Chapter 282 The Beast of the Giant Gold Empire

"Haha, what a pleasure! Do it again!"

Fighting this huge gold monk, Jiang Mo only felt hearty and happy.

With a loud shout, he swung the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword in his hand again.

In his heart, the gloom of not being able to defeat this giant gold monk just now was also swept away.

"This kid..." The huge gold cultivator's face was a little ugly.

If it were normal, a great martial artist would have to turn around and run away when he saw a strong Wujun. It was the first time he had seen someone like Jiang Mo, who became more and more popular as the war progressed.

The fierce sword light tore through the air, mixed with an overwhelming momentum, and came obliquely.

The huge gold monk had no choice but to fight back with a knife.

The clear sound of metal bombardment spread, and the two people's bodies were separated at the touch of a touch.

Just when Jiang Mo was about to prepare for the second round of attack, Lei Lang's resonant voice suddenly came from the sky.


After his words fell, the Jujin Empire suddenly became agitated.

Nearly [-] soldiers of the Jujin Empire were confused for a moment after hearing the military order, and then retreated in embarrassment.

On the side of the Yunchui Empire, the morale is high!


Shocking shouts resounded endlessly, Yunchui's Tiger Wolf Master, at this moment, seemed to be a real tiger wolf, extremely brave, chasing and killing the giant gold monk who was fleeing in embarrassment.

The giant gold monk who was fighting Jiang Mo was shocked when he heard the shout.

"Could it be that my giant gold empire has lost?" This unbelievable thought flashed through his mind.

Afterwards, he knocked Jiang Mo back with a single blow, and ran away frantically.

If the overall situation is settled, Jujin's failure is inevitable, and if he is held back by Jiang Mo, what awaits him will definitely not be a good end!

Jiang Mo didn't pursue, he looked up at the second elder's battle circle.

Sure enough, under the onslaught of the Second Elder, Na Lei Lang's defeat was evident and he was completely unable to hold back.

At a certain moment, the second elder suddenly slapped down with his palm, and the vitality of the world shook endlessly, turning into a big hand of vitality, and ruthlessly bombarded Lei Lang's chest.


Lei Lang spat out a mouthful of blood, fell down in a state of embarrassment, and finally hit the ground hard.

At this moment, he no longer cared about his appearance, his figure blended into the army, and fled in embarrassment.

Seeing this, the second elder didn't go forward to pursue him. Lei Lang is also a five-star martial king. It's easy to defeat him, but it's very difficult to kill him!
The second elder knew this truth very well, so he didn't pursue it. Now it is the most important thing to lead the overall situation and lead the three armies to push back the army of the giant gold empire.

The soldiers of the Jujin Empire retreated and fought, and they were driven out by Yunchui's tiger and wolf army for three hundred miles before they got a chance to breathe.

Along the way, Jiang Mo beheaded no less than ten great martial artists, and countless ordinary martial artists and martial artists were killed.

The number on the blood soul crystal on his waist has risen to more than 6, which is all the blood energy Jiang Mo has collected in the past two days.

"More than 6 force value, it came really fast!" Jiang Mo licked his lips, and immediately said to himself: "Now, I can buy a good volume of ice attribute exercises for Ling'er."

Afterwards, Jiang Mo felt the Yuanli in his dantian again.

After breaking through to a four-star great martial artist, Jiang Mo noticed that the size of the dantian had expanded several times, and the meridians in the body had been widened and become more resilient, able to withstand stronger flow of Yuan force.

"Just now, although the amount of blood that was devoured is not small, it is still far from breaking through to a five-star great martial artist." Jiang Mo secretly said.

Every time one breaks through to the next moment, it needs an extremely huge source of support.

Obviously, even if Jiang Mo possessed such a rare thing as the Swallowing Martial Vein, it was impossible for him to break through so quickly.

It can only be accumulated step by step.

Jiang Mo seemed very patient about this.

"Now, the invaders of the Jujin Empire have been driven away by us. And you are all heroes of the Yunchui Empire!" The second elder's voice reached the ears of every soldier.

There used to be tens of thousands of defenders, monks of the imperial city, and disciples of the Martial Arts Academy, but now there are less than [-].

The battle, which lasted for two hours, caused Yun Chui to lose one-third of his soldiers.

Most of the people who survived were painted, their clothes were tattered, and they were in a state of distress.

As the cold wind blew, nearly ten thousand soldiers stood here, waiting for the second elder's command.

"Now, we should go back to Flying Eagle City, rest for a few days, and then we will return to the dynasty!" The second elder said slowly.

The huge gold army has been driven away three hundred miles away, and the second elder still understands the reason why the poor should not chase after them.

"it is good!"


The sound of cheers swept across the sky, and all the soldiers threw their spears and spears into the air.

They took off their heavy armor, dragged their exhausted bodies, and returned to Flying Eagle City.

Looking at these hot-blooded men who were either young or strong, Jiang Mo couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

War is cruel. These tired figures shed blood and sacrificed their lives for the peace of the empire.

These people can still go back alive, they are undoubtedly lucky, and the bodies that fell under their feet will never be able to stand up again, they will become dry bones, sleeping under the loess forever.


At this moment, the tall gates of Flying Eagle City were completely opened, but no one came out to welcome the returning army in triumph!
Everyone couldn't help but looked at each other.

As if, here is a dead city!
The army walked into the city in an orderly manner, but found a scene that made everyone angry.

Inside the city, there were traces of scorched black, full of desolation.

Whether it is shops, restaurants, or the places where residents live, they all seem to have been burned by fire, with ruins and dilapidated buildings.

On the main road of the city, goods and food were scattered all over the ground, and discarded items piled up like mountains.

On the ground paved with bluestone slabs, blood gathered into a stream, flowing slowly.

The miserable corpses piled up there like a hill.

Most of the people there suffered great pain during their lifetime. Their faces were hideous, and they were obviously tortured to death.

The bloody smell from the shop was disgusting.

Jiang Mo glanced over and found that some young and beautiful women were lying there naked with their clothes stripped off.

These people used to be residents of Flying Eagle City, but after the city was broken, they were frantically tortured and tortured to death by the group of cruel invaders from the Jujin Empire.

Flying Eagle City has a population of several million. Obviously, the soldiers of the Jujin Empire cannot kill them all.

More residents of Flying Eagle City hid and did not dare to show their faces.

Seeing this scene, Liu Shan knelt down on the ground with a plop, facing the desolate and battered Eagle City, he burst into tears.

"I, Liu Shan, am sorry for you!"

Everyone present was extremely angry.

Jiang Mo's figure was trembling uncontrollably, his eyes were bloodshot, and his fists were tightly clenched.

"Second Elder, please allow me to kill all those beasts!"

(End of this chapter)

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