Chapter 214
Jiang Mo lifted the quilt and saw Ling'er shivering inside.

That appearance makes people feel distressed.

Jiang Mo tested Ling'er's body temperature, but found that Ling'er's body was very cold.

It can even be described as icy cold.

"Master, Ling'er is cold..." Ling'er opened her eyes, her long eyelashes were covered with a layer of blue frost mist.

Her pretty face was purple from the cold, her delicate body was trembling non-stop, and the skin in the air was covered with a layer of hoarfrost.

"What's going on here?" Jiang Mo frowned and thought.

Jiang Mo hugged Ling'er in his arms, trying to use his own warmth to drive away the cold for Ling'er.

However, after a while, Ling'er was still cold all over, her teeth were chattering, her palms were extremely cold, like three or nine days of ice and snow.

Jiang Mo couldn't dispel the cold for Ling'er with his own body temperature.

At this moment, Ling'er's consciousness is a little blurred.

The situation was very urgent, and Jiang Mo couldn't afford to think too much.

He straightened Ling'er's body, and then the two sat cross-legged on the bed, facing each other.

"Ling'er, hold on a little longer." Jiang Mo said worriedly.

Immediately, Jiang Mo put his palms against Ling'er's delicate hands that were a little bit cold.

In the next instant, the Eight Desolation Burning Heaven Flame and Martial Veins floated out, causing the temperature of this space to rise suddenly.

In order not to let the terrifying temperature burn Ling'er, Jiang Mo deliberately controlled the temperature of the flame.

Then, he sent that fiery power into Ling'er's body.

However, how could the temperature of the Eight Desolation Burning Heaven Flame be so easy to control.

Even after being suppressed by Jiang Mo, it was still very hot.

It has to be said that the power of the Eight Desolation Burning Tianyan is very strong.

In just a quarter of an hour, the icy power in Ling'er's body was suppressed.

However, Jiang Mo had a hunch that the icy power in Ling'er's body seemed to be gathering strength, and she retreated temporarily.

When the next eruption occurs, it is estimated that it will be even more terrifying.

"Looks like we have to find a way to control the icy power in Ling'er's body soon." Jiang Mo secretly said.

Unknowingly, the hoarfrost on Ling'er's body had melted, and under the warmth and nourishment of the power of the Eight Desolation Fen Tianyan, Ling'er's body gradually returned to normal.

This process lasted for a full hour before Jiang Mo felt that the icy power in Ling'er's body had been fully withdrawn.

Only then did Jiang Mo wipe off his sweat and get out of bed.

In fact, it is not very laborious to output the power of the Eight Desolation Burning Heaven Flame to drive Linger away from the cold.

But Jiang Mo had to suppress the distracting thoughts in his heart, which was the most terrible thing. Jiang Mo didn't know how he survived this hour.

Jiang Mo pouted, ready to lay Ling'er's body flat and cover her with a quilt.

But at this moment, Ling'er's beautiful eyes opened.

"Young Master, what are you...what are you doing?" Ling'er lowered her head, aware of the embarrassing situation, she wished she could find a hole in the ground and get in.

"I..." Originally, Jiang Mo didn't do anything, but now it's good, and he can't explain it clearly.

Ling'er's face was so red that she didn't dare to look at Jiang Mo.

"Master, Ling'er is your servant, even if you let Ling'er serve you, Ling'er will be willing. But... you have to prepare Ling'er mentally!"

Ling'er lowered her head, her voice was as low as a mosquito, almost inaudible.

Hearing this, Jiang Mo had no choice but to smile wryly, and said, "Ling'er, where are you going? When I came back just now, I saw that you were trembling all over, and your body was extremely cold, so I used extraordinary measures to drive you away. cold."

"What extraordinary means? Could it be..." Thinking of a certain possibility, Ling'er's heart pounded even more, but when she thought of giving it to the young master for the first time, she didn't have any resistance in her heart. Perceived joy.

This shows that he is still attractive to the young master.

"Here, look." With a move of Jiang Mo's finger, a wisp of cyan flame emerged, curling up from his palm, emitting fiery waves.

"I poured this fiery power into your body to successfully drive you away from the cold." Jiang Mo said.

"Ah... so it's not that way." Thinking of her thoughts just now, Ling'er felt even more embarrassed.

It turned out that the young master didn't do that, but he was thinking too much.

"Yeah." Jiang Mo nodded, and said, "Get some rest earlier, during this period of time, the icy power in your body should not erupt for the time being."

"I will find a way as soon as possible to let you control that power." Jiang Mo said seriously.

If it is not controlled as soon as possible, every time the power in Ling'er's body explodes, wouldn't it lead to today's scene?
Although Jiang Mo is very confident in his concentration, but facing Ling'er, he doesn't know if he can hold on any longer.

Therefore, it is better to solve it as soon as possible to save major incidents.

"Well, young master, that..." Ling'er wanted to say something else, but she didn't say it when she got to her lips.

Jiang Mo turned around and went out, closing the door gently.

After walking to his room, the Zichen ring in Jiang Mo's hand flashed a dim light, and he entered the dark and cold Zichen space.

Jiang Mo sat down cross-legged and took a deep breath.

"My martial arts cultivation has already reached the peak level of a two-star great martial artist. Let's see if I can break through in one fell swoop today!"

 The third update, please get a ticket~~~
(End of this chapter)

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