Chapter 247 The storm is coming

The serpent's winding and huge body directly blasted the air, rushing towards the crowd angrily.

The underworld snake, which gathered the strength of the six powerful members of the Green Snake Gang, became extremely terrifying at this moment.

Long Shao's face was heavy, and he saw his hands, forming seals like lightning, and suddenly circles of cyan energy waves spread around his position as the center.

Immediately afterwards, the cyan energy turned into a big cyan hand, which suddenly protruded out from the void.

"Qing Gang Enchanting Hand!"

Long Shao let out a low drink, his face flushed red.

This move is an intermediate martial skill of the Xuan rank, the strongest martial skill he can master!

It is extremely costly to use it.

On the big blue hand, there is a black aura, like complicated patterns, engraved on it, very mysterious.

Jiang Mo felt that the moment the big blue hand appeared, the surrounding air seemed to freeze for a moment.

With a whistling sound, the giant cyan hand slapped down fiercely on the scarlet, incomparably ferocious Hades snake.

In an instant, the vitality of the heavens and the earth vibrated violently, and the sound of roaring was endless.


With a bang, the giant cyan hand landed on the head of the Hades snake. Immediately, two huge forces began to erode each other crazily.

The fierce wave of energy burst out suddenly, lifting the ground up.

Rolling stones were continuously shaken down from the cave, and terrifying cracks were opened on the ground.

"Mr. Yilong's strength may not be able to withstand this snake!" Jiang Mo frowned and said inwardly.

The light above the underworld snake was obviously better than the giant blue hand, and it rushed away with an indomitable momentum.

"If the Hades snake comes over, I'm afraid we're all going to die!" Jiang Mo thought quickly.

After a while, he gritted his teeth fiercely.

The strength of this shadowy man who used the joint attack formation has greatly increased. If he still has reservations, he may not even know how he will die next.

At the end of the year, Jiang Mo suddenly shouted.

As soon as he moved his mind, he took out the attack spirit array that he bought from Yunchui Martial Arts Academy.

True Thunder Slash!

After Yuanli was injected into the scroll, thunderclouds enveloped it immediately, and purple lightning, like a spirit snake, shuttled non-stop in the thundercloud, making roaring sounds.


Suddenly, the thick thundercloud was torn apart, and a thunderbolt as thick as the mouth of a bowl descended from behind the thundercloud.

Finally, under Jiang Mo's control, he ruthlessly bombarded the snake seven inches away.

Hit the snake seven inches, so as to cause serious damage to it.

After the thick thunderbolt attacked the Hades snake's body, it immediately let out a scream of pain.

The fierce and domineering power of thunder raged from the underworld snake, releasing violent power crazily.

The power of purple thunder roamed over the snake's body, making it extremely painful.


Immediately afterwards, the thunderclouds gathered, and another thick thunderbolt fell from the sky.

Although it was a bit weaker than the previous True Thunder Slash, the power contained in it has long been something that cannot be underestimated.

This violent thunder force exploded at the seven-inch position of the Hades snake, bombarding it and neighing continuously.

"How can this bastard have so many tricks?" Seeing the violent True Thunder Slash, the gloomy man's face became more and more gloomy.

The Hades snake he had managed to condense could be destroyed by Jiang Mo.

However, Jiang Mo knew that there were only three chances to attack the attack spirit array——Zhen Lei Zhan.

Moreover, each time it is weaker, Jiang Mo has used it once before, and after these two opportunities are used up, he can no longer use it.

Jiang Mo raised his eyes slightly, looking at the thundercloud that was slowly dissipating, with a calm expression.

Originally, he didn't intend to destroy the Hades snake just by the True Lightning Slash.

Although the true thunder slash can kill eight-star martial artists, it can severely damage nine-star martial artists.

However, this Hades snake, which gathered the strength of the six members of the Green Snake Gang, is extremely powerful. I am afraid that its defense power far exceeds that of a nine-star martial artist, or even a one-star martial master!
Jiang Mo's plan was to use the thunderous power of True Thunder Slash to suppress the cold aura on the Hades snake with a fierce and domineering aura.

Prepare for his next attack.

And that gloomy man, seeing the dissipated thundercloud, couldn't help but flash a gloomy smile on his face.

"Hmph, this kid's methods are finally exhausted!" However, before he finished speaking, he suddenly felt that the temperature in this space suddenly rose.


His small eyes like poisonous snakes looked towards Jiang Mo, and saw a large blue flame sweeping behind him.

The terrifying high temperature spread from the blue flame.

"This kid...his martial arteries are actually the rare flame martial arteries?" The shadowy man's eyes showed a thoughtful expression.

However, immediately after, Jiang Mo took action.

With a wave of his hand, the cyan flame behind him spread suddenly, turning into a huge flame whip.

It can be said that it is very easy to do this with Jiang Mo's perfect control over the Eight Desolation Burning Tianyan.

The moment the cyan flame whip condensed, Jiang Mo controlled it to whip it directly to the seven inches of the snake.

Only by attacking there all the time can we cause fatal damage to it.

Bang bang bang!
The cyan flame whip, even the air was burned into nothingness, and then with an extremely fierce momentum, it hit the Hades snake.

Suddenly, it let out bursts of shrill neighing.

Before, Hades just suffered from the bombardment of True Thunder Slash.

Now, this violent flame whip just happened to suppress its cold aura.

"Let's attack together!" The three of Yue Qu immediately shouted when they saw this scene, and immediately shot.

The crimson fierce sword aura, the crescent-like purple scythe light, and the black spear shadow like a raging dragon directly tore through the air and bombarded the body of the ghost snake.

For a moment, the huge body of the Hades snake began to tremble crazily.

It raised its head to the sky and hissed, screaming incessantly.

Seeing this scene, neither the shadowy man nor the five people behind him were powerless to stop him.

Because they had to maintain the operation of the Hades snake formation, and they couldn't withdraw to deal with Jiang Mo and the others.

Now, the members of the Green Snake Gang can only pin their hopes on that snake.


Boom boom boom!
Circles of energy ripples spread out on the Hades snake.

Its thick tail waved crazily in the cave, making the sound of breaking wind.

The surrounding stone walls were blasted away, but they were still unable to attack Jiang Mo and the others.

At the same time, the power of Bahuang Fentianyan was unleashed to his heart's content, and the intensity of the attack became more and more violent.

Just like the coming storm!
(End of this chapter)

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