Chapter 345 Weird

The mouth of the bottle was tilted, and Jiang Mo directly swallowed a drop of Qingling Liquid into his stomach.

The moment he entered it, a warm current flowed down his throat, making Jiang Mo feel comfortable all over.

The feeling of exhaustion was instantly swept away.

Jiang Mo raised his spirits, his handprints changed, and he began to run the Dayan Tianji Jue, absorbing the huge energy contained in the green spirit liquid, and accumulating strength for the impact on the realm of the Martial Lord.

The abundant Yuanli flowed unimpeded in Jiang Mo's meridians.

Finally, the body that had been quiet was once again full of vitality.

Bang, bang, bang...

Dull voices came from Jiang Mo's body again.

"Forty ways, 41 ways,"


"Two ways."

"Two ways."

Jiang Mo was thinking silently in his heart, and finally at a certain moment, all the energy gathered in one direction.

There is the last hurdle to break through the realm of Martial Lord - Baihui Point.

If you can break through, you will break through the realm of the Martial Lord in one fell swoop and step into the ranks of the strong.

Jiang Mo took a deep breath, and immediately mobilized all his energy to charge towards the Baihui acupoint.

The Baihui acupoint, which was originally extremely solid and straddled the meridian like a tiger blocking the way, unexpectedly trembled a little at this time.

After a while, cracks spread from the barrier.


A thin and clear voice suddenly came from Jiang Mo's body.

Immediately afterwards, the sense of stagnation that permeated Jiang Mo's body disappeared, and was replaced by an intoxicating wonderful feeling.

Jiang Mo felt that all the energy in his body flowed unimpeded, like rivers flowing into the sea, flowing through his body for a big cycle, and then all of them flowed into his dantian.

The moment this feeling just appeared, an incomparably terrifying aura suddenly swept out of Jiang Mo's body like a storm!

Boom boom boom.

Under the pressure of this terrifying momentum, the surrounding air trembled, the hard boulders quietly turned into powder, and the dead grass and sawdust were drawn into the midair, spreading towards the surroundings like a hurricane.

At this moment, Jiang Mo's tightly closed eyes suddenly opened!

From his dark eyes as deep as stars, two bright rays of light shot out like real substances.

Jiang Mo stood up slowly, he clenched his fists, and immediately blasted out.

During the surge of Yuanli, it turned into a fist of Yuanli that was several times larger, and bombarded towards the glacier covered by ice floes.

In an instant, the ice floe exploded with a loud bang, and a huge water column rose into the sky, splashing water all over the sky, shining crystal light under the scorching sun.

"Finally broke through to the realm of Martial Lord!"

Looking at the Yuanli fist that was slowly dissipating, Jiang Mo showed a look of joy on his face.

Transforming Yuanli into form, the symbolic means of a strong Martial Lord.

"Now that I have broken through to the realm of Martial Lord, it's time for me to leave the Great Desolation." Jiang Mo said secretly, subduing the aura of instability around him.

After jumping across the five-foot-wide glacier, Jiang Mo walked forward slowly.

In the depths of this great wilderness, there are wild giant beasts that can destroy mountains, terrifying flame sparrows that can breathe out flames and burn the sky, and powerful thunder beasts bathed in thunder...

These are all super desolate beasts of the fifth or even sixth rank. With Jiang Mo's current strength, he is no match for those super desolate beasts.

However, Jiang Mo also has self-knowledge, those super wild beasts live in the depths of the wilderness, and he will not be so stupid as to walk through the depths of the wilderness.

After walking for half a day, Jiang Mo appeared under a gray sky.

Compared with other places, the forests here are much denser, and the thick ancient trees stand there, and I don't know how many years they have grown.

"Eh?" After walking for a while, something suddenly caught Jiang Mo's attention.

It was a pink scarf, hanging obliquely on a withered grass, fluttering in the wind, and exuding a faint fragrance.

Jiang Mo walked over, staring at the pink scarf with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

"How can there be women's things in this wilderness?" Jiang Mo was puzzled, the unique fragrance of women remained on the scarf.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the Great Wilderness is like a hellish place, no one wants to come here for no reason at all.

Let alone a woman.

Jiang Mo didn't believe that who would choose to go to the wilderness and endure the loneliness that most people could not bear like himself in order to hone his own strength.

After pondering for a moment, Jiang Mo glanced around.

Suddenly, he saw a secluded path appearing in front of him. The surrounding withered grass was trampled up and down, and it seemed that someone had been there.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Mo stepped forward.


Footsteps stepped on the gravel, making a crisp sound, and Jiang Mo gradually realized that the surrounding light had dimmed, and a sense of hotness continued to sweep over.

The power of the third-order divine sense quietly spread out, spreading towards the surroundings.

Soon, the scene with a radius of ten miles was projected into Jiang Mo's mind through the power of spiritual thoughts.

"There is a cave not far ahead, and there are actually people in the cave, and there are quite a few of them."

Jiang Mo secretly thought.

A moment later, Jiang Mo appeared outside the cave.

Through the dim light, Jiang Mo couldn't see the scene clearly, but he could hear the soft voices of many young women and the aggressive laughter of men.

This situation made Jiang Mo think of the thing that happened half a year ago in Fenglei Town that the oblique man kidnapped the young woman.

However, judging from the women's laughter coming from the cave, they didn't seem to be forced to come here at all, but rather satisfied.

"No matter what, let's go and explore first." Jiang Mo is confident when his strength has broken through to the realm of Martial Lord. As long as there are no fifth-order desolate beasts here, he has enough strength to deal with it.

Containing his breath, Jiang Mo quietly sneaked into the cave.

The cave was very deep, dark and cold. From time to time, a large group of bats flew out of the darkness and made squeaking sounds as they passed over Jiang Mo's head.

Jiang Mo didn't care about these disturbances at all.

He sneaked quietly for about a stick of incense, and finally the voice from inside the cave became louder and louder.

The young woman's laughter and the man's voice reached Jiang Mo's ears, causing him to frown slightly.

The light gradually brightened, and the temperature in the air also rose a lot at some point, which made people feel a little hot and disturbed.

After entering the cave, Jiang Mo saw a very strange scene.

(End of this chapter)

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