Chapter 342

Crack clap.

The thick layer of ice beneath his feet made a crackling sound.

Accompanied by that, wide cracks quickly spread from it.


In the next moment, an ear-shattering roaring sound suddenly swayed from below the glacier.

The ice layer cracked, and a gigantic monster hundreds of feet in size rushed out of the ice layer.

Whoosh whoosh!

The behemoth panted heavily and glared at Jiang Mo.

It had the head of a lion, the body of a stag, and the thick tail of a python.

Stepping on the glacial river below with four hooves, his whole body is wrapped in icy blue crystal armor, shining coldly under the scorching sun.

This ferocious monster exhaled a cold breath from its mouth and nose, and the air was bombarded with hunting sounds between the sweeping of the python's tail.

"Clear water and golden-eyed beast!" Jiang Mo's eyes fell on the pair of golden pupils on the head of this gigantic beast.

This clear-water golden-eyed beast is a fourth- and third-tier desolate beast, and its strength is comparable to that of a human three-star Martial Lord.

In addition, due to living in the wilderness, the strength of this clear water golden eye beast can be described as extremely powerful.

Even Jiang Mo had to be treated with caution.

However, this does not mean that Jiang Mo will hand over the ice flame flower he got.

Even if he can't beat this clear-water golden-eyed beast at that time, wouldn't it be enough to run away with Nirvana Sky Wings?

With this in mind, Jiang Mo no longer hesitated, stretched out his palm, and grabbed the ice flame flower directly.

Seeing this, the beast with clear water and golden eyes immediately roared, stepped on its four hooves, and galloped towards Jiang Mo.

It stepped on the glacier with four hooves, very stable, like walking on flat ground.

The splashing water made the scene extraordinarily gorgeous.

With a little force on the palm of his hand, Jiang Mo pulled off the Bingyan flower, and immediately threw it into Zichen's space.

Seeing this scene, the beast with clear water and golden eyes was furious. This little human dared to snatch treasure under its nose.

It opened its mouth wide, and suddenly a thick jet of water spurted out, blasting towards Jiang Mo.

Feeling the strong wind coming towards him, Jiang Mo's complexion could not help but change slightly. He tapped lightly on the broken ice with his toes.

With the help of that counter-thrust, Jiang Mo jumped back to the shore.

However, the clear-water golden-eyed beast was relentless, with wind blowing from its four hooves, and it plundered towards Jiang Mo like a cannonball.

"This ice flame flower may be the treasure of heaven and earth guarded by this clear-water golden-eyed beast. Now that I've picked it, it's no wonder it doesn't work hard with me." Desolate beast, Jiang Mo would not have fled without a fight.

After stabilizing, Jiang Mo no longer backed away.

He pulled out the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword that was carried on his back, and took the initiative to plunder towards the clear water golden-eyed beast.

Ding, ding, ding...

The Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword slashed on the body of the Bishui Jinjing Beast, making a crisp sound of metal clashing, and large sparks flew out.

"The defense of this beast is solid." Jiang Mo secretly said.

Except for the eyes, the Bishui Golden Eyed Beast is covered by ice blue crystal armor, which is extremely strong.

"However, no matter how strong the defense is, there will eventually be weaknesses." Jiang Mo narrowed his eyes, stepped lightly on the ground with his toes, and flied out again.

The Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword slashed out, and a series of simple and simple sword shadows flashed, stabbing all-pervasively at the clear-water golden-eyed beast.

The sharp sword light tore through the air, causing the entire space to be filled with sword energy.

The beast with clear water and golden eyes was extremely furious, and its thick python tail swung towards Jiang Mo, pulling the air out with crackling sounds.

Its whole body is turned into a murder weapon, if it hits the body, it will definitely not feel good.

Jiang Mo also knew this very well, he didn't dare to let the beast with clear water and golden eyes get close, relying on the flexibility of Ghost Shadow Mizong's steps, he kept dodging around.

On the desolate land, Jiang Mo's speed was pushed to the extreme. Looking from afar, he could only see afterimages emerging.

Occasionally, when he had a chance, he would slash out with a sword, which made the Bishui Golden Eyed Beast howl incessantly.

After one man and one beast fought for about half an hour, the attack of the beast with clear water and golden eyes finally weakened.

Compared to Jiang Mo, the physical exertion of the Clear Water Golden Eyed Beast was enormous.

Its huge body, when moving, brings a heavy burden.

Whoosh whoosh!

The Bishui Jinyan Beast stepped on the hard ground with all four limbs, panting violently, and spit out ice-blue frost mist from the tip of its nose.

In its pair of pupils, a golden light flashed from time to time, flickering on and off.

"Have you finally lost the strength to attack?" Jiang Mo also had a look of joy on his face when he saw the green water golden eyed beast that had stopped.

However, before Jiang Mo could be happy, a sudden change suddenly appeared!
The Bishui Golden Eyed Beast suddenly got down on its forelegs, leaned forward, and let out a low roar from its throat.

Jiang Mo raised his brows, and looked at this fourth-order desolate beast solemnly, not understanding the meaning of its actions.

Immediately afterwards, a scene that surprised Jiang Mo appeared.

Behind the clear water and golden-eyed beast, the water flow in the glacier suddenly accelerated, and the sound of splashing came out.

One after another water jets rushed towards the body of the clear water golden-eyed beast as if they were under control. In that situation, it was like building countless water bridges between the glacier and the clear water golden-eyed beast.

Countless water jets gathered beside the clear water golden-eyed beast, turning into a majestic giant water curtain, covering its whole body, circling and lingering.

At this moment, its huge lion-like mouth suddenly opened, and the surrounding water curtain slowly surged, and groups of ice-blue frost mist were sucked into the mouth of the clear water golden-eyed beast.

The icy blue frost mist was transformed by the power in the glacier, and it was extremely pure.

With the influx of glacial power, the body of the clear-water golden-eyed beast suddenly grew in size, standing there like a mountain!
Golden rays of light shot out from its pair of pupils, and the aura around it increased several times, its power and power were frightening.

"This beast can actually use the power in the glacier!" Jiang Mo frowned, his eyes a little dignified.

"No, it must not be allowed to complete the process."

A moment later, Jiang Mo made a decision, and the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword slashed out, tearing the air and making the sound of breaking the wind.

A radiant sword light cut through the sky suddenly, and slashed angrily at the clear water golden-eyed beast that was absorbing the power of the glacier!

At that moment, the ground below was cut into a wide gully by the fierce sword energy, the vegetation flew across, and the ice floes in the glacier burst away one after another, turning into ice crystals all over the sky.

Just when the sword light was about to fall on the body of the clear water golden-eyed beast, suddenly, the light surged around it, turning into a crystal-clear ice crystal armor, enveloping its entire body.

At the same time, its lion-like head lifted up, and its huge mouth opened violently. Groups of blue beams of light ten feet thick tear the air like lightning, and fiercely collide with the radiant sword light. Bang away!

(End of this chapter)

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