Chapter 1996 Lightning Mosaic
After hearing Qiu Peng's words, an expression of disbelief appeared on Han Shuangshuang's pretty face.

You know, in Fengming Mountain, Qiu Peng is a disciple of the younger generation.

Now, Qiu Peng actually said that even he was not qualified to intervene in the battle between Jiang Mo and Mo Sen.

Doesn't this mean that Jiang Mo and Mo Sen's cultivation far surpassed that of Qiu Peng?

For Han Shuangshuang, before meeting Jiang Mo, Qiu Peng was like a heavenly existence.

Now, there are figures taller than the sky.

Terrifying energy ripples swept wildly, and some spectators around were shaken back and forth.

It's hard to imagine, if you are in that energy storm, what kind of terrible devastation you will suffer.

In the next moment, a horrifying scene appeared.

Mo Sen's body swayed from side to side like a lone boat in the wind and waves, and seemed unable to stabilize his body.

On the other hand, Jiang Mo was as motionless as a pine, standing firmly in the storm.

After the storm raged, the figures of the two appeared in front of everyone.

Mo Sen's hair was disheveled, and there was even a trace of blood at the corner of his mouth. He was extremely embarrassed and his breath became disordered.

Although Jiang Mo only has the cultivation base of a four-star emperor, compared with Mo Sen, he has the upper hand.

"how is this possible?"

"With this kid's cultivation base, he can actually fight on par with me. He must have used a secret method to improve his strength."

"However, any secret method has a certain time limit, and it cannot last forever."

"I just need to wait until his secret method dissipates, and when that time comes, this person will be self-defeating."

Mo Sen had already decided in his heart that Jiang Mo must have used a secret method.

Only in this way can it be explained.

Afterwards, Mo Sen stuffed an energetic pill into his mouth. The power of the pill exploded, and Mo Sen attacked Jiang Mo again.

His legwork is very sharp, like a sword, once the bombardment hits his body, he will inevitably end up ripped apart.

Even when he landed with one foot, he could crush a mountain to collapse.

Faced with Mo Sen's strong attack, Jiang Mo naturally would not sit still.

He took a deep breath, and the vitality in his body rolled out.

"The Immortal Emperor's Shadow!"

After the shout fell, a total of nine figures appeared on the top of the snowy area.

These nine figures all exuded powerful auras, exactly the same as Jiang Mo's real deity, making it impossible to distinguish them.

In the beginning, Jiang Mo worked hard to practice this martial art.

However, after the cultivation is successful, the effect brought about is also quite satisfactory.

These nine phantoms of immortal emperors were all cultivated by Jiang Mo with his own life essence and blood.

Not to mention Mo Sen, even a strong man who has cultivated the power of divine sense to the emperor level can hardly tell which one is Jiang Mo's avatar and which one is his true deity.

In the next instant, the nine powerful phantoms rushed out directly, shaking the space until waves of ripples surged.

The nine phantoms surrounded Mo Sen in the shape of corners.

Boom, boom, boom!

The roaring sound of fists and palms resounded one after another in this space.

The surrounding space was shattered, creating a series of dark cracks.

Seeing this situation, Qiu Peng and Han Shuangshuang hurriedly backed away a little further, so as not to affect them.

At this time, the Holy Master of the Snow Region stretched out a finger, and circles of brilliance were released from his fingertips, covering the Snow Region Palace.

If Jiang Mo and Mo Sen were allowed to wreak havoc there, it would not be long before the Snowy Palace would be reduced to ruins.

The strength of the Snowy Lord is unfathomable.

The circles of brilliance seemed to be very weak, but the aftermath of the energy generated by Jiang Mo and Mo Sen's fight hit the light curtain and was completely absorbed.

Even, it didn't make his light curtain produce the slightest energy ripple.

The fierce fighting is still going on.

The Immortal Emperor's Shadow that Jiang Mo displayed was so powerful that he suppressed Mo Sen all the time.

Finally, at a certain moment, Jiang Mo found a fatal loophole in Mo Sen, and immediately stabbed directly with his sword.

On the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword, the power of one after another inscription patterns exploded, and that terrifying power pierced Mo Sen's body on the spot.

The terrifying sword intent raged wildly in his body, causing Mo Sen to spit out a large mouthful of blood.

The battle between Jiang Mo and Mo Sen caught the attention of the Snowy Lord.

After all, Mo Sen is the elder brother of Linyuan Sect, and he is quite famous in this area.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Mo took down Mo Sen so quickly, which is really amazing.

Just when everyone thought that Mo Sen had been defeated and was about to admit defeat completely, suddenly, a terrifying aura centered on Mo Sen's body and swept away in all directions.

There was a cold and domineering meaning in that aura, which made people want to stay away.

"This...what's the situation?" Qiu Peng said with shocking eyes.

"Senior Brother Qiu, this person is so scary." Han Shuangshuang said in fear, subconsciously wanting to stay away from Mo Sen.

Jiang Mo naturally also noticed the change in Mo Sen. He frowned and murmured in his heart, "This power should not belong to this person."

At this moment, a change appeared on Mo Sen's forehead.

A black lightning pattern emerged from between his brows and spread all the way to the top of his forehead.

That cold, domineering aura was released from the lightning lines.

And Mo Sen's power also comes from that line.

At this time, Qiu Peng suddenly exclaimed, "This... this is the magic pattern!"

"Unexpectedly, the elder brother of Linyuanzong turned out to be a demon cultivator!"

Mo Xiu is hated by everyone in the Immortal Martial Demon Realm, because Mo Xiu will do whatever it takes to achieve his goal.

There are even rumors that demon cultivators use young children as nourishment for their cultivation, and the level of viciousness is outrageous.

After Han Shuangshuang heard the word 'Maxiu', she was too frightened to speak, her pretty face turned pale.

On the contrary, Jiang Mo didn't know as much about Demon Cultivator as Qiu Peng and the others.

The Holy Lord of the Snow Region naturally also saw the changes here, but when one of his men wanted to capture Mo Sen, he was stopped by the Holy Lord of the Snow Region.

"My lord, the fighting strength of the demon cultivator is far from comparable to that of the monks of the same generation. Although the little guy named Jiang Mo is talented, he is definitely not Mo Sen's opponent." Pei Yuandong said with some concern.

Pei Yuandong is a confidant of the Holy Lord of Xueyu, he is upright, and he doesn't want to see Jiang Mo being killed by the demon cultivator.

The Lord of the Snow Region shook his head, and said quietly, "There is a sense of mystery about that little white-haired guy. Maybe he will bring us unexpected joy."

"For so many years, Moxiu has been domineering over the righteous monks, and today I just took this opportunity to suppress Moxiu."

"That guy named Mawson was lucky to be the villain."

"I also hope that the little guy with white hair won't let me down."

(End of this chapter)

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