passes through the seedling stage, the Soul Swallowing Flower will grow into a terrifying creature.

It is said that in ancient times, there used to be a mature swallowing flower that sucked the strong Emperor Wu into a mummy.

"Unexpectedly, someone has mastered this rare spiritual plant." Jiang Mo sighed secretly, and then chopped out the ancient sword of heavenly punishment.

The sword energy was raging, criss-crossing, cutting on the purple vines, sparking bursts of sparks.

This spirit-swallowing flower has not yet matured, otherwise, even with Jiang Mo's strength, he would never be able to escape from birth.

Boom, boom, boom...

Seeing Jiang Mo trapped, Wen Yang and the others were overjoyed and attacked one after another, falling continuously.

"Senior Brother Wen Yang, since he has been entangled by the Spirit Swallowing Flower, there is no possibility of escape." Chen Feng said as if asking for credit.

"Very good, Chen Feng, you have done a great job this time."

"After I go back, I will personally hold a celebration banquet for you." Wen Yang said with great joy.

The confrontation between Jiang Mo and the Spirit-Tuning Flower was still going on. The purple vines were extremely tough, and it was difficult for ordinary soldiers to break through them.

"It seems that all the power in the fairy seal can only be mobilized!"

Jiang Mo took a deep breath, and his figure flickered quickly, dodging the attack of the three purple vines.

hum, hum, hum...

In the next moment, he aroused more than 600 immortal seals in the Tianxing ancient sword.

For a moment, the monstrous sword energy swept outward undisguisedly.

"Break it for me!"

With a loud roar, Jiang Mo fully mobilized the power of "Qinglian Sword Code".

The sword qi condensed into substance, and chopped on the vines. In just a few breaths, the vines were cut off several times.

The purple juice flowed on the ground, causing the hard rocks to be corroded away.

This kind of juice can corrode the flesh and blood of monks, so that the swallowing flower can turn the flesh and blood of monks into its nutrients in a short period of time.

"What? You actually cut off the tentacles of the Spirit Swallowing Flower!" Seeing this scene, Chen Feng said in shock.

Jiang Mo stared at Chen Feng and the others, and then unleashed the realm of the seventh heaven of swordsmanship: the sword of heaven and earth!
He stabbed out with a sword, as if forming a storm of sword energy, everyone couldn't stop it at all, and retreated in embarrassment.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Jiang Mo cast several Zhenyuan seals.

Just now, he was thinking about whether he could subdue this spirit-swallowing flower with the Seal of Zhenyuan.

If he could get the Soul Swallowing Flower, it would greatly increase Jiang Mo's combat power.

hum, hum, hum...

Fayin was knocked into the ground, and the soil on the ground was tumbling, as if a huge creature was about to break through the ground.


Not long after, a human-shaped purple plant broke through the ground, containing an extremely strong vitality.

"This is the Soul Swallowing Flower!" Jiang Mo took a deep breath, without any hesitation, he released the Swallowing Martial Vein, the black vortex rotated, released a terrible suction force, and sucked in the Swallowing Soul Flower.

A ray of purple light pierced through the air and was sucked into the black vortex.


As soon as he entered the black vortex, Jiang Mo felt that the swallowing flower wanted to turn against the guest.

"Suppress me!"

With a low growl, Jiang Mo activated the Dayan Tianji Jue, unleashing an incomparably tyrannical elemental force, and sealed the Tun Linghua tightly.

Coupled with the blockade of Zhenyuan Seal, for a while, Tunlinghua couldn't move at all.

"What's going on? My Soul Swallowing Flower was actually taken away by that kid!" Seeing the scene where the Swallowing Soul Flower was sucked away by the black vortex, Chen Feng's eyes burst into flames of anger.

Just now, all of them were resisting Jiang Mo's sword, but they didn't expect that Jiang Mo's real purpose was to swallow the spirit flower.

"Spiritual plants like the swallowing flower are not worthy of your use." Jiang Mo said with a sneer.

He once read in an ancient book that if the Soul Devouring Flower wants to grow, it must devour a large amount of animal blood.

The higher the bloodline, the greater the effect on the growth of the swallowing flower.

Fortunately, in Jiang Mo's storage ring, there is still a lot of precious blood of the beast master. As long as the swallowing flower swallows these precious blood, its strength will inevitably reach a terrifying level.

"Let's attack together, kill this kid, and help me get back the Spirit Swallowing Flower!" Chen Feng was so angry that his face turned purple, like a pig's liver.

He never expected that Jiang Mo would uproot the Spirit-Tuning Flower and snatch it away.

This spirit-swallowing flower is also a very precious treasure in the Baicao sect.

Moreover, the suzerain of Baicao Sect also counts on this Spirit-Tuning Flower to reproduce after it matures.

If the Suzerain knew that the Ling Tunhua was lost in Chen Feng's hands, wouldn't he still have cramps?
"Since you want to die so much, then I don't have to be polite to you." Jiang Mo snorted coldly, and the vertical pupil between his eyebrows suddenly opened!

In an instant, a terrifying divine sense oppressed and engulfed everyone.

Wen Yang, Chen Feng and the others had an illusion like a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood in front of them, and white bones crawled out of the illusion, looking hideous and terrifying.

"Thousand Mountain Shock Killing Technique!"

Jiang Mo recited the formula silently, and with the power of spiritual thoughts, he aroused the vitality of heaven and earth, turned it into towering mountains, and suppressed it.

Bang, bang, bang...

In just a few breaths, the few people in the illusion of reincarnation suffered heavy injuries.

Puff, puff...

Wen Yang was pressed down by a mountain peak, and several mouthfuls of blood spewed out of his mouth.

Chen Feng's right shoulder was left bloody by the impact of the boulder.

"Crack, crack..."

At this moment, two crisp applause suddenly resounded in this space.

"Wonderful, wonderful, several inner disciples teamed up to deal with a new disciple, but they were beaten so miserably."

The voice was clearly transmitted to the ears of several people present, without any concealment.

"What? Could it be that this kid is a new disciple?" Wen Yang trembled when he heard this, and couldn't believe his ears at all.

"This is absolutely impossible. If he is a new disciple, how could he be so powerful?" Chen Feng said with his eyes wide open.

"Hmph, with the strength of a few of you trash, how can you stop the number one pride of this year's disciples?"

The voice was getting closer and closer, and at the same time, the sound of footsteps came out...

(End of this chapter)

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