Chapter 318
"This is the second Martial Lord powerhouse I killed, right?"

Jiang Mo walked off the platform, thinking to himself.

At this time, exclamations from the audience, like ocean waves, resounded one after another.

Looking at Jiang Mo's plain expression, everyone couldn't help feeling deeply moved.

"Did the third head of the Green Snake Gang die just like that?"

"Dead at the hands of a martial arts disciple who was under 20 years old?"

"It's unbelievable, he is a real Wujun powerhouse! He was easily beheaded by Jiang Mo just like that!"

"By the way, what was Jiang Mo's move called just now? It looks like it's very powerful!"

Someone recalled the horrible situation when Jiang Mo shot directly just now, causing the blood of the third head of the Green Snake Gang to burst, and the blood gushed out like pillars.

"Well, that kind of method is really unimaginable, it can be called terrifying!"

"Don't say that the one from the Green Snake Gang was seriously injured and lost his combat effectiveness. Even in a normal state, he is very difficult to resist."

"However, Jiang Mo beheaded the third leader of the Green Snake Gang on this fighting platform, so I'm afraid the matter will not end so easily."

"The two of them signed a life-and-death contract before they entered the field. Even if there are casualties, it is extremely normal. Could it be that the Green Snake Gang can cover the sky with one hand?"

"You do not understand……"

In the audience, everyone discussed eagerly.

Jiang Mo walked towards the registration place.

"My things." Jiang Mo said to the young man with a smile on his face.

"Hehe, this is your original treasure." The young man saw and knew Jiang Mo's terrifying strength during the fierce battle just now, so he became more and more respectful to Jiang Mo.

"These are the treasures you won." While speaking, he took out the jade bottle containing Bisantan, the black bamboo tube and a jade flute.

Inside the bamboo tube, there is a highly poisonous snake-shaped desolate beast - Chi Lian!

"Thank you." Jiang Mo smiled. After a little perception, he knew that these things hadn't been tampered with.

After Jiang Mo left, the young man who was in charge of the martial arts registration was deeply moved in his heart.

Over the years, he has been here and has been in charge of registering an unknown number of people who participated in life-and-death fights.

But I have never seen a person like Jiang Mo who exudes a murderous aura one moment, and a gentle smile appears on his face the next second!

"His temperament is truly extraordinary!"

Ling'er was already waiting at the side.

When she saw the young master defeating and finally killing the opponent, Ling'er burst into tears.

As long as the young master is fine and can return safely from the fighting platform, for Ling'er, it is the happiest thing in the world.


Ling'er threw herself on Jiang Mo's body, her slender arms hugged Jiang Mo's neck tightly, her head was buried in Jiang Mo's chest, sobbing softly.

"Okay, it's okay, I'm fine." Jiang Mo hugged Ling'er's soft waist with both hands, comforting softly.

In the pavilion, Yun Yan'er's pretty face changed slightly after seeing this scene, and the joy caused by Jiang Mo's victory was also diluted a lot.

"Sister, your face is ugly, are you feeling unwell?" Yun Qingyang noticed her sister's abnormality and asked with concern.

"I'm fine..." Yun Yan'er waved her hand, turned around and closed the window, and stopped watching the scene that made her unhappy.

"Young master, Mr. Jiang Mo actually killed the one from the Green Snake Gang!" The black-clothed attendant stood respectfully behind Lin Zhihua with his hands hanging down.

"Hehe, I knew that my junior brother's ability is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface." Lin Zhihua unfolded his feather fan and fanned it slowly.

"But this matter will definitely be known by the black snake of the Green Snake Gang. Will it be dangerous to Mr. Jiang Mo?" The attendant in black was able to follow Lin Zhihua's side, and his thoughts were extremely meticulous, and he was very thoughtful.

"Junior Brother Jiang Mo stayed in the Martial Dao Academy to practice, even if that guy Black Snake knew about it, he wouldn't dare to do anything about it." Hearing this, Lin Zhihua narrowed his eyes slightly, and said calmly.

"Young master, have you forgotten? Behind the black snake, there is a huge monster!" The attendant in black said hesitantly. For the person Lin Zhihua cares about, he needs to consider the safety of that person as much as possible.

And Jiang Mo was someone Lin Zhihua valued very much.

"You mean, Wuji Temple?" Finally, Lin Zhihua's complexion also changed.

"Yes, Black Snake has the Wuji Temple as a backer. If he really uses the power of the Wuji Temple to deal with Mr. Jiang Mo because of this, I am afraid that Mr. Jiang Mo will not be too serious even if he is in the Martial Dao Academy." Live safely." The black-clothed attendant spoke out his hidden worries.

Hearing this, Lin Zhihua held his chin with his left hand, pondered for a while, and then slowly opened his mouth.

"If the Wuji Temple intervenes, then things will be really troublesome!"

Even Lin Zhihua, when he thinks of the Wuji Temple, can't help but feel extremely headache.

For a while, he couldn't think of a good solution.

"Alright, Ling'er, let's go back."

"En." Ling'er nodded obediently.

Ling'er's mood calmed down, Jiang Mo took her delicate little hand, and under the gaze of everyone, she walked slowly towards the direction of the Martial Arts Academy.


Martial arts academy, in the courtyard where Jiang Mo is located.

"Ling'er, you should practice the Ice and Snow Secret Code first. If there is anything you don't know, you can ask me."

While speaking, Jiang Mo took out a crystal-clear jade bottle from Zichen's ring. There was a faint cold air from the outside of the bottle, as if there was frost lingering around it.

"These are some ice-type pills. You can use the power of these pills to improve your martial arts cultivation."

"But remember, you must not rely too much on the elixir. The elixirs are only auxiliary, and they can help you break through at critical times."

"The most important thing is to keep your feet on the ground and practice step by step."

"do you know?"

Jiang Mo handed the jade bottle to Ling'er and said patiently.

"Yeah, Ling'er listens to the young master." Ling'er pursed her lips and looked at Jiang Mo seriously with her eyes like autumn water.

After hesitating for a moment, she said just now: "Master, you have talked so much with Ling'er, are you going out again recently?"

"Silly girl, don't think about it, I won't go out again recently. I plan to retreat during this period of time, and hit the next level." Jiang Mo rubbed Ling'er's beautiful hair, and a doting smile appeared on his face.

"However, recently Ling'er always feels inexplicable uneasiness in her heart. It feels like she is about to be separated from the young master." In Ling'er's autumn-like eyes, there are crystal tears flickering.

"Don't worry, Linger, I promise, as long as I'm here, no one will separate us."

Jiang Mo was startled, then immediately hugged Ling'er's soft body, and said firmly.

(End of this chapter)

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