Chapter 302 Purple Lingluo

"Congratulations, Jiang Mo." Yun Yan'er congratulated, blinking her big eyes.

Hearing this, Jiang Mo smiled as a response.

"By the way, Uncle Huang is full of praise for your impressive achievements in Feiying City this time." Yun Yan'er recalled that some time ago, Jiang Mo defeated the monk Jujin and killed Jujin on the Feiying Battlefield. The matter of the prince.

"I heard that Uncle Huang plans to reward you a lot!" Yun Qingyang also interjected.

"Really?" Jiang Mo touched his nose and smiled.

"Well, it is said that the Martial Arts Institute will also receive rewards this time."

Hearing the conversations of several people, everyone in the audience suddenly became horrified.

Before, at the entrance of the auction house, only a few recognized Jiang Mo.

Most people have never met Jiang Mo, but they are familiar with his name.

On the battlefield of Flying Eagle, he bravely retreated from the huge golden monk and killed all the invaders without leaving any armor behind. This is the great hero of the Yunchui Empire!
Before, they thought that Jiang Mo was a penniless poor boy, but the contrast now made these people turn red and feel extremely ashamed.

"So he is Jiang Mo!"

"It's true that a hero came out of a boy since ancient times. At such a young age, he has such a powerful martial arts practice, and he has made great military exploits for the Yunchui Empire. The future future is limitless!"

"No wonder he dared to challenge the third leader of the Green Snake Gang. It turns out that he has such a background. He really can't be judged by his appearance!"

"Tsk tsk, I was really blind just now."

There were voices of discussion in the audience, all talking about Jiang Mo's deeds.

But Jiang Mo himself sat there calmly, without any fluctuations on his face due to the admiration of the crowd.

Still as still water.

"Brother Jiang Mo, take Miss Ling'er, let's go to the box on the second floor, it's much quieter there."

Yun Qingyang said that in the introduction just now, he and Yun Yan'er already knew Ling'er's name.

"No, I'm more used to staying here, you guys go. I will go to the palace to see you if I have a chance in the future." Jiang Mo declined Yun Qingyang's proposal with a smile.

"Okay then, I'll see you later." Yun Yan'er glanced at Jiang Mo, then moved lightly with lotus steps, and returned to the private room on the second floor.

The auction is still going on.

But some people are very upset.

That was the third head of the Green Snake Gang. Not only was he the first to be cheated by Jiang Mo, but Jiang Mo also climbed up to such a noble figure as Miss Yan'er.

It's just that Jiang Mo turned a blind eye to the resentful eyes he glanced at from time to time.

Jiang Mo held Ling'er's delicate little hand and sat there quietly.

Although the Seven Star Frost Sword had already been auctioned off, it was hard to come to this auction. Jiang Mo wanted to wait and see if he could find any useful treasures for him.

After all, he still has more than 60 gold coins left in his hand.

However, to his disappointment, Jiang Mo was not tempted by the auction of several items.

He lowered his eyes slightly, shook his head in disappointment, and planned to leave.

"The next thing is the final treasure of this auction, and it is also the last treasure. Please wait and see."

Just when Jiang Mo was about to leave, Xiao Rong's seductive voice immediately attracted Jiang Mo.

"The finale treasure? It's okay to have a look, just wait a little longer." Jiang Mo said to himself.

After a while, the waiter brought up a wooden box.

The wooden box is about the size of a palm, but inside it is filled with bursts of strong aroma.

"What is this? Why is it so fragrant?"

"After smelling it, I feel refreshed! The whole chest is filled with that scent!"

Under the stage, those guests who were close were sniffing, sniffing greedily the refreshing fragrance.

Their expressions were full of intoxication, as if they were addicted to it.

"Next, Xiaorong will introduce the origin of this finale treasure."

While speaking, Xiao Rong's slender jade fingers slowly reached for the wooden box, and then gently opened it.

Immediately, a faint purple fluorescence radiated from the wooden box.

Xiao Rongyu held the wooden box in her hand and showed the treasures inside to everyone.

Jiang Mo's eyes were extremely sharp, and he could clearly see the shape of the treasure in the wooden box at once.

The purple roots are entangled, and the whole body is transparent, just like the veins of the human body, with a rare celestial spirit.

Jiang Mo's expression suddenly became agitated.

"Master, what's the matter?" Ling'er at the side was also very surprised to see Jiang Mo's excited expression.

You know, there are very few things that can make the always calm young master show such an expression.

"That's... that's Zi Lingluo!" Jiang Mo murmured.

Zilingluo is the main medicinal material for refining the seventh-order elixir chalcedony pill, which is extremely rare.

At the beginning, Jiang Mo searched the entire medicinal material pavilion in Martial Arts Academy, but he couldn't find Zi Lingluo, which was unexpected, but today he came across it at this auction.

"It's really hard to find nowhere to go, and it doesn't take much effort!" Jiang Mo said excitedly.

He had already made up his mind in his heart, no matter what, he would get the purple spirit.

If I miss this opportunity, I don't know when it will be when I want to meet Zi Lingluo next time.

He could wait, but Jiang Qingshan, whose dantian was destroyed, couldn't wait that long. If he didn't refine the chalcedony pill as soon as possible, Jiang Mo would really feel uneasy.

At this moment, Xiao Rong, the female auctioneer on the stage, began to introduce the origin and purpose of this purple spirit.

"This purple spirit is a very rare medicinal material. It was picked by a strong man in an extremely deep valley and at a huge price."

"Presumably, many people know the magical effect of this purple spirit network?" Xiao Rong said with a smile on her face.

"That's right. It's called the spirit grass that can turn the dead into bones. Although it is a bit exaggerated, it is indeed extremely useful. It is more conducive to opening up the body veins of martial arts monks and repairing the injured body."

"What's more, this Zilingluo is also the main medicinal material for refining the fifth-order elixir --- Ninghua Pill, so its value has been magnified countless times!"

"If there are friends here who are alchemists, they should know the truth of what Xiao Rong said."

As soon as Xiao Rong finished speaking, an old man wearing a pharmacist's robe responded, "That's right, what the auctioneer said is true. The old man came here today to auction this purple spirit. I hope you can sell it." The old man has some face."

"It turned out to be Master Fahe!"

"He is the fifth-rank alchemist of the alchemist guild. Unexpectedly, he came here in person today. It seems that this purple spirit is indeed true!"

"I'm afraid this purple spirit is only useful to him. Even if other people take away the purple spirit, it will be of no use."

Hearing this, Jiang Mo immediately sneered.

Zilingluo is used to refine the fifth-order elixir --- Ninghua Pill, which is really overkill. Only when it is used to refine the chalcedony elixir can it play its role to the fullest.

It's just that these people don't know it at all.

"Now, the auction of Zilingluo starts. The starting price is 100 million gold coins, and each increase must not be less than [-] gold coins."

After a while, Xiaorong's voice sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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