Chapter 255 The Humble Master

"Junior Brother Jiang Mo, what are you doing? Master Ji Ting is concocting medicine inside!" Nangong Yue's pretty face turned pale, and her eyebrows frowned.

"Don't worry, it's okay." Jiang Mo smiled lightly, and immediately folded his arms around his chest, looking confident.

At this moment, Liu Yi, the man in the green shirt, also walked into the yard, and saw Jiang Mo who was talking with Nan Gongyue.

Suddenly, Liu Yi raised a fire of ignorance.

Nan Gongyue was his favorite woman, and Liu could not agree with Nan Gongyue talking to other young men.

"What kind of a bastard are you? Who let you in?" Anger welled up, and before he entered, Liu Yi asked Jiang Mo angrily, "This is the place where Master Ji Ting refines medicine. Excuse me!" If you have mastered medicine, even if you have ten heads, they are not enough to cut off!"

Hearing this, Jiang Mo turned around, narrowed his eyes into a small slit, and stared dangerously at Liu Yi.

He didn't know this person at all, but Jiang Mo couldn't bear to be scolded from head to toe!

"Hehe, what a mad dog. Could it be that you didn't learn alchemy in the alchemy hall, but only learned to spray dung and bite people with your mouth?" Jiang Mo's eyes were as black as ink, with a little sullenness Meaning, watching that willow meaning calmly.

However, under that calmness, there was a fury that was about to erupt.

"Bastard, who are you calling a mad dog?" Liu Yi was furious, his face flushed, and he pointed at Jiang Mo with his right hand, cursing angrily.

Since entering the alchemy hall, no one has scolded Liu Yi like this except Master Ji Ting.

Jiang Mo was the first disciple to scold him.

After the words fell, Liu Yi rushed towards Jiang Mo like a mad dog.

In the Martial Dao Academy, Liu Yi has practiced for more than ten years.

However, compared to his medicine refining skills, Liu Yi's martial arts talent is much worse.

For more than ten years, Liu Yi's martial arts cultivation has only hovered around the level of a one-star martial artist.

However, compared with Jiang Mo, this is a sky and a ground.

"Hehe, a mad dog is a mad dog. If there is a disagreement, you will do it!" Jiang Mo smiled coldly, raising his fist slightly.

Since Liu Yi is so unreasonable, Jiang Mo doesn't mind teaching him a lesson.

Both of them were extremely fast. Nan Gongyue stood aside and could only speak to dissuade them, but it was too late to stop them.

Besides, with her strength, she couldn't stop the two of them.

As Liu Yi's body approached, he raised his palm and slashed at Jiang Mo.

His aura of a one-star great martial artist exploded, and the palm of his hand picked up a fierce wind, slashing towards Jiang Mo's left shoulder.

Seeing this situation, Jiang Mo did not dodge or dodge. He stood where he was, as if he had no intention of making a move at all.

"Hmph, looking for a dead guy!"

Liu Yi snorted coldly, a look of ferocity flashed in his eyes, Jiang Mo dared to touch Gui Gongyue, something Liu Yi could never tolerate at this time.

"Senior Brother Liu Yi, stop!" Nangong Yuejiao scolded.

In the past few months, Nan Gongyue has been in the alchemy hall and has not communicated much with the outside world, so she does not know that Jiang Mo's strength has reached an extremely terrifying level.

She didn't want to see Jiang Mo being hurt by Liu Yi.

And Liu Yi was even more angry after hearing Nan Gongyue's scolding voice, and his strength increased a little bit invisible.

A dull sound suddenly came out.

Immediately afterwards, Nan Gongyue was horrified to see that Liu Yi was sent flying like a dead dog.

Jiang Mo, on the other hand, still maintained the posture of punching out.

Incomparably chic.

Jiang Mo's face was very calm, and he didn't even lift the corner of his eyes at the moment when Liu Yi was blown away.

To deal with this kind of rubbish, Jiang Mo didn't even need to use the power of the third floor.

Liu Yi's body slammed heavily on the courtyard wall, embedded in it, and cracks spread rapidly around the place where he hit, like a spider web.


Liu Yi spat out a mouthful of blood, his chest collapsed under Jiang Mo's punch, and several ribs were broken.

This is still on the premise that Jiang Mo keeps his hand. If Jiang Mo doesn't hold back, Liu Yi may have already gone to see the King of Hades.

"How is it possible?" Liu Yi struggled to climb out of the courtyard wall, and looked at Jiang Mo as if she had seen a ghost.

This guy looks so young, how can he have such terrifying strength?

Is he a freak?
Liu Yi looked at Jiang Mo again with deep fear.

"Jiang Mo, you... how can you be so strong?" Nan Gongyue was even more shocked.

Hearing this, Jiang Mo shook his head and didn't say much.

Just when Nangongyue wanted to continue asking, suddenly there was a muffled sound from the yard, which immediately shook violently.

A thick smoke rose from the yard.

Immediately afterwards, the gate of the courtyard was blasted open, and an old man whose body was scorched black and green smoke was still rising from his head came out in embarrassment.

He didn't even look at Liu Yi who was blasted to death.

"Master Ji Ting." Nan Gongyue bowed respectfully after seeing this person.

Jiang Mo was still standing there, showing no intention of saluting.

What a joke, given Jiang Mo's status in the alchemy world in his previous life, how could he salute Ji Ting?
"Junior Brother Jiang Mo, this is Master Ji Ting." Nan Gongyue tugged at the corner of Jiang Mo's clothes, motioning him to salute to Master Ji Ting.

However, Jiang Mo was indifferent.

"Master Ji Ting, you have to decide for me! Just now, this bastard broke into your medicine refining place. I was afraid that he would disturb you, so I persuaded him to leave. Unexpectedly, I was hurt by this bastard. !” On the side, after seeing Master Ji Ting, Liu Yi cried bitterly as if he had found a savior.

Jiang Mo just stood here calmly, looking at Master Ji Ting with an indifferent expression.

Master Ji Ting walked slowly towards Jiang Mo with green smoke rising from his head.

Both Nangongyue and Liu Yi thought that Jiang Mo was about to suffer.

However, Master Ji Ting's next words made both of their jaws drop in shock.

"Little friend, I don't know what you said earlier, but what did you say?" Master Ji Ting's attitude was very gentle, without any intention of blame, and even a hint of humility in his tone.

In fact, with Master Ji Ting's shrewdness, he had already guessed that those words were said by Jiang Mo.

Because neither Nan Gongyue nor Liu Yi had the ability to point out the loopholes in their refining medicine.

Seeing this scene, Nan Gongyue and Liu Yi were petrified on the spot.

Have they ever seen Master Ji Ting treat a disciple like this?

Jiang Mo naturally knew that Master Ji Ting was referring to his analysis of the properties of medicinal materials just now.

"Not bad." Jiang Mo nodded lightly.

Hearing this, although Master Ji Ting had already made preparations, he was still a little shocked.

He looked Jiang Mo up and down again. Jiang Mo is just a young martial arts student, but he has such a view on the art of refining medicine. How can Master Ji Ting not be shocked?

After getting Jiang Mo's confirmation, Master Ji Ting made another move that made Nan Gongyue and Liu Yi unbelievable.

He bent down and made a gesture of please.

"Also invite my little friend to come inside and point out Ji's deficiencies in detail!"

Seeing Master Ji Ting's humble appearance, Nan Gongyue and Liu Yi once again petrified on the spot!

(End of this chapter)

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