Chapter 261 The Compressed Eight Desolation Burning Flames
Jiang Mo's fist and the slapping palm of the shadowy man slammed together fiercely.

A burst of violent energy exploded and suddenly resounded.

Centered on the point where the fists and palms collided, circles of energy waves spread out like ripples.

However, under such a tyrannical collision, it seemed that the shadowy man had the upper hand.

Seeing this situation, a savage smile appeared on the face of the shadowy man.

"Boy, die..."

However, before the smile on the shadowy man's face spread, a piercing howling sound suddenly came out from behind him.

The Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword tore through the air, dragged a brilliant tail of light, and stabbed straight.

At this moment, the shadowy man wanted to turn around, but it was already too late.

A muffled sound of an ancient sword piercing through the flesh came from the shadowy man.

Just now, when Jiang Mo used Bengshanquan to fight the Yinying man head-on, he secretly mobilized a bit of spiritual power to control the ancient Tianxing sword to go around behind the Yinying man.

This is the third form of the Devil May Cry Sword Art - Qianli Yujian!

With such a short distance, Jiang Mo can maximize the power of this third form!

The ancient sword pierced through the back of the Yinying man, blood splashed everywhere, and the body of the Yinying man rolled down like a dead dog.

"This is the consequence of being too big." Jiang Mo sneered in his heart.

If it wasn't for this shadowy man who was too confident in his own strength and only wanted to catch Jiang Mo, how could Jiang Mo seize the opportunity and stab him with a fatal sword from behind?
"You are too much!"

Seeing that the Yinyi man was injured so badly, the green snake could no longer sit still, and when she moved, she brought a gust of fragrant wind and rushed towards Jiang Mo.

"Hehe, why didn't you go too far when you destroyed my father's dantian?" Jiang Mo sneered, without explaining anything.

The Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword flew out of the Yinyi man's body and fell into Jiang Mo's hands again.

With the sword in hand, Jiang Mo's aura suddenly increased a bit, as if he was about to merge with the ancient sword of punishment.

Holding her fragrant cheeks in her cyan jade hand, she chopped her jade feet lightly on the ground, and suddenly an extremely powerful aura emanated from her delicate body.

"Two-star Martial Lord?" Feeling this aura, Jiang Mo's body trembled suddenly.

This green snake is even stronger than that shadowy man!

"There is a way to heaven if you don't go, then, don't blame my ruthless subordinates." Green Snake snorted coldly, and waved her jade hand.

Immediately, three bursts of Yuanli blasted out, turning into three Yuanli green snakes that roared up to the sky, biting towards Jiang Mo.

"Hmph!" Jiang Mo didn't back away.

The Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword kept waving in his hand, and a series of simple and simple sword shadows emerged, stabbing violently towards the three Yuanli Green Snakes.

Sword shadows swept across the sky, slashing towards the lifelike and extremely ferocious green snake.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of sword shadows were torn into pieces by the Yuanli Green Snake and turned into bright spots all over the sky.

Seeing this situation, Jiang Mo couldn't help but look solemn.

The strength of this two-star Martial Lord should not be underestimated!
He took a deep breath, and the energy in his dantian gushed out crazily, along the meridians, and poured all of it into the ancient sword of Tian Xing.

The Dayan Tianji Jue was running rapidly in his body, bringing powerful power to his body.


With the infusion of powerful energy, the blade of the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword trembled.

"Changhong pierces the sun!"

Jiang Mo yelled violently, and suddenly a phantom of an ancient sword with a size of hundreds of feet appeared out of thin air.

The moment the phantom of the ancient sword appeared, all the members of the Green Snake Gang present were horrified. The strength Jiang Mo displayed was really too powerful!
If he had used this trick just now, I am afraid that no one present would be able to get out alive.

On the phantom of the ancient sword, a bright light suddenly burst out, like a scorching sun, bright and dazzling.

In the next moment, the phantom of the huge sword came down rumblingly, and slashed towards the three green snakes of Yuanli.

Click click!

The two energy attacks crashed into each other under the gaze of everyone.

At the moment of the collision, there was no earth-shattering sound, and the phantom of the giant sword was like paper paste, and it was directly cracked inch by inch under the impact of the Yuanli green snake.

Wide cracks spread, and in an instant, the phantom of the giant sword burst into pieces.

"It's so strong!" Seeing this scene, with Jiang Mo's concentration, his complexion became extremely ugly.

The power of the two-star Martial Lord is indeed not something that the current self can compete with.

After smashing the phantom of the giant sword, the three green snakes with Yuanli force rushed towards Jiang Mo unabated.


There was a breathtaking neighing sound from the mouth of the green snake, and Jiang Mo's scalp tingled.

He crossed his fists in front of him, and his whole body was covered with a layer of blue-colored Yuanli armor while the Yuanli was surging.

Just when the Yuanli armor on Jiang Mo's body had just condensed into shape, the three Yuanli green snakes followed closely.

It hit Jiang Mo's body hard.

Three ear-shattering energy explosions suddenly resounded.

Jiang Mo's defense only lasted for a moment before being blasted away.

His body shot into the courtyard wall behind him in embarrassment, smashing the very strong courtyard wall which was three feet high.

All of a sudden, smoke and dust filled the entire Green Snake Gang.

The green snake waved its jade hand, and as its enchanting and fiery figure stretched, a force surged out, blowing away the permeating smoke.

After the smoke dissipated, the green snake finally saw Jiang Mo who had been blown away.

"What are you doing?" After seeing Jiang Mo's actions, the green snake's long and narrow eyes froze and screamed in horror.

At this moment, a blue flame appeared in the palm of Jiang Mo's hand.

That is the Eight Desolation Burning Heaven Flame!
Compressed to the extreme by Jiang Mo, waves of berserk power jumped up on it, causing the entire space to be filled with terrifying fluctuations.

The fist-sized Bahuang Fentianyan was held in Jiang Mo's hand.

He has already made up his mind, since he is not the opponent of this green snake, he will also give her a big gift before leaving.

"Hey, it's ready!" Jiang Mo raised the corner of his mouth, revealing a smile.

Immediately, the pair of black wings behind him suddenly ejected.

A strong whirlpool surged under him, lifting his body into the air.

"Wuhuang strong!" Seeing the huge wings on Jiang Mo's back, the members of the Green Snake Gang suddenly showed horror.

"Hmph, he's not a Martial Emperor. If I'm not wrong, it should be an extremely rare flying martial art?" Green Snake's long and narrow eyes revealed a hint of greed.

She was also very tempted by Jiang Mo's flying martial arts.

"You guessed right, I'll give you a gift!"

After the words fell, Jiang Mo suddenly threw the compressed Eight Desolation Burning Flame into the crowd.

Immediately, the black wings behind him vibrated, and Jiang Mo's figure retreated violently.

(End of this chapter)

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