Instant victory or defeat

Under the impact of this energy ripple, the Yuanli mask around the fighting platform trembled endlessly.

However, after being consolidated by the guardian hidden in the dark, it was not broken.

"Fortunately, I took action to protect it just now, otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable." Seeing the Yuanli mask that was close to the limit of defense, the guardian of the martial arts platform in the dark raised his hand to wipe the sweat on his head, feeling a little lingering. Said.

If the Yuanli mask is broken and affects the surrounding crowd, then there will be big troubles!
Outside the fighting arena, the crowd of onlookers stared blankly at the terrifying confrontation in the mask, without blinking their eyes.

"My God, this is too powerful!"

"That young man named Jiang Mo can compete with the third head of the Green Snake Gang to this extent, I can't imagine it!"

"After this battle, I'm afraid his name will spread throughout the entire Tianshield City immediately."

"Hehe, I don't think so." One person pointed to the fighting platform and said.

Hearing this, everyone looked in the direction of his finger.

"Then the third head of the Green Snake Gang still has a backup?"

'The strength of a one-star Martial Lord is truly unfathomable! "

On the fighting platform, after the fierce sword glow and the first Yuanli giant python bombarded, both of them were annihilated.

However, the bombardment came from two giant pythons, one of which was blocked by Jiang Mo, but there was another giant python that neighed, carrying a strong wind pressure, and followed closely.

"Hahaha, have you run out of means now? I see what you have to resist this time!" The face of the third leader of the Green Snake Gang had a ferocious killing intent gathering.

Jiang Mo has such a strong strength at such an age, what he feels is not only jealousy, but also fear!
"If this kid is allowed to grow up, I am afraid that within two years, I will be trampled under his feet, and even the entire Green Snake Gang will be fatally hit!" The third leader of the Green Snake Gang said to Jiang Mo in his heart. The fear has reached its peak.

This also strengthened his intention to kill Jiang Mo.

As soon as he thought of this, he shook his palm immediately, and immediately let out a low drink.

"Thousands of snakes dance!"

The giant python of Yuanli that was flung out like thunder suddenly separated and turned into hundreds of tiny snakes of Yuanli.

Each of these tiny serpents of origin force is lifelike and possesses extremely frightening power.

Hundreds of snakes of Yuanli superimposed together are several times more terrifying than that giant Yuanli python!
Hiss, hiss, hiss...

The snake of Yuanli neighed, and the shadows of the snake covered the sky and covered the whole body of Jiang Mo.

All his retreats are blocked to death, and there is nowhere to hide.

Jiang Mo stood where he was, facing the overwhelming force of the snake, his face sank like water, without any trace of fear.

Just when the first snake of Yuanli was only three feet away from Jiang Mo, he suddenly moved.

Swinging out the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword in his hand, Jiang Mo's wrist shook rapidly, piercing out streaks of bright sword light.

"Aurora is like lightning!" Jiang Mo growled.

Immediately afterwards, hundreds of quaint sword shadows suddenly appeared in the space in front of him.

Each of these quaint sword shadows, with extremely fierce and terrifying sword energy, tore through the air, and stabbed violently towards the snake of primordial power that was rushing towards it!

Chi Chi Chi!
In the blink of an eye, the air was pierced through, and the simple sword shadow collided with the snake of Yuanli.

Bass, bass, bass...

Suddenly, there was a shrill hissing sound in this space, and the snakes of Yuanli were chopped into two pieces by the simple and simple sword shadow.

After being cut off, the snake of Yuanli turned into light spots all over the sky and exploded away.

All of a sudden, the sword light was shining like a tide, and thousands of snakes of Yuanli and the ancient sword shadows slammed together fiercely.

The snake of Yuanli was chopped into countless pieces, and the simple sword shadow was also smashed into pieces by the snake of Yuanli!

After a while, the sky above the combat platform slowly returned to calm.

The onlookers looked at the scene in front of them in shock, some couldn't believe their eyes.

Hundreds of quaint sword shadows collided with hundreds of snakes of Yuanli, such a grand scene was indeed too gorgeous!

After parrying the opponent's strongest blow, Jiang Mo held the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword in his hand, panting heavily.

Competing with a genuine one-star Martial Lord, even if Jiang Mo has the Heavenly Expansion Secret Art, the support of such a heaven-defying skill is still too much to bear.

On the opposite side, the horror on the face of the third leader of the Green Snake Gang gradually turned to anger.

"I don't believe it, I can't kill you today!" He shouted angrily, his figure flashed, and he rushed towards Jiang Mo again.

As a one-star Martial Lord and the third leader of the Green Snake Gang, Jiang Mo turned him into an offensive one after another, which really made him lose face.

In fact, what he was more worried about was that if he could no longer gain the upper hand and successfully kill Jiang Mo, then the latter's endless cards would drag him into the abyss of death.

The fang-like sharp blade in his hand shone coldly, bringing a palpitating wind, and pierced Jiang Mo's chest.

Jiang Mo raised the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword and fought hard against the third leader of the Green Snake Gang, forcing the latter to retreat.

"Bastard, his physical strength is too strong!" The face of the third leader of the Green Snake Gang was very gloomy, and his arms were numb from the shock from Jiang Mo, and his mouth was sore.

However, Jiang Mo seemed to have infinite power. Although his breathing was rapid and his face was a little pale, the speed of his sword was as fast as lightning!
Ding, ding, ding——
Within a few breaths, the weapons in the hands of the two blasted out dozens of rounds one after another.

The third head of the Green Snake Gang focused all his attention on resisting Jiang Mo's offensive. The latter's continuous offensive was like a mountain and a river, which brought him heavy pressure.

Sweat was dripping from his forehead, and he had no time to distract himself.

"Although the situation is somewhat deadlocked, this kid will not be able to defeat me for a while."

With the continuation of the battle, the mentality of the third leader of the Green Snake Gang has gradually changed from beheading Jiang Mo to being undefeated under Jiang Mo's hands, which is enough.

However, just when this thought flashed across his mind, a thunderous bang suddenly exploded in his head.

At this moment, Jiang Mo opened his mouth, and that piercing sound wave came from his mouth.

This is the monster-killing chant that he had worked hard for many days, and now it is finally coming in handy!
The roaring sound made the head of the third head of the Green Snake Gang dizzy, and the blood in his body was tumbling endlessly.

However, after all, he is a strong one-star Martial Lord, forcibly suppressing the tumbling qi and blood and vibrating vitality in his body.

However, in the battle between masters, the victory or defeat is often in an instant.

How could Jiang Mo give him this chance to breathe.

At the moment when his head was dizzy, Jiang Mo moved suddenly, and the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword in his hand stabbed out like a bolt of lightning.

The powerful force carried by the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword pierced the body of the third head of the Green Snake Gang, piercing his chest easily!

(End of this chapter)

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