Chapter 1734
The cyan flame melted through the umbrella-shaped weapon almost effortlessly.

A dharma king who was manipulating a weapon outside suddenly changed his face, revealing a look of horror.

This umbrella-shaped weapon was found from an ancient ruin, and after being repaired by a master craftsman, it is very powerful and can be called indestructible.

However, it was directly burnt through by that white-haired young man. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, who would dare to believe it?
"Could it be some kind of fierce fire?" the dharma king exclaimed in surprise.

The master who repaired the weapon for him once said that in this world, unless it is a strong emperor or someone who manipulates the fierce fire, he can penetrate this umbrella-shaped weapon.

Otherwise, even a cultivator at the peak of Nine Star Martial Emperor would not be able to defeat it.

"You actually recognized it. You have a bit of eyesight." Jiang Mo smiled lightly. After his words fell, the umbrella-shaped weapon was completely reduced to ashes.

"Bastard, you destroyed this king's weapon, and this king will fight with you!" The dharma king roared, and like an angry beast, he slammed into Jiang Mo directly.

"If you want to die, I will fulfill you!"

Jiang Mo's eyes were indifferent, he pulled his hands, and the cyan flame turned into a fiery knife, and slashed straight down.

The body of the Dharma King, like fragile tofu, was directly chopped into two pieces.

At the same time, flames swept across, burning his body and soul to ashes!
Another Dharma king has fallen!
The sky above the entire White Tiger Temple is filled with a layer of suffocating oppression!

Everyone's heart was beating wildly. No one would have expected that Jiang Mo would be so fierce that he could kill two Dharma kings in a row with only one person's strength.

"If this continues, the six Dharma Kings will tell him to kill them all. Everyone will do their best to fight to the end!"

A majestic Dharma king shouted in a deep voice.

He held Thor's hammer in his hand, and when he swung it, the space cracked open, and thunder and lightning criss-crossed, releasing a terrifying force that could destroy the world.

The only female dharma king, holding the pipa in her jade hand, flicked lightly, and the melodies rippling, like magic sounds, poured into Jiang Mo's mind.

This female Dharma King is a strong Martial Emperor who specializes in spiritual thoughts, and with the magic sound released by the Thousand Illusory Pipa, her threat is stronger than the previous two Dharma Kings.

"Who gave you the guts to attack me with divine sense?"

Jiang Mo frowned and snorted coldly. Immediately afterwards, a vast sea of ​​spiritual power surged out of his Niwan Palace.

At the same time, the vertical pupil between his brows also slowly opened.

Eye of Reincarnation!

He hadn't used the Eye of Reincarnation for a long time, and now, the female Dharma King took the initiative to attack with spiritual thoughts, which aroused Jiang Mo's interest.

"What's going on? What's wrong with me?"

"No, this is an illusion cast by that kid. Hurry up and find a way to break through it, otherwise we will all fall into his illusion." Several Dharma Kings shouted in horror.

In the eyes of outsiders, their behavior is extremely ridiculous, as if they have lost their minds.

At this time, these dharma kings, because they were in the ancient battlefield, were surrounded by gold and iron horses, and their bones were like mountains.

The Great Dharma King held Thor's Hammer and kept bombarding it, one after another thick thunderbolts fell down. The power was strong enough to wipe out a mountain easily.

However, the strange thing is that all these thunders deviated from the direction and could not attack Jiang Mo at all.

Only the female dharma king holding a pipa in her jade hand can barely resist one or two.

"Damn it, this guy is actually an Immortal Master of Divine Sense. With my cultivation base, I can't resist him at all. If this continues, we will all die in his illusion."

As soon as the voice of the female Dharma king came out, the expressions of the rest of them changed suddenly.

"Psychic master, that level of spiritual master, only the great emperor can compete, how can we be his opponent?"

"Why hasn't the True Monarch come forward yet? Could it be that he pushed us out as cannon fodder?" A hot-tempered Dharma king immediately said with enthusiasm.

"Speak carefully! How can we guess the intentions of Zhenjun! It is enough to do what we are supposed to do!"

The Dharma King of Thunder and Lightning frowned and said.

"Since this person's strength is so strong, we can only escape by using the palace guard array!"

Thinking of this, he formed the Thunder and Lightning Seal with both hands, and then shot into the void.

The seal melted into the void, and immediately echoed with some kind of power, and the entire White Tiger Temple began to tremble.

Aware of such a change, many disciples of the White Tiger Temple were shocked.

Immediately afterwards, beams of bright light shot straight up into the sky, cracking the ground.

In addition to these beams of light, there are also ancient stone statues floating in the void.

The beam of light and these stele statues finally formed a large formation covering the entire White Tiger Temple.

It is said that this palace guard formation was built to deal with the strong emperor.

Although time has passed, the power inside the formation has been depleted a lot, but after being mobilized by the Thunder King, the power is still terrifyingly strong.

"It should be enough to kill that guy by relying on this palace guard formation."

"All of you inject your strength into this formation, let me control it, and break his illusion!"

Thunderbolt Dafa is king.

At this moment, the four of them dare not be negligent, and if they are a little careless, they are afraid that they will end up falling, so they must do their best and fight to the death!
Boom, boom, boom!

As the power of the four dharma kings poured into the formation protecting the hall, the radiance emitted by the formation became stronger and stronger.

"Master, will he be okay?" Indus said with a little worry.

"If a mere formation can stop him, he won't be Jiang Mo!" Ah Huang said confidently.

The blood-eyed demon ape was very fortunate that he did not confront Jiang Mo head-on. From the battle just now, it could be seen that Jiang Mo's cultivation was far from being comparable to it.


After gaining the power of the Great Hall Guard Formation, the Great Dharma King Thunder exploded with unparalleled attack power, directly tearing apart the illusion, and when they fled from it, the panic on their faces could be vaguely seen.

The four of them levitated into the air and merged with the large array of guard halls.

"Forcing me to use the palace guard array, boy, even if you die today, you can only be proud!"

The Dharma King of Thunder shook his palm towards the sky, and the two Thor's hammers were directly fused into one Thor's Spear.

This Thunder God's Spear looks ordinary, but it actually contains all the power of the four Dharma Kings and the Great Array of Guardians!
Even if the great emperor sees it, he can't take it lightly.

"I'm dead? Ask Emperor Baihu Wu, if he dares to say this to me?"

Jiang Mo snorted coldly, and a monstrous aura erupted from his body like a volcano.

Behind him, a golden Kunpeng phantom spread its wings and cried, suppressing the entire White Tiger Temple.

When the Thunder God's Spear exploded, the golden Kunpeng also spread its wings and rushed out...

(End of this chapter)

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