Chapter 217 Lin Guang
With a distance of thousands of miles, under the full speed of the griffin beasts, Jiang Mo and the two arrived at Tianshield City in less than five days.

Outside Tianshield City, Jiang Mo ordered the griffin to land.

He brought Ling'er into this bustling Tianshield City.

In the past, in front of the gate of Tianshield City, where there was a constant flow of people, it seems to have become a little deserted today.

At the gate of Tianshield City, there are dozens of guards wearing armor, and they patrol back and forth with shining steel knives.

These guards have sharp eyes, like sharp knives, sweeping through the passing pedestrians.

Since the imperial family issued a sanction order against the Chen family a few days ago, the entire Tianshield City has been under martial law.

The entire Yunchui Empire, from the court hall to the people of Liming, all know that the Chen family, which was famous in the past, has completely declined since then.

As for the ancestor of the Chen family, Chen Tiande, although he was surrounded by the imperial family and Yunchui Martial Arts Institute, he escaped.

But it will be difficult to make a comeback in the future.

On the day he escaped, the imperial family will mobilize another [-] royal guards to search around Tianshield City. No matter what, this Chen Tiande is now a frightened rabbit and dare not show his face again.

After entering the city, it was much more lively. Compared with the chilling atmosphere in front of the city gate, the merchants and monks here still lived their normal lives without being affected in the slightest.

"Wow, young master, there are so many people here!" Ling'er had lived in the Jiang Mansion since she was a child, and had never seen such a lively scene.

Therefore, after entering the city, she couldn't help exclaiming when she saw such a bustling city.

Hearing this, Jiang Mo smiled, took Ling'er's delicate little hand, and came to a booth selling jewelry.

"Here, this is for Linger." Jiang Mo picked out a green pearl hairpin and put it on for Linger himself.

After wearing it, Ling'er's already beautiful face became even more beautiful, making her more charming.

Ling'er was very happy in her heart, and a touching smile appeared on her pretty face.

"Huh? When did such a beautiful fairy appear in Tianshield City?"

At this moment, a harsh male voice came from not far away.

"I, Lin Guang, is one of the four young masters of the imperial city, but this is the first time I've seen such a beautiful fairy. I want to taste anything tonight." After speaking, Lin Guang stuck out his tongue and licked it disgustingly. lick.

Hearing this voice, Jiang Mo turned around slowly, and saw a young man in a gorgeous robe whose body was hollowed out by wine.

Jiang Mo frowned slightly. What this guy said just now was obviously aimed at Ling'er.

"That's the fourth son of the Lin family, Lin Guang."

"Hey, that girl is about to suffer again!"

"Who doesn't know, this Lin Guang is a well-known playboy in Tianshield City. I don't know how many girls from good families have been ruined by him."

"Who told this guy to be behind the Lin family? Even if they suffer, those women dare not speak out!"

Lin Guang, with greasy hair and pink face, walked towards Ling'er with a smile on his face. Behind him was an old man in gray robes, obviously guarding his safety.

"Sister Fairy, how are you? Are you free? Let's have dinner with the young master tonight!" Lin Guang's eyes kept moving up and down Ling'er's tender body, revealing fiery desire.

"Sorry, I don't know you." Ling'er frowned, and pulled Jiang Mo to leave.

"Hee hee, I'm the fourth young master of the Lin family. In Tianshield City, there are not many people who don't know me!" Lin Guang stood in front of the two of them with a faceless face, without any intention of getting out of the way, "Even if you don't know me It doesn't matter, now this young master will give you this opportunity to let you get to know each other."

"Master, let's go quickly." Ling'er said timidly, pulling Jiang Mo's sleeve.

However, Ling'er's timid appearance, coupled with her elegant and refined face, aroused Lin Guang's fire of desire even more.

With a big hand, he stopped the two of them, and said angrily: "In Tianshield City, no one I, Lin Guang, can refuse the woman I like!"

Not to be soft, Lin Guang showed his fierce face.

"Are you deaf? She said she didn't know you, don't you understand?" Jiang Mo held Ling'er with his backhand, and glared at Lin Guang with his dark eyes.

With that casual glance, Lin Guang took several steps back before he stood still.

From Jiang Mo's eyes, he actually felt a vague killing intent.

Immediately, he straightened his robe and stood still.

Lin Guang really couldn't believe that someone dared to attack him in Tianshield City!
"Where did you come from, you bastard? How dare you meddle in my business? Believe it or not, I'm going to strip you alive right now!" Lin Guang's face turned red and his eyes showed a fierce look.

"Master is not a bastard, you are!" Hearing that Lin Guang scolded Jiang Mo, Ling'er, who had always been gentle, had a rare flash of anger at this time.

"Hehe, okay, he is your young master, then I will kill your young master now to see if you still follow me." Lin Guang was furious when he saw that Ling'er was protecting Jiang Mo like this.

"Old Lin, kill this kid for me!" Lin Guang ordered to the old man in gray robe behind him.

Hearing these words, all the onlookers sighed.

"Are they new to Tianshield City? Otherwise, facing a domineering young master like Lin Guang, why would they choose to provoke him?"

"This young couple, I'm afraid they will be attacked by Lin Guang again!"

"I hope Lin Guang won't go too far!"

Some people secretly prayed for Jiang Mo in their hearts.

Hearing this, the gray-robed old man immediately took a step forward, and whispered next to Lin Guang: "Fourth young master, if you count this time, this is already the fifth time you have killed someone in Tianshield City this month!"

"A few days ago, the young master specifically told you that if you dare to kill ordinary people at will, you will be severely punished!" the gray-robed old man reminded.

In fact, if Lin Guang dared to disobey the young master again, even the old man in gray robe would be punished!
"Since you don't dare to kill, then I'll do it myself. I'd like to see if this guy who dares to fight against me has three heads and six arms." The sword slashed towards Jiang Mo.

Although Lin Guang has been addicted to wine and sex all year round, with the accumulation of family resources, he has become a martial artist.

Moreover, since he is practicing the Lin family's superior martial arts, his combat power can even be compared to ordinary two-star martial artists.

"Hey, that boy is going to be unlucky. It's so miserable to meet Lin Guang!" Seeing this scene, some onlookers sighed softly.

This scene is really too common in Tianshield City.

Seeing this, the gray-robed old man did not stop.

In his opinion, Jiang Mo was not too old, so he shouldn't be too powerful. Lin Guang had no problem dealing with him.

As long as he doesn't make a move, even if the young master punishes him, it won't be punished on his own head.

The old man in gray robe thought so.

Seeing the long sword struck by Lin Guang, Ling'er immediately hugged Jiang Mo in fear, and buried her small head in Jiang Mo's chest.

"Since you are courting death, then I will fulfill you!"

The moment Lin Guang struck with the long sword in his hand, a cold light flashed across Jiang Mo's dark eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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