Chapter 1713 Star Creation Pill

"Stop pretending to be garlic in front of me."

"The [-] lives in Huxiao Villa were all killed by your own hands. It's too late to deny it now." Bai Lufeng was dressed in a fluttering blue dress, standing with a sword behind his back, like a graceful swordsman, outstanding.

However, Jiang Mo saw the light of hatred in his eyes.

"Could it be that this person is also a descendant of Emperor Wu of the White Tiger?" Jiang Mo raised his eyebrows, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said secretly.

If that's the case, he doesn't mind killing another person.

Now that they have formed a deadly feud with Emperor Baihuwu, Jiang Mo will not give them a chance to stand up.

"If you're here to seek revenge, I'll give you this chance."

Jiang Mo stopped and looked at the blue-clothed swordsman indifferently.

"The murderous devil, today, I will do justice for the sky!"

Bai Lufeng tapped his right foot on the surface of the sea, and immediately, the seawater rushed down, forming a huge depression.

And Bai Lufeng held the sword in his left hand, turned into a rainbow light, and stabbed towards Jiang Mo violently.

"I do know a little bit about swordsmanship, but you're gesticulating with swordsmanship in front of him, it's a bit of a trick." Ah Huang was not far from the two of them, and let out a chuckle.

"The Sword Song of the Long River!"

When Bai Lufeng's body was ten feet away from Jiang Mo, he suddenly rose up, and immediately swooped down from the void. The tyrannical sword energy and the oppressive sea collapsed.


Jiang Mo stood on the spot, his body motionless, and when Bai Lufeng's sword energy was about to approach, he gently raised his palm and pressed it towards the sky.

The void suddenly made a dull sound, and the countless sword qi displayed by Bailufeng were all shattered in an instant.

His face suddenly changed drastically, as if he felt that a desolate beast with monstrous power woke up and collided with him head-on.


Bai Lufeng's body, like a kite with a broken string, flew upside down hundreds of feet away.

The strong energy knocked him into the Sea of ​​Returning Ruins.

A column of water exploded into the sky on the surface of Guixu Sea, and Bai Lufeng's Tsing Yi was torn apart by the energy, his body was blasted with blood holes, staining the sea below red.

"So vulnerable?"

Jiang Mo shook his head, too lazy to talk nonsense, and immediately squeezed out the sword formula with two fingers, ready to kill the descendant of Emperor Wu of the White Tiger.


At this moment, an anxious female voice came over.


Seeing the peerless beauty in purple, Bai Lufeng even forgot about his injuries, and struggled to get out of the Sea of ​​Return.

"Can you spare his life for my sake? He has nothing to do with Tiger Roaring Villa. He is not a descendant of Emperor Wu of the White Tiger. Please let him go!"

Xuanyuan Shiyin was extremely anxious, she never expected that Bai Lufeng would come out to attack Jiang Mo at this time.


Jiang Mo was slightly taken aback, he didn't expect Xuanyuan Shiyin to catch up to him so quickly.

In fact, Xuanyuan Shiyin had been waiting here for a long time, and when the White Deer Wind appeared, she knew that something was wrong.

When he was in Xueling Immortal Palace, Bailufeng had always been interested in Xuanyuan Shiyin.

Many disciples and elders of Xueling Immortal Palace believed that Bailufeng was Xuanyuan Shiyin's guardian angel.

"You want me not to kill him, why should I listen to you?"

Jiang Mo raised his eyebrows and asked back.

Xuanyuan Shiyin took a deep breath and said, "Could it be that you are really a murderous monster like my junior brother said?"

"There is no grievance between you and him. He came to you because of me..."

Having said that, Xuanyuan Shiyin couldn't help hesitating for a moment, looking at Jiang Mo with her beautiful eyes, her pretty face turned red.

"So that's the case, but he took the initiative to provoke me. If I don't pay some price, I can't let him go." Jiang Mo shook his head and said.

When Bai Lufeng saw Xuanyuan Shiyin begging Jiang Mo in a low voice for his own sake, he was immediately ashamed and annoyed, and said, "If you have the ability to kill me and embarrass my senior sister, what kind of ability is it?"

His anger triggered the wounds in his body again, and he spewed out big mouthfuls of blood with a wow sound.

"Do you really think he dare not kill you?" Ah Huang said with a sneer.

He has spent the longest time with Jiang Mo, and he knows that Jiang Mo is a decisive person. If Bai Lufeng continues to provoke him, it may really touch the bottom line of Jiang Mo's tolerance.

"you shut up!"

Xuanyuan Shiyin yelled at Bai Lufeng, and immediately took out a sapphire blue pill that looked like a night pearl from the storage bag next to her body.

Star Creation Pill!
Legend has it that this pill is refined with the power of the stars. If you take it, as long as you still have a breath, even if your body is broken and your soul is extinguished, you can be pulled back from the gate of hell.

"This Star Creation Pill, even in my Xueling Immortal Palace, is a treasure-level pill. With your current cultivation, it will be useful to you."

"Let my junior brother go, this Star Creation Pill, I will take it as my apology." Xuanyuan Shiyin bit her red lips and said.

She knew better than anyone else that Jiang Mo was so powerful that even if she teamed up with Bai Lufeng, she might not be Jiang Mo's opponent.

Since Bai Lufeng attacked Jiang Mo, she, the palace lord of Xueling Immortal Palace, naturally had to find a way to remedy it.


Bai Lufeng's face was full of shock.

In Xueling Immortal Palace, Xuanyuan Shiyin is the master of everything.

Unexpectedly, in just one day, he actually humiliated the white-haired young man, and even sent out the 'Star Fortune Pill' to appease the other party's anger.

This made Bai Lufeng jealous and angry at the same time.

"Senior Sister, the Xingchen Fortune Pill is the most precious treasure of the can you give it to someone else?" Bai Lu said painfully.

"If it wasn't for you, would I have taken out the Star Creation Pill? Go back this time and confine yourself for a hundred years!"

Xuanyuan Shiyin frowned with willow eyebrows, wishing to break Bai Lufeng's hands and feet.

However, Jiang Mo ignored the pair. He took the Xingchen Fortune Pill, looked it over carefully, and smiled.

He tossed this round elixir, then put it into Zichen's ring, and said: "I will accept your kindness. I will warn you from now on, junior brother, that he is lucky to meet me. If he offends For other strong men, I'm afraid you can only collect his body."

After speaking, Jiang Mo no longer hesitated, found a weak space enchantment in Guixuhai, and raised his hand to tear it apart.

Guided by the jade stone of Emperor Baihuwu, it was not difficult for Jiang Mo to find the entrance of the Ruins Demon Steps.

When Bai Lufeng heard Jiang Mo's words, he spat out a mouthful of blood in anger.

"You take care of yourself. During my absence, what happened to Xueling Immortal Palace? After I come back, I will ask you."

Afterwards, Xuanyuan Shiyin followed Jiang Mo's pace and swept into the space barrier.

After a few breaths, the space barrier was closed, and Bai Lufeng stood there in a daze, muttering: "Senior sister, the master... just left with someone?"

(End of this chapter)

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