Chapter 1389
The corner of Jiang Mo's mouth twitched, and his bones seemed to be dislocated.

He took a deep breath, and operated the Da Yan Tian Ji Jue, forcing the domineering energy that rushed into his body out of his body.

"With your strength, no one under the Emperor Realm should be able to block your attack."

"But unfortunately, I'm an exception." Jiang Mo shook his numb arms, twisted his neck, and made a crisp sound of intertwined bones.

"Really?" Mo Shuyu's eyes gradually turned cold, and a disdainful arc was pulled from the corner of his mouth, and he said, "Your confidence in yourself is a bit too much!"

After finishing the words, he raised his right elbow and slammed down on Jiang Mo.

Although the distance between the two was tens of feet away, in the blink of an eye, Mo Shuyu's attack appeared before Jiang Mo's eyes.

Moreover, that elbow seemed to contain a trace of space power, making it difficult for Jiang Mo to even dodge.

"Sealing Darkness Sword Formation!"

Jiang Mo let out a low shout, and 81 tiny flying swords flew out of his sleeve robe.

Each flying sword is wrapped in thick sword energy, and the power it carries when stabbing out can destroy mountains!
81 flying swords form a ring-shaped sword array, and between turns, it seems to be able to kill the soul of a monk!

The center pointed by the sword array was indeed Mo Shuyu's head.

If he unscrupulously hit this elbow, then the power of the Fengming Sword Formation would pour on his head.

Without reaching the realm of Emperor Wu, it was difficult for Mo Shuyu to resist the power of this sword array with his physical strength.

"Unexpectedly, you have a lot of means!" Mo Shuyu snorted coldly, restrained [-]% of his strength, and continued to attack Jiang Mo.

In this case, he still has room to change, so he won't bet his life.

"Emperor Seal!"

Jiang Mo shouted in a deep voice, and struck out several palms one after another, the golden palm prints connecting end to end, forming a golden phantom of the emperor.

The attacks of the two were forced together, and in an instant, the surrounding boulders and ancient trees were directly destroyed.

The soil on the ground rolled up and moved in all directions. The destructive force caused by the collision between the two was terrifying.

This time, Jiang Mo blocked Mo Shuyu's attack without spending too much energy.

Mo Shuyu didn't look up at the sword formation that was about to fall, and directly punched the sword formation, smashing the sword formation away.

Even the flying swords had more than a dozen handles, which were shattered and smashed away.

It can be seen from this that Mo Shuyu's attack power is very strong.

"Good boy, I don't know how many times you can use this method." Mo Shuyu's face became ugly.

It can be said that just now he was forced by Jiang Mo and had to withdraw most of his strength.

If he hit that elbow with all his strength, then when the Feng Ming sword formation fell, he would definitely not be able to resist it in time.

In this confrontation, Jiang Mo deflated him, which naturally made this proud guy furious.

"Asura kills prison!"

Mo Shuyu's eyes became cold, and a blood-red mist rose from behind him. Under his control, it turned into a blood-colored purgatory.

In the blood-colored purgatory, there were monsters with eight arms and ferocious ghosts who had lost their five sense organs, all of which came to kill Jiang Mo.

At the same time, the bloody purgatory had a terrible oppressive force. It was suspended above Jiang Mo's head, and at the same time, black roots like tentacles protruded out, trying to wrap around Jiang Mo's body.

"What a strong martial art!"

Jiang Mo exclaimed, he didn't dare to neglect, and directly activated the Huangquan stele.

The Netherworld Stele was suspended in the sky, and the aura it released suppressed the bloody purgatory.

"This kid actually possesses such a fetish!" When Mo Shuyu saw the Huangquan stele, his eyes were full of shock.

With his knowledge, although he couldn't recognize the origin of the Netherworld stele, he could definitely perceive the terrifying power contained in that stele.

"If I can master this stele, my Asura Killing Prison will cultivate to the state of Dzogchen!"

In Mo Shuyu's eyes, there was a strong blazing intent.

To Mo Shuyu, it was a complete surprise that he came across this ancient and powerful stone tablet when he was on a mission to kill people today.

"Jiang Mo, if you commit suicide and offer this stele with both hands, I can consider leaving your whole body." Mo Shuyu said.

"You really think too highly of yourself!"

Jiang Mo didn't pay attention to Mo Shuyu, he recited the formula silently, and activated the "Heavenly Spring Mind Refining Technique", and waves of invisible energy rippled out.

Even Wen Yang and the others, who were miles away, had their hearts beating wildly at this moment.

"This kid, how many tricks have he yet to use?" Wen Yang felt that Jiang Mo was only showing the tip of the iceberg in front of them.

"Shocking style!"

"Heart beat!"

"Sleepy style!"

Jiang Mo performed the three moves of "Heavenly Spring Mind Refining Technique" one after another. When the three moves were superimposed, the power released was very difficult even for Mo Shuyu.

He pressed his right hand on his heart, as if a blood vessel was about to burst.

"This kid, what kind of sorcery is he using?"

Mo Shuyu bit the tip of his tongue violently and spewed a mouthful of blood. The Asura Killing Prison immediately suppressed Jiang Mo.

"A sword of heaven and earth!"

Jiang Mo didn't dodge. When Shura Killing Prison was suppressed, he was already prepared, and the vitality in his meridians was rolling endlessly in his body.

At this moment, he finally found a vent, and along with that world-destroying sword light, he released it crazily.

The originally gloomy sky now seemed to have a huge lightning bolt piercing the sky.

This makes the sky, in an instant, as bright as day.


The seventh level of swordsmanship, Jiang Mo exerted all his strength, and the power that erupted was unrivaled!
It was as if, in the world, only this sword light was left, and all living beings ceased to exist.

"This sword..." Mo Shuyu, who was resisting Huang Quan's mind refining technique with all his strength, suddenly became extremely ugly after realizing the power of this sword.

He had never felt such a strong threat from a false emperor.

That sword was already able to threaten his life.

"It's unbelievable!"

Mo Shuyu gritted his teeth, his arms spread out, wisps of blue vitality gushed out from the ten blue-skinned ghost drums, and gathered towards him.

It is impossible for Jiang Mo not to notice that majestic power fluctuation.

He raised his eyebrows and said, "This guy actually used external force!"

The green-skinned ghost-mian drum is a hundred-seal fairy weapon, and the power contained in it can be used by Mo Shuyu.

In this crisis, Mo Shuyu had no choice but to rely on the strength of Qingskin Guimiangu.

Although, if this matter gets out, it may damage his reputation.

However, if Jiang Mo is killed here, nothing will be spread.

As for Wen Yang and the others, Mo Shuyu didn't take it seriously at all.

"Yan Luo demands his life!"

When Mo Shuyu's aura reached a peak, his pupils turned dark blue.

He opened a distance with his hands, and a huge dark war scythe emerged from the middle.

The blue light on it soared, and then turned into a beam of black light, beheading Jiang Mo...

(End of this chapter)

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