Chapter 1721 Shangqingtong Palace
As the core disciple of Qingtong Palace, and has a master who is very powerful in strength and status, Liu Wen can almost call the wind and rain among the younger generation of Qingtong Palace.

Moreover, he was also granted an independent courtyard by his master.

This courtyard is shrouded by the spirit gathering array, and the speed of daily practice is several times higher than that of ordinary disciples.

Liu Wen didn't cultivate today, so she came to the room where Ye Wan'er was imprisoned.

Although Qingtong Palace also has many young and beautiful female disciples who can choose to be Taoist companions, but in Liu Wen's view, how can they compare with Ye Wan'er, the daughter of the Patriarch who grew up with a golden spoon in her mouth?

"Liu Wen, go away, if my father finds out, he will definitely kill you!"

Ye Wan'er said tremblingly.

"Hahaha, Wan'er, are you really naive?"

"If your father is really capable, why would someone tie you here under the nose?"

"If I'm not wrong, you should be waiting for that so-called immortal master to come to rescue you, right?"

Liu Wen smiled, his eyes turned cold, and said: "Not to mention, whether he can survive in the hands of Elder Gu, even if he can escape by chance, how dare he set foot on Qingtong Palace?"

"It's okay to tell you, there are quite a few experts in the Qingtong Hall who are only in the Emperor Wu realm. If he dares to come, he will just throw himself into a trap!"

At the end, Liu Wen laughed wildly.

"No, Immortal Master Jiang is very strong, you are not his opponent." Ye Wan'er was terrified. She felt so frightened in her heart that her mind went blank.

"Hmph, if he dares to come, I can tear his body to pieces." Liu Wen snorted coldly and walked slowly towards Ye Wan'er.


However, at this moment, a dull voice suddenly sounded outside the yard.

Immediately afterwards, the spirit-gathering array covering the courtyard was shattered, and the vitality of the heaven and earth here quickly dissipated.

Liu Wen's complexion changed, and anger erupted, and he shouted: "Who is outside, disturbing my good business, is it looking for death?"

As the roar fell, Liu Wen's aura also exploded, transforming into the realm of a false emperor.

It has to be said that he can cultivate to this level at such a young age, and he is also a first-class genius in Qingtong Palace, otherwise he would not be accepted as a closed disciple by the teacher in charge.

"Father and Immortal Master Jiang are here, they are here to save me!" Ye Wan'er was overjoyed, her beautiful eyes were full of hope.

"To shut up!"

Liu Wen's interest was interrupted, she was so angry that she slapped Ye Wan'er's pretty face, leaving a scarlet slap mark, where is the previous pity?

Afterwards, Liu Wen pushed open the door, wanting to ask the teacher for the crime.

"Which mountain are you disciples, how dare you come to my place? Are you tired of work?"

Seeing a white-haired young man with a big yellow cat beside him, Liu Wen couldn't help scolding.

Soon, another person came, this person Liu Wen also knew, it was Ye Chong, the head of the Ye family.

"Liu Wen, you crazy bastard, how dare you bring Wan'er here captive, why don't you hurry up and hand over Wan'er!" Ye Chong shouted angrily.

After inquiring about the news, Ye Chong knew that his daughter was taken captive to Liu Wen.

"Patriarch, you are such a motivator, if you don't know, you think we have some deep hatred."

"If Wan'er becomes my woman, wouldn't we be more intimate?"

"With my talent, I may have the opportunity to take over the position of head teacher of Qingtong Palace in the future. At that time, your Ye family will also be honored, so why not do it?"

Liu Wen smiled.

Ye Chong was so angry that his body trembled, he said: "Master Jiang Immortal, I will get rid of you."

"Take people's money and eliminate disasters with people! It's just a job!"

Jiang Mo nodded, and then pressed down with his finger, an extremely thick fingerprint that looked like a jade pillar supporting the sky suddenly suppressed it.

Seeing this, Liu Wen's complexion suddenly changed drastically. He didn't expect that a fingerprint randomly made by this white-haired youth would have such terrifying power.

Shua, Shua, Shua!

At this time, figures flew out from the Qingtong Hall to form a circle, enclosing Jiang Mo and the others.

"A daring lunatic, how dare you come to my Qingtong Hall to act wildly."

"Let's go together and kill this beast!"

These strong men are the enforcers of the Qingtong Palace, they are not weak, and they have rich combat experience.

With the cooperation, they showed full tacit understanding.

However, Jiang Mo didn't even look at it. With a light wave of his sleeve robe, the sword energy swept out.

Puff, puff...

Those law enforcers were all seriously injured and flew upside down, with blood spurting out of their mouths.

"You can beat back these enforcers with one move, this guy..." Liu Wen's heart shrank suddenly, a little unbelievable.

Immediately afterwards, he felt that his body seemed to be imprisoned, and he was directly grabbed by a big hand out of thin air.

"Let me go, my uncle is the head teacher, if you dare to touch me, you will definitely suffer from annihilation!"

Liu Wen said confidently.

He didn't believe that the other party dared to kill him in Qingtong Palace.

"I don't like being threatened by others in my life, not to mention, you little false emperor."

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Mo's palm contracted, and an indescribable force suddenly struck, and Liu Wen's body was directly pinched and exploded into a cloud of blood mist.

For this kind of guy who bullies men and women, Jiang Mo will not be merciless in killing him.


"You are finally here!"

Ye Wan'er ran out of the yard with a crying voice. From the moment she was caught, she was terrified.

Now, finally escaped from the tiger's mouth, there is a kind of joy of surviving after a catastrophe.

"Thank you Immortal Master Jiang for saving your life!"

In addition to being overjoyed, Ye Wan'er did not forget to thank Jiang Mo.

"Master Jiang Immortal, since Wan'er has been rescued, let's go back now." Ye Chong stayed here, feeling a thorn in his back.

If it wasn't for Jiang Mo, he wouldn't dare to trespass into the Qingtong Palace even if he was killed.

"Even if we want to leave, some people will not allow it. What's more, if these threats are not eliminated, how can you, the Patriarch of the Ye family, be able to be safe in the future?"

Jiang Mo said lightly.

Perhaps in Ye Chong's eyes, Qingtong Palace is an unshakable colossus.

However, in Jiang Mo's eyes, they are just ants that can be exterminated with a snap of a finger...

(End of this chapter)

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