Chapter 1764 Demon Banner Flower

"This Xuehanfeng sword is a good thing, I want it!"

"550 million magic stones!"

When the host's voice just fell, there was a rough voice from the audience.

"550 million magic stones? Are you willing to ask?"

"According to inside information, this blood-cold front sword does not have 800 million magic stones, so you can't even bid for it!"

"That is, as the opening treasure of this auction, how can it be simple?"

One after another voices rang out from under the auction platform, and the whole venue was in a mess without even the host mobilizing the atmosphere.

What followed was one after another the sound of asking prices.

"Six million magic stones."



In the end, when the bidding price climbed to 800 million magic stones, the fiery popularity finally gradually weakened.

No matter how much people yearn for this 'Blood Cold Front Sword', they will not lose their minds.

In the end, this Baiyin Immortal Artifact was bought by a man who looked very low-key and was completely wrapped in a black robe at the price of 900 million magic stones.

"Congratulations to this gentleman, you have won the Xuehanfeng Sword."

"Next, let's start the auction for the second treasure!"

The host waved his hand, and there was a delicate-looking maid, holding a wooden tray in her jade hand, and came up gracefully.

This time, the auction was for three pills.

Medicinal pills are extremely precious things in the Ruins Demon Realm, especially high-quality medicinal pills, which are priceless.

However, these were not attractive to Jiang Mo at all.

He has seen too many treasures. Although the treasures presented in this auction are not ordinary things, they can attract the bidders below and scream again and again, but for Jiang Mo, it is really difficult to arouse interest.

If it wasn't for the demon flag flower, he wouldn't even come here.

"Hey, brother, nearly ten treasures have appeared in today's auction one after another. Why don't you see your bid?"

Next to Jiang Mo, there was a bidder who asked very curiously.

Around Jiang Mo, many people also raised their cards, but they failed to bid for the auction.

But even if they didn't succeed, at least they raised their placards to bid, unlike Jiang Mo, who didn't even open his eyes, let alone bid.

"That's right, can it be said that your Excellency doesn't even look down on the treasures in the Fengcheng auction?" There was a hint of mockery in the eyes of some bidders.

From this person's point of view, Jiang Mo sitting here without moving is an act of self-defense, and he is really too arrogant.

"Indeed, so far, there is nothing I'm interested in." Jiang Mo still didn't open his eyes, but said lightly.

Hearing Jiang Mo's words, several powerful bidders around them sneered for a moment.

"I have come to the Fengcheng auction so many times, and I have never seen such an arrogant guy."

"Could it be that you didn't pay attention to the whole auction?"

"I guess, he probably lacks confidence. He doesn't have any magic stones at all, so he came here to make a fool of himself."

"I've seen too many people like this these days."


Jiang Mo didn't say anything to the sarcastic remarks of the people around him, but Wutong's sharp eyes shot directly at him.

"If any of you dare to slander the master again, I will definitely make you look good!"

Now that Wutong has broken through to Emperor Wu of the Nine Stars, even every word he says carries a very intimidating aura.

After Wutong spoke, the previous few people were startled by the beauty of Wutong, and then they were frightened.

Wutong's natural aura that day directly overwhelmed everyone.

"Unexpectedly, this guy is very lucky to find a maid with both strength and beauty."

"If this woman is willing to be my maid, even if she dies, I will be willing."

"The auction is still important, so ignore them for now."

Such a beautiful maid beside Jiang Mo aroused the jealousy of many people.

Jiang Mo didn't bother to pay attention to these complicated gazes.

As everyone looked away, Jiang Mo's side also regained calm again.

Finally, after bidding for more than a dozen treasures, the host suddenly paused, and then solemnly introduced: "The next auction item is very special, it is neither a pill nor a weapon. "

"It's a spirit flower!"

At this moment, Jiang Mo suddenly opened his eyes.

He opened his eyes not because of the host's words, but because he felt a very special energy fluctuation.

If the prediction is good, it should be the demon banner flower!
After waiting for so long, it's finally here.

As the host's voice fell, a beautiful waiter brought up a transparent jade bottle with both hands.

The jade bottle contained a lot of light blue liquid, and a flower similar to a flag was inserted in the jade bottle.

Moreover, the flower emitted a burst of strange fluctuations, giving people a very weird feeling.

"That's right! This should be the Yao Banner Flower, and it's still a mature Yao Banner Flower! No matter what, I want to get it!"

Jiang Mo said with firm eyes.

Many of the people present were very confused after seeing the demon flag flower.

They don't even know what the Yao Banner Flower does.

"Auctioneer Yang, you are always introducing me. What is the use of this broken flower!"

"Otherwise, we wouldn't be so stupid as to bid for a useless plant."

Someone in the audience said.

"Hehe, that's natural."

"This is a demon flag flower, born in the Holy Land of Brahmans, it blooms every 500 years, and matures in 1000 years!"

"Its function is to help cultivate spiritual thoughts. If you are now a ninth-level spiritual teacher, you only need a mature demon banner flower to be promoted to an emperor-level spiritual teacher!"

"Besides, Yao Banner's words are also of great help to martial arts practice!"

"There used to be rumors that a peak cultivator who was stuck in the bottleneck stage of the pseudo-emperor broke through the bottleneck and entered the realm of Emperor Wu after accidentally obtaining a demon flag flower!"

"Now, do you still say that this is a useless broken flower?"

The host said with a smile.

Hearing these words, Jiang Mo also frowned.

The host deliberately exaggerated the role of the demon flag flower, the purpose is to get more people to bid, so as to raise the price.

In this way, it will undoubtedly be more difficult for Jiang Mo to succeed.

But, no matter what, even if he gave everything, Jiang Mo would still get this demon flag flower.

"Okay, Auctioneer Yang, I can't wait to hear your introduction."

"Hurry up and make an offer! Although I don't need this demon flag flower, I can take a photo of it and leave it to my son."

A man with a big belly said loudly.

The host pondered for a moment, and said, "This auction item is the demon flag flower!"

"Starting price: 1000 million magic stones."

"Each price increase must not be lower than 100 magic stones!"

(End of this chapter)

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