Chapter 1708 White Tiger Martial Emperor?

The white old devil that the woman in purple said naturally refers to the owner of the Tiger Roaring Villa.

As for how he got his nickname, Jiang Mo didn't care.

"Hehe, this Tiger Roaring Villa really looks like a hornet's nest. Without the strength of Emperor Wu, I really dare not stab it." Jiang Mo shook his head and smiled.

The purple-clothed woman had no style, and held a guqin in her right hand. With Jiang Mo's eyesight, she could see that there were no patterns of supernatural beasts on it, but there were a lot of shadows of swords.

"Being able to beat Old Demon Bai like this, with your strength, you shouldn't be an unknown person in Tianwu Continent, right?"

"Could it be the killer weapon cultivated by Xingshuang?"

Xuanyuan Shiyin asked with a smile, she looks like a witch who can seduce people.

Even the sound is alluring.

"I have seen Palace Master Xuanyuan!"

The seven masters of Huxiao Villa, as well as many disciples lined up like a sea of ​​people below, all shouted respectfully.

In the world of practice, the strong are respected.

No matter who saw such a strong person as Xuanyuan Shiyin, they had to bow their heads and salute respectfully.

'One Sword Saint' lowered his head, however, his eyes flickered, revealing a strong sense of blazing.

Xuanyuan Shiyin is not only super powerful, but also extremely beautiful, if she can...

However, the 'One Sword Saint' did not dare to continue thinking about it.

That is a strong man that even his master can't match.

This further strengthened the "One Sword Saint"'s heart towards Wu. If one day, he could surpass Xuanyuan Shiyin in strength, he might not be able to conquer her.

"Who are you? Do you want to be buried with him?" Jiang Mo turned his head and asked lightly.

If you don't make a move, you don't know. It turns out that there are so many hidden strong men in Tianwu Continent.

In the past, Jiang Mo thought that Empress Xingshuang was the only one who was strong in the imperial realm, but now, he was a little dazzled by the appearance of the emperor realm monks one after another.

Fortunately, Jiang Mo now has the power to suppress everything.

"Hehe, to be buried with him? I don't have that kind of interest yet, but Xueling Immortal Palace and Huxiao Villa are connected with each other and rely on each other."

"If you kill the old white devil, I can't sit idly by."

Xuanyuan Shiyin chuckled, and placed the Guqin horizontally in front of her.

She just sat down calmly, with slender and white jade fingers, playing frighteningly, like the finest suet jade.

When the sound of the qin came out, Xuanyuan Shiyin pursed her lips and said, "I have always had a habit of reporting myself before fighting with others. This Guqin has been with me for 230 years, and its name is Jueyin!"

After finishing the words, she quickly plucked the guqin with her ten fingers, and the sound of the piano gradually became high-pitched, like the cry of dragons and phoenixes.

However, Jiang Mo was unmoved, and said lightly, "How much stronger is your strength compared to this owner?"

"Even if he can't catch my move, how sure are you?"

However, Xuanyuan Shiyin didn't pay any attention to it, and just lowered her head to play with the strings. Her hair was as long as a waterfall of black hair, flying with the wind, and the sky was filled with snow and wind. That figure was a peerless beauty.

The eyes of the 'One Sword Saint' became even hotter.

If Jiang Mo's guess is correct, Xuanyuan Shiyin's cultivation is probably very close to that of the six-star Martial Emperor. Even against Empress Xingshuang, she can fight for hundreds of rounds.

The sound of her piano turned into thousands of troops, rushing towards Jiang Mo.

With a murderous aura of iron and blood!
"Good come!"

Jiang Mo said in a deep voice, and immediately holding the ancient sword of punishment, he turned into a god of war and plundered the thousands of troops.

Bang, bang, bang!

All the soldiers transformed by the sound of the piano were blown to pieces within three feet of Jiang Mo's body.

Even after Xuanyuan Shiyin's attack became more and more terrifying, with thunderstorms and hurricanes falling all over the sky, Jiang Mo was not afraid.

He went all the way without any pause.

Leave a lonely and invincible back!

"One man is worth ten thousand troops!"

Jiang Mo was as powerful as a bamboo, and entered Xuanyuan Shiyin's domain. Even if she later released her best illusion, she was nothing but a chicken and a dog in front of Jiang Mo, and was easily defeated.

The difference in cultivation between the two sides is too large, almost one is in the sky and the other is underground.


The broad and thick ancient sword cut off a string of the Duanyin Qin, and then fell on Xuanyuan Shiyin's snow-white neck, saying: "The sound of the piano is good, but it may not be enough for killing the enemy."

Immediately, Jiang Mo moved away the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword, leaving a bright red line of blood on Xuanyuan Shiyin's neck.

The reason why Xuanyuan Shiyin was not killed was because there was no deep hatred between them.

In addition, he didn't feel any killing intent from Xuanyuan Shiyin in the fight just now.

The two are fighting purely in martial arts, not like the master of Tiger Roaring Villa, every punch and every kick is full of killing intent!
Xuanyuan Shiyin sat there, there was no fear in those beautiful eyes, but joy and excitement.

Her delicate body trembled, she looked at Jiang Mo with fiery eyes, and said, "You actually beat me!"

However, Jiang Mo ignored Xuanyuan Shiyin, but looked at the Lord of Huxiao Villa and asked, "Do you have any reinforcements?"

"If not, just tell the whereabouts of Emperor Baihuwu. It's the same sentence, if you can hurry up, I won't kill you."

Jiang Mo didn't feel any pleasure in killing these people, he just wanted revenge.

"Want to know the news of the ancestors? Dream!"

"The ancestors have already become immortals, how can you be so ordinary as to touch them?"

The eyes of the owner of Huxiao Villa showed fanaticism. Every hundred years, that ancestor would teach him profound cultivation techniques and communicate with him.

He naturally knew some news about his ancestors, but he couldn't tell Jiang Mo even if he was killed.

"Okay, since you want to die with all your heart, then I will fulfill you."

Although there is no pleasure in killing this person, but if he can use this to force out that White Tiger Martial Emperor, it would be good.

With this in mind, Jiang Mo patted it with his right hand, and the big handprint was like a cage of heaven and earth, covering the opponent's body.

However, at this moment, a voice containing contempt and anger suddenly resounded through the world.

"Fan Shuzi, if you dare to hurt my heir, I will destroy your nine clans!"

That shout seemed to come from outside the sky, and the hearts of everyone in Huxiao Villa were shaken.

"Ancestor..." The Lord of Huxiao Villa bowed to the void, his voice extremely pious.

Even Xuanyuan Shiyin's beautiful eyes flashed a touch of surprise, and she murmured: "Unexpectedly, this Huxiao Villa actually has such a fairy as its backer."

"Oh? Are you finally willing to show up?"

Jiang Mo raised his head and smiled, ignoring the owner of Huxiao Villa.

A white-haired and white-bearded figure appeared from the void. He stretched out his hand to grab it, and the ancestral hall of Tiger Roaring Villa shattered. The white tiger statue that had been enshrined for thousands of years also flew into the air, as if it had been given life.

The white-haired and white-bearded figure finally merged with the white tiger statue, and in an instant, a terrifying aura swept across the entire world...

(End of this chapter)

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