Chapter 1788 Ah Huang's Change

"Hey, old ghost, where are you taking Miss Ben?"

"If my father finds out, if you dare to take me away, you will definitely be torn to pieces."

"Old ghost, you are talking!"

In a carriage, a beautiful woman with a tall nose and fair face was shouting angrily.

This delicate beauty is unexpectedly Xue Ying.

As for the skinny old ghost in the carriage, it was Tantai Old Devil.

Before leaving Tianwu Continent, Old Devil Tantai used the order of the plane to arrest Xueying. Firstly, he wanted to take revenge on Jiang Mo, and secondly, he wanted to seize some of Jiang Mo's weaknesses.

"Stop yelling, if you keep yelling, the old man will sell you to a brothel!"

"Thinking about it, with your beauty and talent, there should be quite a few men interested in you."

"Hey hey hey..."

Old Devil Tantai grinned, revealing a mouthful of big yellow teeth.

"Bastard, let's see if Miss Ben doesn't tear your stinky mouth!"

Xueying was furious and annoyed, she raised her hand and attacked Old Demon Tantai, but unfortunately, she is no match for Old Demon Tantai.

Seeing the old man with a skinny face, as if he was about to run out of oil, he raised his finger casually, and circles of clear light rippled out, blocking Xueying's attack from outside.

The carriage that was running outside was not affected in the slightest.

However, at this moment, the sound of a galloping horse suddenly came from outside.

Then, the horse pulling the cart exploded into a cloud of blood mist.

"Oops! I have encountered a strong enemy!"

The moment that wave fell, Old Devil Tantai felt something was wrong, he jumped up, grabbed Xueying in one hand, and flew into the void like a bird of prey.


Old Demon Tantai was like a frightened bird. It was his first time coming to the Great Heavens. He was unfamiliar with everything, so naturally he didn't dare to underestimate the enemy.

"Put down the girl in your hand, and the poor nun can spare you."

A young Taoist nun dressed in white and holding a dust whisk in her hand had a flash of light in her eyes, and her breath was extremely surging.

"This is the old man's life-saving hole card, how can I give it to you?"

Old Demon Tantai grasped Xueying even tighter, her fair and tender skin showed streaks of blood.

"Hmph, if you don't eat a toast to an old man with a bad mind, then don't blame the poor nuns for being ruthless."

As soon as the words fell, the young nun's wrist flicked, and the dust whisks flew towards Old Demon Tantai one by one, as if they had eyes.

Seeing this, Tantai Laomo waved out blue light blades one after another, trying to cut off the silk whisk.

But everything he did was in vain, Fu Chensi was extremely tough, not only pierced through those blue light blades, but even went around Tantai Laomo, trying to trap him.

"This woman is so strong!"

Old Demon Tantai was startled, because he found that every strand of dust whisk could easily damage his power.

"Could it be that after being transferred to this plane, the old man's strength has been suppressed?" This thought flashed through Tantai Laomo's mind.

"Saving your life is the most important thing, this girl, let her forget it."

Thinking of this, Old Demon Tantai raised his hand and patted Xueying's body, knocking her out, right in front of Fuchensi.

But Old Demon Tantai turned into an afterimage and fled quickly to the distance.

When the young Taoist nun saw that Xueying was being beaten, she also smiled slightly, and then her whisk became soft, and she was carried over.

After several twists and turns, Xueying finally couldn't hold on anymore, her eyes went dark, and she passed out on the spot.


The headquarters of the Phoenix Gate.

The matter of Ah Huang's swallowing of the Shengyuan Pill was only known to a few people.

In a very quiet hall, Ah Huang grasped the shining golden Shengyuan Pill with his paws, and looked at it carefully.

The criss-cross lines on it appear extremely mysterious and profound.

And Jiang Mo is outside the main hall, protecting the law for him.

This time, whether Ah Huang can recover his strength is crucial.

"Tantai old devil, if I don't smash your corpse into thousands of pieces, I swear I won't be human!"

Standing outside the hall, Jiang Mo clenched his fists tightly, his eyes full of hatred.

That old guy actually had the heart to attack a weak girl, he was simply insane.

While guarding outside the main hall, Jiang Mo was not idle either. He was comprehending the method of improvement in the fourth Immortal Art Map.

"The blood knife condensed with the power of Yuanli and divine sense is powerful enough to deal with the powerhouse of the three-star emperor."

"It's just that this is only limited to the early days of the Samsung Emperor."

"If I meet the three-star emperor in the mid-stage realm, my blood sword slashing god map may not be enough."

Jiang Mo shook his head and said.

For this period of time, he has been trying to find a way to make the blood knife Zhanshentu more powerful.

Finally, when he tried to integrate the power of space into the blood knife, the power increased greatly.

When the blood knife melts into the void, it can make the opponent completely defenseless. Once they fight, Jiang Mo will definitely have a great advantage.

It can be said that the Blood Knife Slaying God Map, which incorporates the power of space, will become one of Jiang Mo's new killers just like the Ruinous War.

As for Ah Huang, after swallowing the Saint Yuan Pill, he remained in the main hall without any movement.

Jiang Mo didn't dare to interrupt rashly, so he could only stay outside, constantly pondering the newly created picture of killing gods with a blood knife.

Finally, after a few days, the vitality of the world outside the main hall seemed to start to boil, rippling outwards.

Aware of this change, Jiang Mo's heart skipped a beat.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely vast force, like a flood that opened a gate, poured out crazily.

That breath continued to climb, and after reaching a peak, it gradually fell back down.

"This breath is not much weaker than mine." Jiang Mo said in surprise.

The efficacy of Shengyuan Pill was better than Jiang Mo imagined.

Not only did it bring Ah Huang back to his cultivation level at the peak, but there were even signs of making further progress.

Now his Yuanli cultivation base is not weaker than Jiang Mo's.


The wooden door of the main hall was pushed open, and Ah Huang's fur all over his body became golden, very dazzling.

"How is it?" Jiang Mo naturally saw the change in him and asked.

"Not bad, now I should be able to slap an eight-star Martial Emperor to death with one paw."

"As for the power of divine sense, it may be stronger than you." Ah Huang said with some excitement.

"Better than me?" Jiang Mo was taken aback, and said, "Could it be that you also have the Divine Sense of the Emperor Realm?"

"Why, don't you believe it?"

"You are now the late Haoyue-level Divine Sense of the Emperor Realm, and I already have the Sun-level Divine Sense of the Emperor Realm. Tell me, between the two of us, who has the stronger divine sense?" Ah Huang asked back.

"Sunshine-level Emperor Realm Divine Sense?"

"It's too unfair, isn't it?"

Jiang Mo smiled helplessly.

He has worked so hard and practiced for so many years, but he is only at the Haoyue level, but Ah Huang surpassed Jiang Mo directly after taking a Saint Yuan Pill, which is really unacceptable.

"If I don't break through to the Divine Sense of the Emperor Realm at the Sun level, how can I find the trace of Xueying for you?"

Ah Huang pouted and said.

Behind him, the power of divine sense gathered, like a real sun, dazzling!

(End of this chapter)

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