Chapter 284 Fighting
There were bursts of loud howling wolves, rising and falling.

Jiang Mo led [-] Yunchui soldiers and had already run for more than [-] miles.

"Ahead is the gang of the Jujin Empire, catch up with them, and kill them all!" Jiang Mo's voice came from afar.

All the soldiers behind them were burning with blood, their complexions flushed red, and their shouts shook the sky!




This earth-shattering roar reached the ears of the soldiers of the Jujin Empire who were fleeing in embarrassment.

"what happened?"

"Did they kill again?"

Their faces became extremely bleak.

The momentum has long since weakened, the morale of the army has been slackened, and the will to fight has long been disintegrated by the sky-shattering roar of the Yunchui soldiers.

"Don't panic, with Lord Lei Lang here, we will surely defeat the enemy!" The military adviser of the Jujin Empire is still trying to stabilize the morale of the army at this time.

However, what greeted us was bursts of swearing.

"Sheng you are paralyzed, the enemy's big knife is about to cut to the neck."

"You still have the time to make sarcastic remarks here."

"Running for your life is the kingly way."

The soldiers of the Jujin Empire had already become a mess. They all ran for their lives, and no one cared about the other.

All of them were defeated like a mountain. There were originally more than 1 well-trained soldiers with huge gold, but now they have scattered and fled in all directions, completely defeated.

It was also at this time that the first team of soldiers led by Jiang Mo had already arrived with a murderous look.

Compared to the chaos in the Jujin Empire, Jiang Mo's side is undoubtedly too orderly.

In contrast, it is obvious that one side is the regular ace army, while the Jujin Empire side is a group of motley troops.

Jiang Mo picked out a wave of defeated giant gold soldiers, commanded the soldiers behind him, and rushed away.

Three thousand silver moon wolves raised their heads to the sky and roared like rolling thunder.

Three thousand Yunchui warriors with a desire for revenge, their killing intent rising, their eyes like lightning, and their roars like a mountain torrent erupting!

That kind of momentum is earth-shattering!
The group of Jujin Empire soldiers who fled in embarrassment had already been frightened out of their wits by this momentum.

The giant gold soldiers who were fleeing in the other direction felt lucky when they saw this scene, as long as they didn't come chasing and killing them, they were lucky.

However, what they didn't know was that the people who greeted them would be the Second Elder or the group of Yunchui soldiers led by Liu Shan.

Riding on the Silver Moon Wolf, Jiang Mo and the others easily caught up with Jujin's defeated soldiers.

With their knives in hand, they easily reaped the lives of defeated soldiers with huge sums of money. Occasionally, those who resisted were killed by everyone.

The whole process showed a completely one-sided trend. The Yunchui warrior with a monstrous anger was almost slaughtering those huge gold deserters with ease.

The screams continued continuously.

After a stick of incense, the thick snow was already stained red with blood, and the north wind howled, as if telling the cruelty of this battle!
Jiang Mo jumped off the back of the Silver Moon Wolf, and rushed into the battle circle like a whirlwind.

His pair of fists, which are like fine iron, are the most powerful killing weapon. Every time he punches out, a giant gold defeated soldier will always vomit blood and retreat violently.

With Jiang Mo's strength, it can be said that it is easy to kill these ordinary giant gold soldiers.

His figure, like a ghost, shuttles through the place where the giant gold soldiers gather.

"This man is simply a devil!"

"He kills without blinking an eye!"

"Everyone avoids him, otherwise you won't even know how he died."

There were terrified voices, and in the eyes of the giant gold soldiers, Jiang Mo's fists were like death scythes.

Hearing these terrified voices, Jiang Mo sneered.

"Back when you were massacring the city in Flying Eagle City, did you ever think that you would end up today?"

"Those ordinary people are all innocent people!"

"You should have the consciousness to be beheaded when you are cruel to those unarmed people!"

Jiang Mo's cold voice fell into the ears of these huge gold soldiers, it was tantamount to a urging sound!

They began to regret, why were they so cruel in the first place, why did they want to slaughter the lives of ordinary people crazily?

Today, their retribution finally came!

Moreover, the punishment that fell on them was ten times, a hundred times crueler than the heinous crimes they committed back then!
Jiang Mo never had any sympathy for these executioners.

Killing for life is justified!

Those strong blood energy gathered around Jiang Mo's body, and faintly turned into a bloody vortex, devouring power frantically.

In the body, the black swallowing vein became deeper and deeper.

Crashing, the pure energy surging like a tide flows into Jiang Mo's dantian.

Every pore in his body was open, greedily absorbing the rich blood energy, as if it was the most nourishing nourishment.

The frenzied killing sounds coming from all around were actively blocked by Jiang Mo, and all his energy was devoted to devouring blood.

Such a swallowing process only lasted for less than a quarter of an hour before dissipating.

"With the improvement of my strength, the speed of devouring Wumai to absorb blood energy is getting faster and faster." Jiang Mo's face flashed a touch of joy, and he clearly felt that it was more than twice as fast as before. speed.

If this is the case, Jiang Mo's cultivation speed will increase accordingly in the future, which is good news for him.

Afterwards, he secretly sensed the Yuanli in his dantian.

"Unexpectedly, breaking through to a five-star great martial artist requires such a huge amount of energy!"

After a while, Jiang Mo sighed.

He has devoured countless amounts of pure blood energy, but now, with the strength in his dantian, he is only six levels sure of hitting the realm of a five-star martial artist.

This is still under the effect of Devouring Martial Veins. If it wasn't for this, it would take at least three months for Jiang Mo to break through to the next level.

"Forget it, let's practice step by step and down-to-earth." Jiang Mo shook his head and stopped thinking about this issue.

He glanced at the battlefield, and was pleased to find that the soldiers on Yunchui's side were firmly suppressing the huge gold soldiers, and the balance of victory was tilted to Yunchui's side.

"Huh? It turned out to be that guy!"

Just when Jiang Mo was about to turn his eyes away, he found the previous huge gold monk with a one-star Martial Lord cultivation in the crowd of scuffles.

As soon as Jiang Mo moved, he rushed towards the giant gold monk.

Without any nonsense, as soon as Jiang Mo got close to the giant gold monk, he swung the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword and slashed towards him.

The Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword slashed down fiercely with fierce sword energy.

"We just had a battle, and there was no winner. Let's see who is stronger now!" Jiang Mo shouted, and the aura of a four-star martial artist exploded without reservation.

(End of this chapter)

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