Chapter 288

The second elder sat upright on the first seat, with a smile on his old face.

"We rested in Eagle City for some time, and after two days, we will return to the Imperial City to report!"

Hearing this, everyone nodded in unison.

After they dispersed, Jiang Mo returned to a quiet courtyard arranged for him by the City Lord's Mansion alone.

After closing the door, he took out the metal medal he had obtained in the competition arena from Zichen's ring.

"This metal plate, under the calcination of the Eight Desolation Fen Tianyan, can still maintain such a shape, and even the color has not changed much. From this point of view, this thing is by no means ordinary!" Jiang Mo secretly said .

Jiang Mo slowly rubbed the metal plate in his hand, and closed his eyes slightly.

After a while, Jiang Mo's dark eyes slowly opened.

There was a look of surprise in his eyes.

"There is actually a trace of fire attribute power in this metal plate!" Jiang Mo's voice was full of fluctuations.

Immediately, a ray of spiritual power from his Niwan Palace tried to intrude into the metal plate and find out the reason behind it.

hum ---

An invisible force, like a barrier, blocked the outside of the metal plate, blocking Jiang Mo's spiritual power.

"Hey, it's interesting." Jiang Mo's mouth curled up, and there was a hint of excitement in his eyes.

Jiang Mo was even more curious that the seemingly ordinary metal plate had the effect of blocking the power of spiritual thoughts.

The next moment, all the spiritual power in Jiang Mo Niwan Palace was mobilized and rushed towards the metal plate.


With the influx of huge divine power, the buzzing sound from the metal plate became more and more harsh.

In the end, even the metal plate began to tremble violently.

On the outside of the metal plate, a layer of fiery red light was stirred up, wrapping it in.

However, the power of Jiang Mo's divine sense penetrated through every hole, like a spiral, ruthlessly piercing towards the fiery red light.


In the air, there was a faint sound of breaking wind, trembling endlessly.

Jiang Mo's interest is getting stronger and stronger!
The power of the spiritual power gradually increased, and finally, a crack appeared in the barrier outside the metal plate.


A crisp sound sounded, and the crack spread like a spider web.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Mo finally found an opportunity, he used the power of his divine sense to drill directly into it.

Suddenly, a powerful flow of information poured directly into Jiang Mo's mind.

"Zhu Yaoyin: Xuan-level high-level martial arts! It is divided into four styles: Broken Xiao, Zhanlang, Tiger Roar, and Dragon Chant. The four styles are superimposed, comparable to earth-level martial arts! Kill people's minds!"

Jiang Mo was shocked in his heart.

Just a few sentences of description have already revealed the power of this Monster Slayer!
This monster-killing chant is more similar to a sonic martial art, which requires the practitioner to use sound waves to exert its power.

Killing Yaoyin doesn't seem to be very useful, but if it is used unexpectedly during a battle with the enemy, it will definitely make him lose his mind in an instant.

That brief absence has an immeasurable effect on the confrontation between top players.

Winning or losing can often be decided in just a few breaths of time.

Therefore, Jiang Mo didn't think that Yaozhu Yin was worthless. On the contrary, he couldn't wait to start practicing now.

Just as Jiang Mo was indulging in this cultivation method of killing monsters, there was a knock on the door.

"Jiang Mo, can I come in?" Liu Yan's voice sounded from outside the door.

"Come in." Jiang Mo stopped practicing.

After the door was pushed open, golden sunlight shone in.

Today Liu Yan wore a rose red long dress, very elegant.

Moreover, what is even more rare is that Liu Yan's pretty face is flawless, and the exquisite features are slightly powdered, which adds a touch of charm.

Jiang Mo was amazed by Liu Yan's beauty, and was in a daze for a moment.

"What do you want to see me for?" Jiang Mo rubbed his nose, and met Liu Yan's gaze. His dark eyes were clear and clean, like a pool of clear water.

"You saved my father, thank you very much!" Liu Yan pursed her lips, pinched the corner of her skirt, and said hesitantly, "I don't even know how to repay you. If you have any requests, you can just ask them. I will promise you."

Hearing this, Jiang Mo smiled, that smile was so bright and clean that Liu Yan couldn't help feeling a little distracted.

"Aren't we friends? Between friends, is there a need to talk about this?" Jiang Mo said heartily.

"It's just...just friends," Liu Yan said softly in her heart. For some reason, hearing Jiang Mo's words, she felt a little lost and disappointed.

"By the way, my father asked me to invite you over. He wants to thank you in person." After a short pause, Liu Yan spoke again.

Jiang Mo didn't refuse, anyway, it's okay to be idle now, if he didn't go, it would seem a bit hypocritical.

"Then, let's go." Jiang Mo raised his head and walked towards the door. The golden sunlight shone on his resolute face, making Liu Yan's heart beat faster.

Taking a breath, Liu Yan suppressed the throbbing in Fang's heart, and immediately followed her.

In the hall of the City Lord's Mansion, Liu Shan was sitting there, Liu Fei was very obedient, standing behind his father obediently, giving Liu Shan a gentle pat on the back.

"Fei'er, you are all disciples of Martial Arts Institute, tell Weifu how do you feel about Jiang Mo?" Liu Shan stroked his beard and said.

"He." As soon as Jiang Mo was mentioned, a happy smile appeared on Liu Fei's pretty face, "He is a well-known genius in the Martial Arts Academy. He has only been in the Martial Arts Academy for a few years, and he has become a disciple of the inner court. , has defeated the strongest on the hidden dragon list..."

Unknowingly, Liu Fei's mind was full of Jiang Mo's thin figure with the ancient sword on his back, and his resolute face.

Seeing her daughter's slightly excited expression, Liu Shan knew that this girl had a good impression of Jiang Mo.

"Then... what if you let him be your husband? Are you willing?" Liu Shan asked half-jokingly.

"Father, what... what did you say?" Upon hearing this, Liu Fei blushed, stomped her feet pretending to be angry, and turned her head away on purpose.

"Why, is Fei'er unwilling? Or is that kid not good enough for us, Fei'er?" Liu Shan asked again.

"It's not...Jiang Mo is so outstanding. In the Martial Arts Institute, I don't know how many female disciples have expressed their love for him in private." Liu Fei hurriedly explained.

"Cough cough..."

Jiang Mo, who happened to walk to the door, couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed when he heard this.

He looked up and saw Liu Yan looking at him with a smile on his face.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like you are thanking yourself, but it looks like the Lord Liu is recruiting a son-in-law?
(End of this chapter)

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