Chapter 326 Cheer Up
"As long as there is hope, can we overcome all obstacles?" Ling'er looked at Jiang Mo with beautiful eyes and murmured.

"I can do it!" Jiang Mo's voice was firm and determined every word.

"Well, that Ling'er listens to the young master." Ling'er pursed her lips and said, "I'll go with them. Young master, you must come to find Ling'er earlier!"

"Trust me, Linger."

Jiang Mo let go of his tightly clenched delicate hands, and he looked at Elder Gu.

"Martial veins are spiritual, especially the rare ones like Ling'er, which have strong spirituality. If she is unwilling, even if you try to forcibly withdraw her martial veins, you will fail in the end."

"So, let me remind you, don't do anything stupid."

"I, Jiang Mo, swear a blood oath here. If I find out that Ling'er is not doing well in the Gu family and has suffered any grievances, I will definitely make you pay the bloody price!"

Jiang Mo gritted his teeth, and every word carried thunderous power, powerful and resounding!
"The old man can promise that as long as the lady is willing to go back, the old man promises that no one will hurt her." The old man said slowly, "After all, the ancestor's martial arts can only be brought out to its fullest potential in her body!"

"Hope you can do what you say."

Jiang Mo looked at Ling'er with gentle eyes, stroking Ling'er's soft hair, and said, "Ling'er, wait for me, at most five years, at least three years, I will definitely go to the Gu family to find you .”

"This is my promise to you."

"Well, Ling'er will always wait for the young master." Ling'er nodded emphatically.

Seeing the girl's tearful face, Jiang Mo's heart softened, and he hugged Ling'er's soft and delicate body, with the tip of his nose on her body, greedily sniffing the faint fragrance from the girl's body.

"Go." After a while, Jiang Mo let go of Ling'er and turned around.

Ling'er shed tears, turned her head three times a step, looked at Jiang Mo reluctantly, and finally walked to where the old man was.

"Let's go, miss." The old man raised his hand and made a gesture of invitation, "Zhan Luoque is outside, and we are now leaving for Hui."

"I can come back with you, but you have to promise me one condition." Ling'er glanced at the old man, her tone was a bit cold.

After this incident, the originally timid girl finally grew up a lot.

Without the young master's protection, she would have to face many things by herself after all.

"Miss, but it's okay to say." The old man smiled slightly, as long as Ling'er is willing to return to the clan, then his mission will be considered complete.

"We'll talk about it when we leave the Martial Arts Institute." The girl's eyes turned to Jiang Mo.

The thin figure of the latter is as reassuring as a mountain.

This figure will always be imprinted in Ling'er's heart and will never be forgotten.

The girl was in front, and the old man and Gu Jun followed behind.

The morning breeze blew, and the leaves made a rustling sound. Everyone stood quietly, and no one made a sound.

The figures of the three of them gradually drifted away, and slowly disappeared from sight.

It wasn't until the sound of footsteps gradually disappeared that Jiang Mo turned around and stared blankly at the distant silhouette.

This resolute man, who never frowned even in the face of life and death, had slightly red eyes at this moment.

"Don't worry Ling'er, the day we meet will definitely not be too far away!"

Jiang Mo's fists were slowly clenched unconsciously.

He said secretly in his heart.

"Jiang Mo." Elder Lian Yue walked towards Jiang Mo, with a look of guilt on his face, and said, "I hope you will not resent me for what happened today. After all, as the great elder of the Martial Arts Institute, I want to Considering everyone's life, I dare not bet on everyone's life and death."

"The strength of that old man is unfathomable."

"Also, the old man has heard about the Gu clan he mentioned, and it is very powerful."

Hearing this, Jiang Mo shook his head, smiled wryly and said, "I can understand the position of the Great Elder, if it were me, I might not dare to start a war easily."

"Before, the Great Elder was able to stand up and support Jiang Mo. In fact, I am already very grateful, so why would I ask too much?"

"Hehe, that's good." Hearing Jiang Mo's words, Elder Lian Yue showed a relaxed look on his face.

"Actually, your talent in martial arts is no worse than the geniuses of the so-called Gu clan. As long as you have enough resources and opportunities, you may not be able to surpass them!" Elder Lian Yue comforted.

In fact, in his heart, Jiang Mo's talent in martial arts was already considered monstrous.

It's just that compared with the martial arts geniuses piled up with cultivation resources, it may be a little worse.

"Thank you for the praise from the great elder. I can tell how much Jiang Mo has, and I won't underestimate myself." Jiang Mo still shook his head and smiled wryly, looking a little lost.

When Ling'er was by her side before, she didn't feel anything.

But after Linger left, Jiang Mo thought that he would never eat the porridge cooked by Linger again, and when he heard Linger yelling 'Master, Young Master' one by one, he couldn't see the gentle smile on her face.

There was a sudden sourness in my heart, and I felt as if my whole body had been drained of strength, weak and helpless.

"Elder, I'm a little tired, I want to go back and rest for two days." Jiang Mo said weakly.

"Go, take a good rest for a few days and cheer yourself up. Miss Ling'er is still waiting for you to find her, so don't get depressed." Elder Lian Yue patted Jiang Mo's shoulder and said comfortingly.

"Yeah." Jiang Mo replied lightly, and ignored everyone.

Dragging his tired body, he walked slowly towards his residence.

The rising sun in the morning was shining brightly, shining on Jiang Mo's tired body, casting a lonely silhouette.

After returning to the residence, Jiang Mo closed the door. As long as there was light in the surrounding area, he blocked it with things, and no light came in.

He threw himself on the soft bed made by Ling'er and fell asleep.

In the past, Jiang Mo had never been so tired even after ten consecutive battles with people and desolate beasts.

Today, he doesn't want to think about anything, he just wants the world to be quiet from now on.


I don't know how long it has passed, Jiang Mo has been sleeping on the bed, and when he woke up, Linger's shadow and her voice were all in his mind.

He was in a trance, as if he had a dream.

The first thing he dreamed was Empress Xingshuang, and he dreamed of the days when the two fell in love and were lingering.

He also dreamed of the scene where she secretly summoned Emperor Wu of the Four Elephants to besiege him because of the Zichen ring, causing him to fall with hatred.

He also dreamed that his father Jiang Qinshan, grandfather Jiang Mushen, and even Jiang Shenghai, Jiang Haotian and other members of the Jiang family who had murdered him all appeared in Jiang Mo's dream.

The last person to appear in Jiang Mo's dream was Ling'er.

In the dream, from the moment she was reincarnated and reborn, Ling'er was always by her side.

Various fragments of the past flashed in Jiang Mo's mind one by one, connecting them into happy moments one after another.

It's just that Jiang Mo at that time didn't know how to grasp and cherish it.

It wasn't until now that he lost it that Jiang Mofang felt his heart stabbing like a needle.

He suddenly realized that without Ling'er, he would really be in pain!
In a trance, Jiang Mo woke up from his dream. He sat up on the bed and rubbed his dry face.

"Ling'er, wait for me, we will meet soon!"

(End of this chapter)

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