Chapter 271 The Great Ape Wu Kui
"You...your speed can..." Before the huge gold cultivator finished speaking, Jiang Mo suddenly exerted force on his toes.

A tyrannical force flowed down Jiang Mo's toes and poured unreservedly onto the face of the giant gold monk.

His body was directly kicked into the air and thrown high up.

Jiang Mo's kick also broke the meridians of this giant gold monk, and after his body was thrown into the air, several mouthfuls of blood spewed out one after another.

That scene was like a seductive rain of blood.

After a few breaths, the giant gold monk fell heavily to the ground, making a big hole.

After doing all this, Jiang Mo gasped heavily, his face pale.

Naturally, Jiang Mo would not be so strenuous against a five-star great martial artist. Such an illusion was just done on purpose to confuse the Jujin Empire.

"We won, Senior Brother Jiang Mo won again!"

"We've won two rounds in a row!"

"According to this progress, our victory is not hopeless!"

On Yunchui's side, excited smiles appeared on the faces of everyone.

The strength shown by Jiang Mo made everyone excited.

Even the Second Elder's face showed a rare smile. Jiang Mo's performance made him very satisfied.

"This bastard actually won again!" Lei Lang scolded angrily.

"Commander Lei, you don't have to get angry, just look at the kid's state. He is already at the end of his strength, so send another big gold master, after all, he will kill him on the spot!" Huo Tian pointed at Jiang Mo who was panting, Said with a sneer.

Seeing this, a ferocious killing intent flashed across Lei Lang's face.

"Whoever can kill that kid now, I will reward him with a thousand taels of gold, a fourth-level real martial arts weapon, and fifty beauties!"

As soon as Lei Lang's words fell, a figure with a height of two feet walked out of the army at a pace that shook the ground.

This person is a bit taller than Lei Lang, and his body is full of muscles, like a humanoid beast.

This person is a six-star great martial artist who specializes in the physical body. He is extremely powerful and can smash boulders with one punch.

"Boy, I'll meet you!" The somber voice of this huge gold cultivator made everyone dizzy.

Jiang Mo raised his head with difficulty, panting heavily.

"Let me contribute to the Yunchui Empire!" Jiang Mo pretended to be righteous.

He deliberately revealed that his strength was weak, but he still stood firm in the center of the field. The purpose was to let the giant gold empire relax its vigilance.

However, Jiang Mo didn't know whether the Jujin Empire had deceived him or not by deliberately showing such a weak look.

On the contrary, it was the two sisters Liu Yan and Liu Fei who were worried enough.

"Sister, Jiang Mo... will he be okay?" Liu Fei blinked her big watery eyes, and there was a deep worry in her beautiful eyes.

"I hope he's all right."

Liu Yan also watched Jiang Mo nervously. She was also very worried about Jiang Mo's safety.

Both sisters prayed sincerely for Jiang Mo at the same time.

"Hehe, I'm afraid this is the last time you will contribute to your empire!" The giant gold monk who looked like a bear stretched out his thick arm, pointed at Jiang Mo, and laughed presumptuously.

It seemed that, in his eyes, Jiang Mo was already a dead person.

After the giant gold monk finished speaking, he rushed towards Jiang Mo with trembling steps.

His speed is not fast, but he has a majestic aura that can shake mountains, which makes people feel irresistible.

Even tens of feet away from the competition venue, the side of the Yunchui Empire can still feel the terrifying pressure brought by this giant gold monk.


After he got close to Jiang Mo, he waved his arms that were as thick as tree trunks, and blasted towards Jiang Mo's head.

This giant gold monk specializes in the body, the strength of the body is extremely powerful, every part of his body is a murderous weapon!
His arm blasted the air, and with an unrivaled momentum, he fell down.

Feeling this not weak momentum, Jiang Mo's eyes narrowed slightly, and his fists were clenched tightly.

Ten thousand catties of brute force surged out of Jiang Mo's body, and the veins on his arms bulged. Jiang Mo planned to use his Bengshan Fist to forcibly defend this huge gold monk who specializes in the body.

"Bengshan Fist!" Jiang Mo growled.

He chopped the sole of his foot heavily on the ground, and he greeted him with both fists.

Two pairs of completely disproportionate fists suddenly bombarded together.

"Oh my god, it's really terrifying that Senior Brother Jiang Mo actually directly defended that beast in human form!"

"Brother Jiang Mo should be sure, right?"

On the side of the Yunchui Empire, there were discussions.

When this scene fell into the eyes of Lei Lang and Huo Tian, ​​they burst out laughing.

"This idiot dares to compete with Wu Kui in physical strength, he is simply impatient!" Huo Tian smiled coldly.

The Wu Kui he was talking about was that giant gold monk who looked like a giant bear.

"Prince Huo Tian later, you can watch it and see how that kid was smashed into a puddle of meat. Hahahaha!" Lei Lang was also very optimistic about Wu Kui's strength.

At this time, in the field, after the two pairs of fists bombarded together, there was a loud noise that shook the sky.

Immediately afterwards, circles of violent energy shock waves suddenly swept out, stirring up layers of soil from the ground below.

A deep huge pit was sunken out from under the feet of the two of them.

And when Wu Kui's face touched Jiang Mo's fist, it changed drastically!

No matter what, he never imagined that with such a thin body, Jiang Mo could burst out with a terrifying power not weaker than himself!
At the same time, Wu Kui also felt a mountain-like aura enveloping his body. Under the oppression of that heavy aura, Wu Kui felt that even his breathing became extremely heavy.

As soon as he thought of this, Wu Kui exerted his strength suddenly, and his feet were deeply embedded in the ground.

Behind him, a phantom of a giant ape about five feet tall was urged out.

"Giant Ape Martial Vein?"

"Is that kid really that strong? Did he force Wu Kui to activate even the great ape's martial arteries?" Huo Tian couldn't believe his eyes.

"The Great Ape Martial Vessel can be blessed with powerful physical strength. Now that Wu Kui has activated the Great Ape Martial Vessel, the boy is not far from death!" Lei Lang said with a gloomy expression.

The great ape martial pulse behind Wu Kui raised its head to the sky and howled loudly, and the sound shook hundreds of miles away.

Under the blessing of the great ape's martial arteries, Jiang Mo felt that Wu Kui's strength had risen to another level.

However, Jiang Mo's expression remained unchanged.

"Just now it was just the Bengshan Fist of the Dacheng realm."

"Next, I'll let you see how shockingly powerful the Collapsing Mountain Fist will unleash!"

The corner of Jiang Mo's mouth twitched, revealing a bright smile.

(End of this chapter)

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