Chapter 278 Release the Devouring Martial Vessel

Blue flames swept across the sky, enveloping Huo Tian's body.

During the raging flames, terrifying heat was released.

In the blink of an eye, the golden armor on Huo Tian's body was melted by the Eight Desolation Fentianyan. The molten iron, with extremely high temperature, stuck to Huo Tian's skin, causing him to let out a piercing scream.


Although Huo Tian's martial arts practice has reached the realm of an eight-star martial artist.

However, he still couldn't resist the terrifying high temperature of Bahuang Fentianyan.

His body burst into flames in an instant. At first glance, he looked like a burning man, running towards the place where the white snow was.

However, Huo Tian didn't even take a distance of ten feet, and his body suddenly turned into ashes!

Everyone stared at this scene in a daze. Jiang Mo's tricks made the monks of the Jujin Empire feel chills in their hearts!

It is unimaginable that even an eight-star martial artist can be burned to ashes with such an unimaginable method. If it is thrown on ordinary soldiers of the Giant Gold Empire, they may not be able to resist it even for a breath.

"Boy, how dare you kill Prince Huo Tian!" Lei Lang's angry voice resounded through the sky.

"Hehe, didn't you see it just now? If I reacted a little slower, the corpse lying on the ground might be me, Jiang Mo." Jiang Mo sneered.

"Hmph, since that's the case, you'll fight with your life!" Lei Lang kicked the golden lion under his crotch hard, and the golden lion roared and ran towards Jiang Mo.


This golden lion has reached the level of a fourth-order desolate beast, which is equivalent to a strong human warrior. It spewed out golden energy rays from its mouth, and blasted towards Jiang Mo like lightning.

"Don't you really think that my Yunchui Empire is just a display?"


"Kill those giant golden dogs!"

"Drive them out of Yunchui Territory!"

From the side of the Yunchui camp, there was a roar that shook the sky, and the sound was like thunder, resounding through the sky!
Afterwards, the tide-like defenders of Flying Eagle City, disciples of the Martial Arts Academy, and monks of the Imperial City gathered into a torrent of steel and came towards the Jujin Empire to oppress it.

That kind of momentum is really spectacular!
And the powerhouses whose cultivation base has reached the realm of Martial Kings and Martial Lords rushed to the front, and they wanted to resist the top powerhouses of the Jujin Empire.

The second elder moved and appeared in front of Jiang Mo.

"Little guy, thank you for your hard work." The second elder pointed out that Jiang Mo, for the Yunchui Empire, killed six martial arts experts of the Jujin Empire one after another, and even burned Prince Huo Tian to ashes.

As soon as the words fell, the second elder waved his hand, and suddenly a burst of Yuan Li blasted out, colliding with the light emitted by the golden lion.

Immediately, the light of Yuanli spewed out by the golden lion dissipated instantly, and was blasted away.

"Just let me meet you!"

Seeing this situation, Lei Lang placed his feet on the back of the golden lion, kicked hard, and his figure jumped up.

Lei Lang's strength is also not weak, so the Second Elder has to treat this commander-in-chief of the giant gold empire seriously.

As soon as the two strong men of the Martial King rank made a move, the world suddenly changed, and the violent fluctuations of Yuanli spread out from the place they bombarded crazily.

The ground below, in the blink of an eye, was shaken out of deep ravines, which spread, and the edges could not be seen at a glance.


Immediately afterwards, Jiang Mo saw that there was a golden light flowing around Lei Lang's body, hesitating indefinitely.

The golden light turned into a golden thread, and traveled around Lei Lang's body, outlining the veins of the bones.

After ten breaths, a huge golden body of about five feet appeared on Lei Lang's body.

The moment the golden body appeared, Jiang Mo felt that Lei Lang's aura was a little more domineering.

"This is... the golden body of King Wu!"

Jiang Mo murmured.

The King Wu's golden body is the symbolic means of a strong King Wu.

Once the Martial King's golden body is activated, the monk's defense and attack power will be doubled.

Become extremely tyrannical.

"Hmph, the old man also has the golden body of King Wu!" The second elder snorted coldly, and immediately his handprint changed, and his aura immediately began to rise.

After about four breaths of time, a cyan body surrounded the Second Elder's body.

The cyan body is about seven feet long, very solid.

"It seems that the strength of the second elder is much higher than that of Lei Lang!" Jiang Mo secretly said.

Generally speaking, the size of King Wu's golden body is related to the monk's strength.

If it is a one-star Martial King, the condensed golden body of the Martial King is only one foot in size, and if it is a two-star Martial King, the condensed golden body of the Martial King will be two feet in size.

By analogy, if it is the Nine-Star Martial King, it will spur out the huge golden body of the Martial King with a size of nine feet!

But judging from the current situation, the strength of the Second Elder is two small realms higher than that of Lei Lang.

After the golden body of King Wu was pushed out, two huge golden bodies of King Wu, one golden and one green, started a fierce battle.

Within the scope of their battle circle, violent energy ripples continuously spread out.

The surrounding earth was shattered, and soil and gravel were continuously lifted up.

And the other Martial Kings and Martial Kings of the Jujin Empire were also restrained by the Yunchui Empire.

"Since that's the case, then it's time for me to devour my blood energy!" Jiang Mo said excitedly.

Just as he was about to rush into the giant gold empire, he found a dazzling light shining not far away.

"Huh?" Jiang Mo frowned, and flew over there.

"Isn't this the place where Huo Tian was burned to ashes just now?" Jiang Mo touched his nose and asked in surprise.

He leaned down, and saw that the dazzling light was actually a metal plate.

"If this metal plate belongs to Huo Tian, ​​then it will be intact under the calcination of the Eight Desolation Fen Tian Yan. It means that this metal plate is absolutely extraordinary!"

With this in mind, Jiang Mo put away the metal plate, and prepared to study it after the battle was over.

After putting away the metal plate, Jiang Mo rushed into the most intense part of the battle.

The soldiers and monks of the two countries have already fought against each other.

For a time, there were swords and guns, and murderous aura!
The earth-shattering shouts of killing spread for dozens of miles.

On the battlefield, corpses were piled up like a mountain, and the dark red blood gathered into a stream, and there were bloody limbs flying everywhere. The whole scene was extremely bloody.

However, this kind of scene is a very rare opportunity for Jiang Mo who has the Swallowing Martial Vein.

He walked to the place where the battle was the most intense, where the blood of the soldiers fighting to the death was the strongest.

Immediately, Jiang Mo secretly activated the Swallowing Martial Vessel in his body.

After feeling the very strong blood energy from the outside world, the Devouring Martial Vessel seemed to let out a roar of excitement.

"Let's break through to a four-star martial artist right here!" Jiang Mo secretly said.

Immediately, the Swallowing Martial Vein was released without reservation, frantically devouring the pure blood energy of this world!
 As the mid-term defense of his graduation thesis was approaching, Tang Tang had to adjust and update.Adjusted to three shifts a day, namely 11:6 am, 10:[-] pm, and [-]:[-] pm.I hope you understand~~~
(End of this chapter)

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