Chapter 1798 Killing God Formation

"We all know that you are going to participate in the Taoist battle today!"

"come on!"

When Jiang Mo was on his way to Chaotiansheng Square, he met Lin Xiuru and the others.

There are only six guardians left at the time, and if Jiang Mo loses his position as Daoist, these guardians will also be assigned to other places in the sect, and they will no longer be guardians.

Because, there is a rule in the sect that the protectors of each term can only accompany the Daozi of each term. Once the Daozi falls, these protectors can only become history.

However, if Daozi can finally inherit the Datong and take over the position of head teacher, then his protectors will also gain a distinguished status and become elder protectors, and after a hundred years, they will be the elders.

Today's Supreme Elders were the protectors of that Daozi back then.

They have a very important right to speak in the Tiansheng Dao Palace, and even the masters of the Dao Palace cannot ignore their words.

"Don't worry, after today, you are still my guardians!"

Jiang Mo said with a bright smile.

These protectors had fought side by side with him on the battlefield in northern Xinjiang, through life and death, and their friendship was indelible.

He bears the hope of these guardians, and it can be said that he is all prosperous and all is lost.

"Hahaha, it's ridiculous. Daozi, who has disappeared for many years, is back now, and still wants to fight for the position of Daozi?"

"Feng Shui turns around, and you will not be destined for this position. As for the next guardian, we will be in charge."

A few sarcastic laughter came, and Jiang Mo saw nine monks in white clothes and white armor looking over with disdain.

These few monks have already chosen the Daoist to support.

Therefore, it is natural to look down on Jiang Mo, an outdated Taoist.

"A group of short-sighted guys, how do you know how powerful Zizi is?"

"In today's Daoist battle, you will see how the real Daoist can create miracles!"

Lin Xiuru sneered.

He grew up next to the old man Tianji, so he knew some face-to-face skills. Although he hadn't seen him for a few years, Jiang Mo had an aura of a superior person.

This kind of temperament was something that the three candidates did not have.

Based on this alone, Lin Xiuru believed that Jiang Mo would definitely come out on top in this battle.

"Hmph, then we need to see how he lost his aura and became an ordinary person."

The guardians said very disdainfully.

Soon, a group of people came to Tiansheng Square.

"You kid, some people think you're not coming." After seeing Jiang Mo, the master of the Dao Palace nodded slightly.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting for so long." Jiang Mo said apologetically.

"Hmph, do you still think you are a Taoist? You can really put on airs!"

A man in a purple robe said coldly.

This person is a first-class family from the Great Heavens, the Nangong family.

His name is Nangong Jue, and he is the leader of the younger generation of the Nangong family. He has been trained by the Nangong family since he was a child, and now he has cultivated to the level of the Nine Star Martial Emperor.

Last time, he participated in the Daozi battle, but was finally defeated by Jiang Mo.

After returning, Nangong was very unwilling and entered a secret realm controlled by the Nangong family to hone.

In the end, in that secret realm, he had the opportunity to fuse the spirit of a fallen emperor, and his strength improved by leaps and bounds. In just a few years, he cultivated to the realm of Nine Star Martial Emperor.

As for the other two candidates, their identities and talents are all very dazzling.

Otherwise, he is not eligible to participate in the Daozi competition in Tiansheng Dao Palace.

"Hmph, since you're here, don't waste your time. Let's start now!"

A Supreme Elder shook his head and said.

These Supreme Elders have practiced in seclusion for a long time.

As for the miracles created by Jiang Mo in the northern border battlefield, they had never heard of them, so their perception of Jiang Mo was not very good.

However, Jiang Mo didn't particularly care about the views of these Supreme Elders.

"Okay, no more gossip."

"Today is the day for our Tiansheng Dao Palace to select Daozi."

"The selection of Taoists is divided into two rounds of assessment."

"In the first round of testing your divine sense, will, xinxing, etc., if you fail to pass these, no matter how high your martial arts cultivation is, you will not be able to become the Taoist of our Heavenly Saint Dao Palace."

The Lord of the Dao Palace said loudly.

"Hmph, divine sense? I don't know if the emperor's divine sense I have cultivated is enough!"

Nangong Jue touched his nose and said very conceitedly.

He is very clear that generally strong people who specialize in martial arts practice seldom spend time on spiritual power.

And his Nangong family has mastered a martial skill for cultivating spiritual thoughts, and can temper the soul. It is precisely because of this that he, Nangong Jue, can cultivate the soul at the same time without delaying the martial arts.

In addition, a few years ago, the spirit of the great emperor and powerhouse fused together made Nangongjue's spiritual power far surpass that of his peers.

"Do you all know the rules?"

The Lord of the Taoist Palace opened his mouth and shouted.

Just now, he also told the four people about the danger of the assessment.

If there is an accident, I am afraid it will be seriously injured.

The four nodded.

Immediately, beams of light emerged from Tiansheng Square, connecting them into a large formation.

"Kill God Formation!"

This is an ancient formation in Tianshengdao Palace. After being repaired by the formation master, it has recovered its original strength.

Originally, this god-killing formation was an attacking formation, used to kill the enemies of the Heavenly Saint Dao Palace.

After improvement, it can also be used to assess Daozi's spirituality, heart, and will.

"Phew! This formation is terrifying. Just standing next to it gives me a very oppressive feeling, as if the energy in my body is about to stop flowing."

"I really don't know what it would be like to be in that formation."

Someone murmured, obviously very frightened.

It can be seen from this that not everyone dares to participate in the battle for Daozi.

This 'God Killing Formation' alone can keep many timid people out.

Today, apart from Lin Xiuru, Ye Tong also came over.

In fact, Jiang Mo's room was always cleaned by her.

Because she believed that one day, Jiang Mo would come back.

Today, the wait finally came.

"I believe in you, you will definitely become Daozi again."

After not seeing each other for several years, Yetong has become more mature and charming, like a delicate and beautiful rose.

In Tianshengdao Palace, I don't know how many young and handsome people pursued her, but they were all rejected.

Because, there is always a place in her heart.

once having seen the best, the rest is not worthwhile looking.

(End of this chapter)

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