Chapter 228

With a movement of Jiang Mo's figure, he jumped onto the spacious Yanwu Square.

Holding a spear in his hand, Zhang Zhanzhan also followed closely.

The disciple who was practicing martial arts in Yanwu Square immediately attracted his attention when he saw the two of them.

"Are they going to fight?"

"That person seems to be Senior Brother Jiang Mo!"

"Brother Jiang Mo once taught us the Tao, and what he said that time was really good. After hearing the Tao that time, I have become more and more determined in my martial arts along the way!"

"Well, I have the same experience."

"Brother Jiang Mo is so strong, how could he fight that man? I don't seem to know the man holding the spear opposite him?"

The disciples in the Yanwu Square retreated to the periphery one after another, whispering among themselves.

"If I remember correctly, the person opposite Jiang Mo should be Zhang Zhanzhan, who is fifth on the Qianlong list!" said an older disciple.

"What? It turned out to be the fifth existence on the Qianlong list?"

"How long has it been since Senior Brother Jiang Mo entered the inner courtyard? With his identity, how dare he have the nerve to duel with Senior Brother Jiang Mo?"

"I'm afraid senior brother Jiang Mo will suffer a loss now. I heard that the top disciples on the Qianlong list all have the strength to fight across small realms!"

All the disciples talked about it, and when they heard that Jiang Mo's opponent was fifth in the Qianlong list, they immediately felt sorry for Jiang Mo.

"Don't underestimate Jiang Mo, his strength should not be underestimated!" The old disciple was obviously much calmer than the other disciples.

"I hope so. Even if senior brother Jiang Mo loses to that person, it's not a shame. After all, the top ten people on the Qianlong list have spent more time practicing in the inner courtyard than senior brother Jiang Mo." many."

In the field, Zhang Zhanzhan stood beside him with a spear, full of momentum!
And Jiang Mo also looked solemnly, facing the fifth place on the Qianlong list, he didn't dare to neglect in the slightest.

"Senior Brother Zhang, I'm going to make a move!" A moment later, Jiang Mo unleashed the aura of a three-star martial artist without reservation.

Sensing Jiang Mo's aura, Zhang Zhanzhan obviously relaxed a little.

"Although Jiang Mo's talent is monstrous, his martial arts cultivation is not as good after all. It should be easy for me to defeat him," Zhang Zhanzhan thought in his mind.

"If Jiang Mo can persist in thirty strokes without losing under my command, he will be considered as passing the assessment."

With this in mind, Zhang Zhanzhan also released his martial arts cultivation base.

During the fluctuation of Yuanli around him, the aura of a six-star great martial artist swept out and pressed towards Jiang Mo.

Faced with this oppressive momentum, Jiang Mo's face remained unchanged. He gave a low drink, and stomped hard on the ground with the sole of his foot, causing an explosion of energy.

Immediately, his body shot out like an arrow from the string!

"Okay! In the face of Junior Brother Zhan Zhan, who has a higher level of martial arts than him, Jiang Mo can take the initiative to attack. This courage is really good!" In the distance, the few people on the Qianlong list saw this scene and couldn't help it. Say hello.

Zhang Zhanzhan also took the initiative to rush out, with his palms stretched out, as if there was a tide surging.

The distance between the two is shortened in the blink of an eye.

Bang bang bang!
The moment he touched it, Jiang Mo suddenly punched him.

A punch without fancy, under the support of huge Yuan force, with a sharp sound of breaking the wind, slammed towards Zhang Zhanzhan angrily.

Feeling the terrifying wind from that fist, Zhang Zhanzhan's eyes narrowed slightly.

He spread his palms and directly met the iron-like fist.

Bang bang bang!
All of a sudden, in Yanwu Square, there was a continuous dull sound, like raindrops falling on the ground, crackling.

The onlookers watched the fierce battle intently.

Whether it is the speed of Jiang Mo's punching or Zhang Zhanzhan's palm, they are extremely fast!
Everyone was dazzled, and they could only barely see the trajectory of the punches and palms. What's more, the sound of explosions came from their ears.

"As expected of Senior Brother Jiang Mo, facing the fifth existence on the Qianlong list, he was able to suppress him!"

"Senior brother Jiang Mo's attack is too fierce, that Zhang Zhanzhan can only resist passively."

"It doesn't seem right. You see, Senior Brother Jiang Mo's punching speed has slowed down!"

Suddenly, a disciple captured this scene.

Jiang Mo's continuous fist shadow seemed to be hindered, and the moment he blasted out again, it became much slower, as if he had smashed into a quagmire.

"Fifth on the Qianlong list, it really deserves its reputation!"

Jiang Mo naturally felt this change, and he was secretly startled in his heart.

In the next instant, all the brute strength of his physical body and the vitality in his dantian burst out and gathered on the fist.

Immediately afterwards, it suddenly hit Zhang Zhanzhan's quagmire-like defense.

After a loud noise, the wave-like barrier in front of Zhang Zhanzhan was directly shattered.

His body also took a few steps backwards because of this.

Jiang Mo was panting violently. If he hadn't suddenly exploded in strength, he would have faced Zhang Zhanzhan's counterattack now after his defense.

After Zhang Zhanzhan took a few steps back, he was even more shocked than Jiang Mo. What he just used was the Xuanshui Shield, a low-level martial skill of the Xuan level.

When ordinary people fight against him, they can't detect it at all. The Xuanshui shield is only hidden in the air, but it can reduce the opponent's attack speed and strength.

After a long period of consumption, once Zhang Zhanzhan seized the opportunity, the next step would be a stormy counterattack.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Mo noticed the existence of Xuanshui Shield, and finally exploded decisively, blasting it away.

"Hehe, it seems that the rumors from the outside world are indeed true. Junior brother Jiang Mo's martial arts cultivation is really amazing!" Zhang Zhanzhan said seriously.

"However, in the future, I won't hold back any more."

As soon as the words fell, Zhang Zhanzhan's palm suddenly slapped out, and the sound of a wave hitting the reef echoed from the place where his palm was slapped.

"Junior Brother Zhanzhan is going to use Surging Wave Palm?"

Liang, who was carrying a purple war sickle on his right shoulder, couldn't help being surprised when he saw the movement of Zhang Zhanzhan's palm.

"If Jiang Mo can take this palm, then he has passed the test." The calm disciple said.

Before, Jiang Mo and Zhang Zhanzhan fought fiercely, and he was watching. Jiang Mo was impeccable in terms of speed and combat experience. The only shortcoming was that his martial arts cultivation was too low.

If Jiang Mo can take this palm, even if his martial arts cultivation is not high, it will be enough to prove that he possesses extraordinary combat power!
"Jingtao Palm!" Zhang Zhanzhan yelled, and immediately slapped Jiang Mo with both hands angrily.

In an instant, the roaring sound of the surging tide suddenly came.

It makes people feel like they are in the middle of the surging sea.

Jiang Mo raised his head, a fiery fighting intent flashed across his pitch-black eyes.

"Try the Bengshan Fist of my perfect realm!"

Jiang Mo clenched his fists tightly, his veins bulging, and the next moment, his fists burst out angrily.

In the next moment, a terrifying momentum like a mountain descended suddenly!

(End of this chapter)

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