Chapter 1758 Dial the stars with one hand (third change)
"If I'm not mistaken, you should not be a strong man in the Ruins Demon Realm, but come from another plane?"

Suddenly, Venerable Qingyin said in a deep voice.

At the same time as he said this, Venerable Qingyin's face became cold, as if it had been frozen for thousands of years.

"Does it matter?" Jiang Mo asked back.

"If you are not a local warrior in the Ruins Demon Realm, then you cannot take out any of the natural treasures here."

"Including those two Ascension to Heaven Pills, and the Heaven-reaching Immortal Wood."

Venerable Qingyin is a great priest of the Wumeng, and he holds a lot of power in his hands.

Just now, he searched the records of the entire martial arts league for strong men under the age of [-], but found no one who matched Jiang Mo's identity.

Being so young and possessing such tyrannical strength, even if he wanted to stay unnoticed, it would be difficult.

After confirming that Jiang Mo was not a local warrior in the Ruins Demon Realm, the last trace of Venerable Qingyin's love for talents disappeared.

Since he is not a strong person in the Ruins Demon Realm, then no matter how good he is, what is the use?

It is precisely because of this that Venerable Qingyin made up his mind not only to snatch the 'Dengtian Pill' and 'Tiantian Immortal Wood' from Jiang Mo's hands.

Even Jiang Mo, he wanted to detain him and bring him to the Martial League for a proper interrogation.

Being able to cultivate to such a level at such a young age shows that Jiang Mo must have a great opportunity.

If he can take it away and put it on the younger generation of the Wumeng, he will certainly be able to create a peerless monster in a short period of time.

It just so happened that this 'Venerable Qingyin' also had a nephew who was very talented. If Jiang Mo's opportunity could be transplanted to his nephew, it would be considered a fortune.

Thinking of this, Venerable Qingyin no longer hesitated, grabbed it with his big hands, and the surrounding space collapsed.

The power of the three-star emperor is not just talk.

However, facing Venerable Qingyin's all-out attack, Jiang Mo had no intention of backing down.

Because, he knew very well that once he retreated, he would be bombarded like a storm.

"Do you want to die together?"

Jiang Mo roared in a deep voice, and at the same time, the red energy light cluster in his hand suddenly increased countless times, showing the phantom of Suzaku Martial Emperor.

This red energy light group can be said to contain the energy crystallization of her life. After falling, it was condensed in the body. Because the Meteor God Stream is too dangerous, no one dared to enter it, making this energy light group, In the end, it fell into Jiang Mo's hands.

Now, driven by Jiang Mo's full strength, he actually has a terrifying power comparable to that of the Three Star Emperor.

"What? This kid has such a deep hidden body, and such a terrible attack method!"

The red energy light group emitted bursts of light, which was extremely dazzling.

After seeing this scene, Venerable Qingyin couldn't help becoming a little cautious.

He was worried that Jiang Mo was really in a hurry. The other party wanted to kill him, and the power of the red energy in Jiang Mo's hand might not be much weaker than the eight-colored 'Destroyer'.

"There are so many strong men in the Martial League. I can't do it. I'm going to risk myself. Since this kid has so many cards, I just go back and find some helpers. It's not a shame." Venerable Qingyin said with a twist of his mind.

He was originally an extremely cautious person, otherwise, he would not have waited until Old Qisha and the others had taken action before showing himself.

"Very well, I will remember what your Excellency did today!"

Seeing Venerable Qingyin retreating, Jiang Mo sneered, and then urged the Kunpeng Dharma Aspect, the speed increased to the extreme, and rushed away into the distance.

Seeing Jiang Mo leaving, Venerable Qingyin did not stop him. He crushed a golden jade stone with a gloomy expression, and said via voice transmission: "On the border of the Eastern Desolation Territory, geniuses from other planes appeared. People can't handle it, please send strong people from the Wumeng headquarters to help me!"

Venerable Qingyin's voice quickly reached the Wumeng headquarters.

The Martial League is a very large organization, and almost all human monks in the Ruins Demon Realm will register with the Martial League.

As for whether to serve the Wumeng after registration, it is everyone's own choice.

If the White Tiger Temple, which was destroyed by Jiang Mo, belonged to a first-class force, then this Wumeng was the pinnacle force.

Stamping one's feet can shake the entire Ruins Demon Realm.

"I didn't expect that even that guy Qingyin met an unsolvable opponent, and he was also a strong man from other planes. It's really interesting." After receiving the letter from Venerable Qingyin, a purple-haired old man, some Said curiously.

However, another gray-robed old man shook his head and said, "It's not that you don't know that guy Qingyin's character. As long as he is a little bit tricky guy, he will ask the headquarters for help."

"Did you forget that last time, it was just a two-star emperor with a slightly more murderous intent, who forced Qingyin to ask for help from the headquarters."

Hearing this, the purple-haired old man smiled, and then said seriously: "Anyway, this time it is a strong man from another dimension, we should pay more attention to it."

"Well, let's let the three princes Ziwei take action this time. Come to think of it, with their strength, combined with Shang Qingyin's methods, it shouldn't be difficult to catch the opponent." The gray-robed old man nodded and said.

Not long after, two men and a woman came to this secluded courtyard.

"I've met Elder Ma." The three respectfully saluted the gray-robed old man and the purple-haired old man.

"I called the three of you here this time because there is an important matter that I will leave to you to handle."

The old man in gray robe nodded, and immediately repeated the news from Venerable Qingyin.

After hearing the news, the man named 'Greedy Wolf' had a fierce look in his eyes, as if he was eager to try.

They haven't really shot for a long time.

"Don't worry, Elder Ma, we will definitely handle this matter properly." The man named 'Po Jun' seemed calmer.

"Remember, if you want to live, you can hurt him, but don't kill him."

The old man in gray robe reminded me.

Afterwards, the figures of the three people slowly disappeared in this quiet courtyard.

"Brother Ma, is it possible to make a big fuss over a molehill? A mere young genius, how about using the three of them?" After the three left, the purple-haired old man said a little puzzled.

"You don't understand, although that guy Qingyin is sometimes overly cautious, but this time, I have a hunch that the young genius he is talking about is not that simple."

"Send the Pojun three out, so I can feel at ease."

After finishing speaking, the old man in gray robe walked slowly in the yard with his hands behind his back. After a while, he raised his head, stretched out his dry palm like a branch, and gently fiddled with the void.

Immediately afterwards, the bright stars in the void, like chess pieces, were shifted out of position!

(End of this chapter)

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