Chapter 1750 Human Territory
As the golden light Kunpeng streaked across the sky, many monks were shocked when they looked up at the sky.

The flying divine beast was too huge in size, and the coercion it exuded made people tremble.

Many desolate beasts on the ground were crawling on the ground, trembling.

Jin Guang Kunpeng flew past his territory like a sky lord.

The Eastern Wilderness has gradually been left behind, where it is a no matter area, no matter whether it is a human race or a foreign race, everyone has the right to operate in the Eastern Wilderness.

However, after leaving the Eastern Wasteland and coming to the territory of the human race, the rules have changed.

Jiang Mo saw that there were majestic and tall human buildings in the distance, standing like ancient beasts, and there were even boundary markers symbolizing the territory erected among them.

Without permission, if there is a foreign invasion, it will be a devastating blow.

It was based on such an idea that Jiang Mo speeded up and rushed here.

"Oops, that guy is so cunning that he actually wants to hide in the territory of the human race. In this way, we can only stop here."

The high priest of the undead clan shouted loudly after seeing Jiang Mo's thoughts.

"It is absolutely impossible to escape under my nose!"

Man Zun snorted coldly, his body leaned forward, and an eight-legged Pegasus actually appeared under his seat. The eight-legged Pegasus spread its wings and flew with its wings, the speed was not much slower than that of the golden kunpeng.

As for the Qisha old man and the others, they also took out their cards and pushed their speed to the extreme, trying to intercept Jiang Mo.

The weight of a 'Dengtian Pill' is worth their lives to snatch, not to mention, Jiang Mo has two pieces on him, and there is also a celestial tree.

No one can resist such a big temptation.

"The Gun of Time!"

After a few breaths, Man Zun was only about a hundred feet away from Jiang Mo. He raised his right arm high, and an invisible long spear slowly condensed from the void.

This 'gun of time' is the treasure of the barbarians, and only the incumbent barbarians can use it.

Once used, it can delay time, so that the enemy has nowhere to hide.

Jin Guang Kunpeng seemed to feel some kind of irresistible power. It raised its head to the sky and let out a cry. After a long while, its figure still stayed in place.

At this moment, Jiang Mo's hairs stood on end.

He felt a strong threat of death!

"The power of time!"

Such a terrible thought flashed across Jiang Mo's mind, because he found that from just now to now, no matter the distance in space or the flow of vitality in his body, there has been no change.

The only thing that can change is his thinking.

That 'gun of time' couldn't control Jiang Mo's thoughts.

"Then I will use the power of space to break your time imprisonment!"

Jiang Mo roared in a deep voice, and the seed of space fire in his body burst out suddenly, sweeping across the sky in an instant.

Space and time are invisible and intangible things.

But Jiang Mo can control the power of space!

"I cut time with space!"

Jiang Mo's body jumped up from the Golden Light Kunpeng, and the divine fire of space filled the sky was held in his hands, and finally turned into a huge and incomparably huge space blade.

After seeing this scene, the Beast Emperor, who followed far behind, suddenly shrank his heart and dared not approach again.

Back then, Jiang Mo cut off his body with only a ray of space power.

If so, how terrifying the lethality would be if the ultimate form of space blade was released?

The Beast Emperor didn't dare to imagine, so he could only hide far away.

"That kid is too conceited. Even if it is my holy art of the dead, it will be extremely troublesome when encountering the gun of time of Man Zun."

"If it weren't for Man Zun's Spear of Time, there are many heavenly restrictions when he uses it, I'm afraid he has become the most powerful man in the world!"

The undead high priest shook his head and said.

He thought that Jiang Mo was hitting a rock with an egg.

However, the scene that followed immediately shocked everyone's jaws.

The two invisible attacks collided suddenly, without any devastating energy storm sweeping out.

However, that depression made everyone feel the fear from the bottom of their hearts.

Time and space are blocked at the same moment, and everyone only feels that their spirits seem to be floating in the sky, and even their consciousness is dead!

The power of time and space is beyond what ordinary people can imagine!

At this moment, Man Zun and Jiang Mo, who were at the center of the attack, felt dripping with cold sweat.

Man Zun felt a little regretful, the power of time and space was comparable, but the white-haired young man's control over the power of space was so proficient that he almost crushed Man Zun's 'Spear of Time'.

For a moment, Man Zun felt that his body, as if it did not belong to him, was about to be disassembled and scattered in the void with the wind.

The golden kunpeng uttered another cry, and in the void, it seemed that some kind of power was shattered. It was no longer restrained, and it spread its wings and flew into the realm of the human race.


Man Zun suddenly spat out a big mouthful of blood, with deep fear in his eyes.

"It's the first time I've met someone who can match my Spear of Time!" Man Zun didn't dare to pursue him anymore, and he didn't want to meet Jiang Mo again even if it wasn't the territory of the human race.

In fact, Jiang Mo also consumed a lot of energy to use the space blade with all his strength.

With one's own strength, it is indeed too difficult to fight against several great emperors.

The current Jiang Mo couldn't do it at all.

"Give up just like that? I'm really not reconciled!" The high priest of the undead race was full of anger.

"Since you don't dare to go, then let me go and learn about it! That kid is already at the end of his battle!"

In the depths of the pupils of the undead high priest, streaks of greed flashed.

Immediately, he rushed into the territory of the human race.

Feeling the strong killing intent behind him, Jiang Mo couldn't help but twitch his eyelids, and turned his head to see that the high priest of the undead race was leading his army of undead, rushing towards this side.

"This guy is really not afraid of death! He dares to provoke the strong of the human race like this!"

Jiang Mo secretly thought.

At this moment, streams of thick aura suddenly shot up into the sky, like volcanoes erupting one after another.

Looking up, I saw a few beams of light, like the fingers of a fairy, stretching out from the border of the human territory, turning into a cage, covering the high priest of the undead race and the army of undead under his command.

"High priest of the undead race, you are quite courageous, you dare to trespass on our human territory, are you provoking our human race?"

An old shout, like thunder from the nine heavens, suddenly resounded in the void.

The instant the shout sounded, tens of thousands of undead troops were directly shaken into nothingness.

The old man of the human race who took the shot is a top martial arts master who has been guarding the border all year round.

(End of this chapter)

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