Chapter 233 Ice Abyss
After several days of practice in the Zichen space, the third form of the Devil May Cry swordsmanship, Jiang Mo walked out of it.

"It should be today!" Jiang Mo secretly said.

"Master, are you leaving today?" Ling'er stood behind Jiang Mo, and said with some reluctance.

"Yeah." Jiang Mo nodded, rubbing Ling'er's black hair that fell like a waterfall.

"Then when will you come back?" Apparently, after Jiang Mo left, Ling'er must have felt uncomfortable in such an unfamiliar environment.

"Don't worry, I'll be back within ten days or as long as half a month. If you encounter any trouble during this period, you can just go to the Great Elder Lian Yue." Jiang Mo said with a smile.

Before leaving, he was most worried about Linger.

Therefore, he had already greeted Elder Lian Yue, and if Ling'er encountered any trouble, he would ask Elder Lian Yue to take care of her.

Under Linger's reluctant gaze, Jiang Mo left his residence.

There was a gust of wind from the sky above the back mountain of Budaoyuan. Three huge griffins had already hovered in the air, and the four of them, Long Shao, had already been waiting there.

Long Shao and Liang sat on a griffin, Yue Qu and Zhang Zhanzhan sat on a griffin, and the last one was naturally prepared for Jiang Mo.

Seeing Jiang Mo approaching, one of the griffin beasts descended, Jiang Mo jumped up and stepped on the broad back of the griffin beast.

After a whistle, the griffin flapped its huge wings and rushed out of the Martial Arts Academy.

Ling'er stood at the bottom, watching the griffin supporting her young master and heading away into the distance.

"Master, you should come back sooner!" Ling'er said with tears in her eyes, such a weak appearance made people feel distressed.


After the griffins flew for a few days without sleep, a mountain range that spread like a giant dragon gradually appeared in front of everyone.

"There is the Ice Mountain Range, and the Ice Abyss is hidden in the Ice Mountain Range."

Long Shao, who was flying at the forefront, pointed to the mountain range extending below, and said.

Following the direction of Long Shao's finger, Jiang Mo saw that the majestic and majestic mountain range below was covered with white snow, with no end in sight, like a giant white dragon.

As the distance got closer, Jiang Mo felt that the temperature of the space around him also dropped.

Unknowingly, there are pieces of snowflakes falling down, embellishing this piece of heaven and earth crystal clear.

The griffin screamed, and then swooped down towards the icy mountain range that appeared in sight.

As the distance drew closer, a gully like a moat suddenly appeared in the middle of the endless, white dragon-like mountain range.

That huge gully runs directly through the Frost Mountain Range, as if it was split open by an ancient giant with a god-opening axe. It is so shocking!

Seeing this gully, Long Shao's eyes showed a gleam of joy.

He took out an ancient map from his bosom. From the marks on it, it can be seen that this place is undoubtedly the Abyss of Ice.

He got this ancient map from an auction at a high price.

And the news of the birth of the Chihuang Cave Mansion was also obtained from the information sold in the auction house.

"Go down!" Long Shao shouted, and immediately the wings of the three griffin beasts whipped up a strong wind and flew towards the bottom.

Below, the icy abyss was extremely dark, behind a huge jagged rock, there were seven people hiding here.

"Boss, it seems that someone is coming." One of the subordinates in a black robe said.

The strength of these seven people is extremely strong, especially the man called the leader, whose cultivation has reached the terrifying level of a two-star Martial Lord!
And the six people behind him, half of them are nine-star great martial artists, and the remaining three are also eight-star great martial artists.

This lineup can be called terrifying, even in the face of second-rate forces in the empire, it is enough to walk sideways.

But such a powerful lineup came to the ice mountains thousands of miles away.

"The leader of the Black Snake said that the purpose of our trip is to find the Chihuang's martial arts, and there is no need to make extra troubles. Of course, if anyone dares to hinder us from completing the task, he will be killed!"

This person who is hidden in the darkness is obviously the leader of the six people. He has a cold aura all over his body, like a poisonous snake lurking in the grass, and he may give you a fatal blow at any time!
The seven of them are all from the Green Snake Gang.

According to the order of the leader of the Black Snake, it was to bring back Chi Huang's martial veins for research.

Even though the Chihuang has been dead for many years, the ice mountain range has the power to seal it. Perhaps the Chihuang's divine fire and martial arteries can still be found.

"As for those people, there is no need to worry about it, all we need to do is to wait and see what happens.

It would be best if those guys didn't come for Chihuang Cave Mansion.

If they also came here, let them go in first. If there is any danger, let them clean it up for us. We just need to sit back and reap the benefits! "The leader said with a gloomy look.

"Hehe, the boss is still wise, so let's wait and see what happens!" Someone complimented behind the jagged rock.

This mountain range is covered with snow all the year round, and as far as the eye can see, it is all a vast expanse of white snow.

It's like a world of ice and snow here.

Suddenly, the snow covering the mountain was blown up by a gust of wind.

Immediately afterwards, the huge bodies of the three griffin beasts landed down.

Five figures jumped down from the back of the griffin beast.

Behind the strange rock, the leader suddenly laughed strangely, "It seems that these guys are really here for the Chihuang Cave Mansion!"

"Seeing that they are not very old, their strength is probably limited. If they dare to hinder our plan, they will be slaughtered!" A nine-star martial artist followed, a cruel smile flashed across his eyes.

These seven people are all blood-licking people with the tip of a knife, and their methods are extremely ruthless.

"Hehe, that seems to be a nice girl. Although she is a bit petite, her breasts are big enough and her buttocks are big enough. I like it. Hehe..." An eight-star martial artist glanced at the girl on her right shoulder. After holding the purple war sickle, Liang Hou suddenly let out a lewd laugh.

"Diao San, can you still be a little promising? After completing this task, what kind of woman do you want in the future?"

After the strange rock, the leader scolded him angrily.

Young master Long walked in front, followed by Jiang Mo and the others.

This place is already an abyss of ice, the surrounding wind is bitter, and endless snowflakes are rustling down.

The bitter wind came from the bottom of the abyss, like a knife, cutting on everyone's skin.

Following the map in their hands, the five of them walked straight forward.

As time went by, after three sticks of incense, a huge cave with a height of five feet and a width of two feet finally appeared in front of the five people.

"The Chihuang Cave Mansion!"

The five of them looked at each other with a hint of joy in their eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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