Chapter 1782 Old Demon Tantai
The ear-piercing sound waves, like a storm, raged throughout the Mirao Heavenly Palace.

Many strong men in Miluo Tiangong were dizzy and vomited blood from the shock of the sound waves.

For a moment, it seemed that Jiang Mo was the only one in this world.

"Too strong, we are no match for him at all!"

"I'm afraid only the Empress herself can defeat him!"


A series of horrified voices gathered together, as if tolling the death knell of Mirao Heavenly Palace.

After Jiang Mo's shout fell, the main hall of Miluotian Palace remained silent.

"Since you can't come out from hiding inside, then I will cut down this palace with one sword!"

After the words fell, the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword made a clanging sound, and the monstrous sword intent poured out in an instant, like a flood breaking an embankment.

Holding the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword in Jiang Mo's hand, all the vitality in his body was mobilized, and the vast aura climbed to the extreme.

The sword intent soared to the sky, and immediately, one after another, sword gangs, like a long river, descended from the sky, and ruthlessly bombarded towards the main hall of Miluo Tiangong.

Seeing this scene, all the powerhouses of Miluo Tiangong revealed expressions of astonishment, mobilized their energy, and immediately dodged to other places.

They are afraid of being affected.

Jianhe fell with an incomparably swift force, and when the bustling palace was about to be chopped into ruins, a palm slowly rose from the main hall.

It was an extremely old palm with intertwined wrinkles, like the roots of an old tree.

However, after this palm appeared, it seemed as if it had grasped the rules of heaven and earth. The sword that Jiang Mo slashed with all his strength was actually caught by this palm, unable to fall.

"That is?"

Seeing the palm that seemed to protrude from the grave, Jiang Mo's pupils shrank suddenly, and an ominous premonition rose in his heart.

Empress Xingshuang is now at her peak, how could she have such an old hand?

"These so-called allies are still unreliable in the end. I need the old devil to take action myself!"

Accompanied by the appearance of that palm, came a very vicissitudes of sigh, as if he had seen all kinds of situations in the world and experienced the changes of the world.

"Why does this voice have a very familiar feeling?"

At this moment, Jiang Mo's thoughts turned quickly, recalling the owner of the sigh.

However, the next roar interrupted Jiang Mo's thoughts.

Bunches of purple light shot up into the sky, illuminating the entire sky brilliantly.

Then, everyone saw an old man sitting cross-legged in the purple light.

After the old man appeared, it gave people a very unreal feeling. He carried an aura that did not match this world, as if he was not a person of this era at all.

"This breath seems to have entered the realm of the emperor!"

"Miluo Tiangong, there are such strong people!"

Jiang Mo gasped.

"This person is definitely not Empress Xingshuang. His strength is far above Empress Xingshuang. Even he has shown up. Why hasn't Empress Xingshuang shown up yet?"

Many questions flashed through Jiang Mo's mind.

Jiang Mo never expected that a powerful emperor suddenly appeared in Miluo Tiangong.

"However, the aura of this person is very strange, giving people a very uncomfortable feeling!"

At this moment, the old man surrounded by purple light suddenly spoke.

"Little guy of the Jiang clan, I never thought I'd see you again after more than 1000 years!"

"Do you still remember the old man, back then, when that old guy Jiang Li was still alive, the old man hugged you!" the old man Ziguang said slowly, his voice hoarse, like fine iron rubbing against each other.

After hearing this, Jiang Mo was shocked!
The Jiang Li that the Ziguang old man was talking about was Jiang Mo's grandfather!

Could it be that this Ziguang old man was from the same era as Grandpa Jiang Mo?
At this moment, Jiang Mo could no longer calm down.

He closed his eyes slightly, and the memory in his mind was rolling like a tide.

In the end, his memory was fixed on the picture of his childhood.

Immediately afterwards, his chest rose and fell violently, "It's him, Old Devil Tantai!"

"Didn't he be seriously injured and died in the Burial Valley? Why did he survive until now?"

Jiang Mo remembered a lot.

Back then, Old Devil Tantai was very powerful, ranking among the top three in the entire Tianwu Continent.

However, he arrogantly broke into the Valley of Burying Immortals, wanting to find the elixir that could break through the realm of the Great Emperor, but he never returned.

In the following ten years, Jiang Mo's father took over the position of the patriarch of the Jiang clan, and, from his father's evaluation, Jiang Mo knew that this Tantai old devil had wolf ambitions and wanted to dominate the entire Tianwu Continent .

It's a pity that at that time, the most powerful people in the entire continent were concentrated in the Jiang clan. Tantai Laomo didn't dare to act rashly at all, so he broke into the Immortal Burial Valley, looking for opportunities.

Later, the Jiang family experienced violent turmoil, and the huge dynasty fell apart. Empress Xingshuang assassinated Jiang Mo, and then became the sole ruler of this continent.

"Little guy, you seem to have remembered." Tantai Laomo smiled, his voice still hoarse.

Now the situation has undergone a huge reversal, and the battle between the two sides has also fallen into a white-hot state.

Jiang Mo took a deep breath and asked, "Now, are you in charge of this Miluo Heavenly Palace?"

Old Devil Tantai nodded.

"The attack against the Phoenix Gate is also your will?" Jiang Mo was already sure at this time that if this matter was planned by Old Demon Tantai, Empress Xingshuang would not be able to stop it at all.

Tantai Laomo stood up, and the purple light behind him gathered and turned into pieces of armor, sticking to his body.

"Originally, the old man didn't intend to leave the customs! After all, breaking through to the realm of the great emperor needs to be stabilized."

"It's a pity, Tantai Xingshuang is too disappointing. The continent that has dominated for thousands of years can actually allow another giant to exist."

"You know, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers. Under no circumstances, the old man can only go out to end this chaotic situation."

What he said once again shocked Jiang Mo.

Tantai Xingshuang?

It turns out that Empress Xingshuang's real surname is 'Tantai'!
However, when she entered the Jiang clan, her name only had the word 'Xingshuang'.

Even after dominating the entire Tianwu Continent, she was still called the "Empress Starshuang".

Jiang Mo never knew that her real surname was 'Tantai'!
"That's right, Tantai Xingshuang is the descendant of this old man, if she can always sit firmly as the ruler of Tianwu Continent, this old man won't interfere."

"But now, the Phoenix Gate has to be destroyed!"

After the words fell, Tantai Laomo suddenly released the aura of a great emperor, making the surrounding strong people have the urge to kneel and submit.

How can ordinary people resist the majesty of the emperor?
(End of this chapter)

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