Chapter 350 Annoying Flies

Bai Feng stepped out, clenched his fists, and slammed hard at Jiang Mo.

Seeing this situation, the maids in the pavilion closed their eyes for fear of seeing the bloody scene.

Only Ling Qingxuan and Hongyue didn't worry at all.

Hongyue was once in the wilderness, and saw Jiang Mo beheading even fourth-order wild beasts, so how could she be afraid of this mere three-star martial artist Bai Feng?

And Ling Qingxuan also knew from Hongyue's narration that Jiang Mo's strength was definitely not comparable to that of Bai Feng.

The only worry is that if Bai Feng is hurt, there may be some troubles.

After all, his father was the lord of Heiliu City.

"Boy, die to me!" Bai Feng yelled, and punched Jiang Mo's head fiercely, with the intention of killing Jiang Mo with his punch.

Jiang Mo's figure just stood there, without moving.

Just when Bai Feng's fist was about to hit his head, Jiang Mo's slightly lowered eyes slowly opened.

Jiang Mo did not see any movement, and Bai Feng's forward figure froze immediately, and that punch was also empty.

If there is an expert present, it can be seen that just when Bai Feng came, Jiang Mo kicked out a kick like lightning, which happened to hit Bai Feng's lower abdomen, making him unsteady and flying out. .

Bai Feng's body hit the ground heavily, and he fell like a shit!


Seeing this scene, all the women in Lingyan Pavilion, including Ling Qingxuan, covered their faces and laughed coquettishly.

Under the eyes of everyone, in such a mess, Bai Feng's complexion suddenly turned red like a pig's liver, extremely ugly.

"What happened just now? Could it be that I accidentally tripped?" Bai Feng asked in his heart, and immediately smashed his fists heavily on the ground, and his body immediately shot up.

"Bastard, give me another punch!"

When he punched Jiang Mo again, Bai Feng was much more cautious.

Just when his fist was about to get close to Jiang Mo, he flew out like a ghost again, hitting the wall with his body, shaking the whole attic.

Jiang Mo still did the same thing, but the speed of his feet was extremely fast.

Everyone just saw Bai Feng flying out like a sandbag, not knowing what happened.

Even Bai Feng himself didn't know why he was in such a mess.

"You bastard, stop pretending to me!" No matter how stupid Bai Feng was, he knew it was Jiang Mo's tricks. He shouted angrily, and with a groan, pulled out a fine iron long sword.

On the blade of the sword, there is a flash of light, obviously it is not a weak real weapon.

As the young city lord of Heiliu City, how could the real weapon used by Bai Feng be ordinary?

Immediately afterwards, the fine iron long sword in Bai Feng's hand suddenly swung down towards Jiang Mo, and a sharp sword light emerged and fell towards Jiang Mo's head.

Bai Feng's own strength is mediocre, but this refined iron long sword is obviously not ordinary. With the blessing of this real weapon, the strength he unleashes is at least comparable to that of a five-star great martial artist!

The sharp sword light flashed past, cutting a trace in the air.

Seeing this situation, Jiang Mo's face remained unchanged, and his figure did not move at all.

"Hehe, have you been scared dumb? But it's too late, this is what you will end up with if you offend me!" Bai Feng's eyes flashed a hideous look, and in front of Ling Qingxuan, showing such a distressed appearance really made him furious endlessly.

Only by killing Jiang Mo can Bai Feng's anger be relieved.

Just when the sword light was about to strike Jiang Mo's body, he slowly raised his arm.

With a wave of Jiang Mo's palm, a powerful burst of Yuan Li immediately struck the sword glow.

Immediately afterwards, all the maids of Lingyan Pavilion saw that the sharp sword light that could tear apart a five-star great martial artist collapsed and vanished under Jiang Mo's random blow.

"Hehe, you are really vulnerable!" Jiang Mo smiled sarcastically.

Immediately, the remaining power of the Yuan Li continued unabated, and it was directly imprinted on Bai Feng's chest like lightning, blasting the latter flying out fiercely.

Bang, click...

After Bai Feng's body was hit by the Yuan Lipi training, it immediately flew upside down like a kite with a broken string, and smashed on the wooden table in the pavilion.

For a moment, the sound of his sternum breaking and the sound of the wooden table being smashed intertwined.

"The adult brought by Sister Hongyue is too...too powerful!" A woman in white from Lingyan Pavilion covered her mouth and exclaimed.

"Bai Feng is in his hands, there is no way to fight back!"

The voices of everyone's discussion reached Bai Feng's ears, which made his chest tight and he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

"This kid, how could he catch my sword? That sword, even a five-star martial artist would have to back off three points!"

"Could it be that this kid has the cultivation base of a five-star great martial artist?"

Bai Feng's head twirled quickly, but as soon as this idea was connected with Jiang Mo's age, he dismissed it.

In Bai Feng's knowledge, there is no genius who can break through to the realm of a five-star martial artist at the age of 20.

What is curious is how Bai Feng would feel if he knew that Jiang Mo's martial arts cultivation had reached the level of a one-star Martial Lord.

"Boy, good, you're fine! If you dare to attack me, I'm afraid you're still No.1 in Heiliu City!" Even though he was defeated, Bai Feng still pretended to threaten Jiang Mo viciously.

"I'm afraid you don't know my identity yet?" He asked, squinting at Jiang Mo.

Not as strong as Jiang Mo, Bai Feng planned to use his status as the young city lord of Heiliu City to put pressure on Jiang Mo.

"Hehe, the Young City Lord of Heiliu City, am I right?" The corners of Jiang Mo's mouth curled up slightly, with a hint of sarcasm on his face.

Hearing this, Bai Feng's expression finally softened. He thought Jiang Mo was afraid, so he said slowly, "Since you know my identity, you should know what your actions just now represent."

"It's just a young city lord, don't you think too highly of yourself?" Jiang Mo spread his hands, speaking with disdain.

In fact, with Jiang Mo's strength, there was really no need to take Bai Feng to heart.

"Hmph, arrogant boy, you will soon pay the price for your actions today." Jiang Mo's words made Bai Feng's face extremely ugly.

He coughed up a mouthful of blood, struggled to get up from the ground, and said: "But for the sake of Qingxuan, I will give you a chance today, if you are willing to kneel down and kowtow ten times to me, and from then on Be my servant, and I will forgive your behavior today."

Bai Feng had a condescending demeanor.

Hearing this, Jiang sneered, and walked slowly towards Bai Feng, his eyes slightly cold.

"Did I say your brain is broken?"

"I really don't know who gave you the courage to say those words just now."

After the words fell, Jiang Mo punched Bai Feng on the lower abdomen, and directly blasted him out of the pavilion.

This guy's twittering really annoys Jiang Mo.

(End of this chapter)

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