Chapter 1706

This knife was several times faster than Ben Lei's, and when it was cut, the space collapsed inch by inch.

The tyrannical strength of the 'One Sword Saint' was immediately revealed.

The four inner sect elders were shocked when they saw this scene.

One of them even sighed: "At this rate, within 30 years, he will be able to enter the emperor's realm."

"Now is not the time to talk about this, let's work together to expel this uninvited guest first."

"If you really want to alarm the owner, I'm afraid no one will get any benefit."

Although the talents of the four elders are not as good as those of the three disciples, how rich is their combat experience?
Before he could make a move, he attacked Jiang Mo's vital point.

"Oops, oops... The seven powerhouses of Tiger Roaring Villa attack at the same time, even the powerhouses of the Emperor Realm will be extremely troublesome." Liu Huan said with a dejected face while hiding behind a boulder.

It's not that he doesn't believe in Jiang Mo, but because the seven strong men in Huxiao Villa are too powerful.

The name of a person, the shadow of a tree, even if you want to ignore these, it is very difficult to do so.

Now, all Liu Huan can do is pray secretly for Jiang Mo.

"This knife is a bit interesting, even a monk who meets a god-level one can deal with it."

"But facing me, you don't even have a half-point chance of winning."

Jiang Mo shook his head.

Immediately, two fingers protruded slowly, seemingly extremely slowly, but finally clamped the weapon of the 'One Sword Saint' before the blade light fell.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Mo exerted force with his fingers, and an invisible force passed along the long knife. Immediately, the complexion of the 'One Sword Saint' changed drastically, and he felt an indescribable mighty force.

That kind of power, even in his master, has never been felt.

The long knife shattered, and the shattered metal fragments, like cannonballs, blasted into the bodies of everyone, carrying waves of blood mist.

Bang, bang, bang...

The four elders didn't even use their tricks, and they were beaten to retreat, leaving bloody holes in their bodies.

As for the 'One Sword Saint', it was even more miserable. Since he was the closest to Jiang Mo, he was the most deeply affected by all the storms.

The broken blade almost smashed his flesh into pieces.

"Big Brother!"

Seeing this scene, the second and third disciples surrounded him at the same time, looking at Jiang Mo with murderous intent.

"Forget it, you are not his opponents, so I have to ask Master to come out of the mountain!"

"Originally, I thought that the gap with the Emperor Realm powerhouse would not be very big."

"Now it seems that I am too conceited."

'One Sword Saint' shook his head and sighed softly. After the fight just now, he felt the gap between himself and Jiang Mo, which was simply a difference between cloud and mud.

As for the four elders, they cherished their lives very much. After being pushed back by Jiang Mo, they dared not approach at all.

At that moment just now, the aura released by Jiang Mo was like a prehistoric beast. Whoever dares to underestimate it will pay a heavy price.

"It's better to ask the owner to come forward."

"At the moment, there is no other way."


The four elders also compromised, and when they looked at Jiang Mo again, there was deep fear in their eyes.

At such a young age, he already possesses such a profound cultivation base, how can he pay back in the future?
"The disciple is not filial, disturbing the master's pure cultivation. Please let the master go out and kill this arrogant person."

'One Sword Saint' bit the tip of his tongue and spewed out a mouthful of blood essence. The voice and blood essence merged together and spread into the depths of Tiger Roaring Villa.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Mo didn't interrupt, he knew that the 'One Sword Saint' was calling for help.

However, Jiang Mo was worried that he would not be able to find the owner of the villa. It would be even better if he could be summoned by the 'One Sword Saint'.

At this time, all the people in Huxiao Villa, headed by the 'One Sword Saint', gathered together and stared at Jiang Mo very vigilantly.

They never thought that such a peerless monster would break into the forbidden area of ​​the snow mountain.

In contrast, the talent of the 'One Sword Saint' is really not enough.

Liu Huan was already on the spot.

"This fairy teacher, I am afraid that he has the means of the gods?"

"Even the famous 'One Sword Saint' is no match for him, and he was even defeated by one move."

"If this is reported to our tribe, I don't know how many people will not believe it."

Moyin people have always worshiped the strong, otherwise, they would not have allowed Huxiao Villa and Xueling Immortal Palace to coexist for so many years.

Now what Liu Huan was thinking in his mind was, is there any girl in the tribe who is beautiful and juicy, to win over Jiang Mo's heart.

Jiang Mo naturally didn't know how much fluctuation his actions had caused in everyone's hearts.

He waited quietly while Ah Huang paced lazily in the Tiger Roaring Villa, as if he was strolling around the back garden of his own home.

A guard wanted to capture Ah Huang for meritorious service, but was directly slapped into blood mist by Ah Huang's paw.

Even if his cultivation has regressed a lot, it is not something these useless guards of Tiger Roaring Villa can touch.

"Okay! The old man has been in seclusion for many years, and he is only one step away from breaking through to a higher level."

"Now it is interrupted halfway."

"If the trespasser is not Empress Xingshuang, don't think about leaving my Tiger Roaring Villa!"

A mighty roar, like thunder from the sky, resounded in the sky above Huxiao Villa.

Everyone saw that the phantom of the white tiger appeared in the void, and the endless coercion enveloped the world. A breath of the phantom of the white tiger could kill the monk at the peak of the false emperor.

"Congratulations, Lord Master!"

Seeing this scene, everyone kowtowed in unison.

Even if the owner of the villa has been in seclusion for decades, he dare not artificialize it because of his tyrannical cultivation.

"Those who trespassed on my Tiger Roaring Villa, why don't you hurry over and lead them to death?"

The phantom of the white tiger receded and turned into an old monk. There were tiger stripes on his body, and his aura was even more majestic and boundless. I don't know how many times stronger than the 'One Sword Saint' and others.

" was actually the owner of Tiger Roaring Villa who came out of the customs in person."

"There are rumors that he hasn't shown his face for decades. What level should his current strength reach?"

Seeing that elderly monk, Liu Huan's heart immediately rose to his throat.

This one in front of him seems to be on the verge of death, but he can sit on an equal footing with the palace master of Xueling Immortal Palace for so many years, how can he be an ordinary person?
"Old guy, don't play tricks here. I'm looking for you because I have something to ask you."

Jiang Mo directly interrupted the elderly monk.

From perception, the strength of this elderly monk is between Wu Mu and Empress Xingshuang.

Jiang Mo was also surprised that this villa owner had such strength.

At the same time, this made Jiang Mo more sure that he had found the right place.

If it was said that this elderly monk had nothing to do with Emperor Baihu, Jiang Mo would never believe it.

"Before you die, this old man can grant you one wish."

"Tell me, what do you want to ask?"

The elderly monk seemed generous, but actually said vigilantly.

Because, in Jiang Mo's body, he can't perceive the depth of Jiang Mo's strength, which is often the scariest...

(End of this chapter)

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