Chapter 1716 One hundred slaps, begging for mercy
"Great elder, don't hesitate to shut up and apologize to Immortal Master Jiang!"

"Immortal Master Jiang has great supernatural powers, but he is a fairy elder with a strong cultivation base!"

Seeing that the Great Elder Liu An actually insulted Ah Huang, Ye Chong couldn't help but twitched his brows, and his heart shrank.

In the Mountain Range of Hundred Thousand Demons, that is a strong man who can kill the adult Yaoyan Leopard with a wave of his hand.

Ye Wan'er glanced at Liu An, then turned her gaze away, a look of deep disgust appeared on her small face.

In order to control the entire Ye family, this great elder of the Ye family has been secretly uniting with other elders and deacons in an attempt to take Ye Chong off.

Now, Ye Chong's right to speak in the Ye family is not as good as before.

It just so happened that Ye Chong had only one daughter, Ye Wan'er, in the Ye family. To be able to be the head of the family, two conditions had to be met.

One is that one's own strength is strong enough to convince the public, and the other condition is that the children under one's knees have outstanding talents. Otherwise, after the Patriarch abdicates in the future, it will be very difficult to have no successor.

Although Ye Chong now possesses the realm of a false emperor, Ye Wan'er's practice has always been a problem. Up to now, she has not even reached the realm of the Martial Emperor, which has become the reason for the Great Elder's criticism.

"Hmph, what kind of fairy head, it's not that you, the head of the family, came here to make up for it?"

"You know, if your daughter fails to pass the family assessment next month, your position as Patriarch Ye Chong will come to an end."

"You have no successors, and my descendants, Liu An, are all outstanding and talented, hahaha..."

When Liu An thought that he was about to take over the huge Ye family, he couldn't help but get excited, his old face flushed red.

"Grandpa is right, not to mention my brothers who worshiped in Qingtong Palace, I alone can defeat Ye Wan'er."

"However, Ye Wan'er's looks are not bad. If she can marry me as a concubine, in the future, even if you, Ye Chong, are no longer the head of the family, she will still be able to live a life of glory and wealth."

A fat young man with a swollen face walked over staggeringly.

Moreover, his steps were sloppy, and he looked like a guy who was drunk and lustful. It was obvious that Ye Wan'er saw this young man with a very disgusted expression on her pretty face.


"Liu Wu, you don't take a pee and look in the mirror. With your appearance, you also want to marry my daughter. Let's be your daydream!"

Ye Chong was so angry that his arms trembled, he knew that Liu Wu dared to be so unscrupulous, there must be a signal behind his grandfather.

"Hahaha, now that the situation has been settled, Patriarch, you should think about it carefully. It is also a blessing she has cultivated to allow your daughter to marry my grandson."

"It's getting late, and I have to drink tea with other elders, so you should think about it carefully."

Seeing Ye Chong's angry appearance, Liu An felt very happy, and when his grandson saw Ye Wan'er's delicate face, he also showed a very wretched expression.

"This pair of bastards..."

Now Ye Chong has gradually declined in the Ye family, and soon he will be squeezed out of the position of Patriarch, and the First Elder is just so proud of himself, and it's too late for everyone to flatter him, so why would he come out to meddle in such nosy matters?

"and many more!"

Just when Liu An's father and grandson were about to leave here, Jiang Mo spoke lightly.

"What? You still have something to do? For Ye Chong's sake, it's pretty good that the old man can let you live in Ye's house. Don't you want to make further progress?" Liu An turned around, looked at Jiang Mo, and said with a sneer.

In this Ye family, but Liu An's territory, even a dragon has to coil up, and even a tiger has to lie on his stomach.

He is not afraid of an outsider.

"It's nothing, it's just that you insulted my friend just now."

"Now I just need you to slap your mouth a hundred times, and then beg my friend's forgiveness. I can consider saving your life." Jiang Mo looked at Liu An and said lightly.

The air suddenly stagnated.

"What did you say?!"

"What kind of thing are you? How dare my grandfather slap his mouth and kneel... see if I don't break your dog legs!"

Liu Wu's success today is all due to his grandfather, how could he allow others to insult his grandfather?
"Hmph!" Liu An folded his arms in front of his chest. Although Liu Wu was not very skilled, he still had the cultivation of a six-star Martial Emperor. It shouldn't be a problem to deal with that white-haired young man.

What's more, Liu An is still at the side, if there is any accident, he can also stop it.

"A guy from outside really thinks of himself as a master." Liu An snorted coldly in his heart.

At this time, Liu Wu had turned into a cold light and charged towards Jiang Mo.

Although he was addicted to drinking and sex, his cultivation was not weak, and there was a whistling wind when he made a move.

"Watch me break your dogleg!"

Liu Wu is arrogant and domineering, even his words are very vicious.

With a punch, the air made a sharp whistling sound.

"The guy who doesn't know how to live or die." Seeing Liu Wu rushing towards Jiang Mo arrogantly, Ye Chong mourned silently in his heart.

How could the white-haired immortal master in front of him be so easily humiliated?
Just as Ye Chong expected, Liu Wugang rushed within three feet of Jiang Mo, as if hitting an invisible wall of air.

Immediately, his body was thrown into the air, and finally fell to the ground. His legs were broken by the shock force, and at the same time, blood was still overflowing from his mouth.

"Grandpa, my leg is broken...ahh!!! I'm going to kill him..."

The severe pain of Liu Wu's broken leg made him almost faint, but the hatred in his mind made him gnash his teeth, wishing to tear the white-haired boy in front of him to pieces.

Seeing that his beloved grandson's legs were broken by the shock, Liu An, who had reached the level of a false emperor, his eyes suddenly turned cold, and he said coldly: "You are such a ruthless method! You actually broke my grandson's legs, This matter, the old man can't be nice to you!"

At this time, many elders of the Ye family had already come out, as well as some powerful deacons.

The Ye family can be regarded as the leading family in Xuanyang City, and many powerful people under the family are gathered here now to see how Liu An will solve this matter.

"Do you really think my Ye family is a place where you can run wild? I broke the legs of the grand elder's grandson today, and I must give an explanation."

"Yes, give me an explanation!"

Those monks from the lineage of the Great Elder surrounded Jiang Mo and the others like wolves and tigers.

Ye Chong ordered everyone to retreat, but no one obeyed his order.

Now he, the head of the family, can only be described as empty, only the guards at the gate saw him and remained in awe.

However, Jiang Mo ignored those clamoring people.

"I said, you slap yourself a hundred times, then kneel down and beg my friend's forgiveness, I will spare your life."

"Your time is running out, you still have ten breaths."

Jiang Mo gently snapped his fingers, counting down the time.

His insipid actions seemed to have no deterrent effect, but they caused cold sweat to break out from the Great Elder's back...

(End of this chapter)

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