Chapter 359 Four-legged Thunder Beast
Over the entire river area, thunder and lightning flashed, and the roar continued, like a group of demons dancing wildly, the end of the world is coming!

Creatures in the river region with weird shapes rushed to jump out of the water, some stuck to the ferry, and some jumped directly onto the deck, attacking the people on board.

After seeing these ferocious creatures in the river region, the ferry boats became a mess.

Only the ferry boat rented by Lingyan Pavilion should be much calmer. After all, it is a party force, with Ling Qingzhu's calm command, although the female disciples are a little frightened, they are not in a hurry.

Jiang Mo glanced back and forth on the turbulent waters, ignoring the river creatures who jumped onto the ferry.

According to his spiritual perception, there seemed to be a more powerful existence under the water surface, and the faint and powerful aura that permeated Jiang Mo made Jiang Mo frown.

Moreover, Jiang Mo has nine levels of confidence in his fourth-level spiritual power, and his perception will never go wrong.

The octopus attached to the ferryboat spewed black ink towards the people on board.

The black ink was extremely smelly and could block everyone's sight. Hundreds of octopus spewed ink at the same time, making the ferry seem to be covered with a layer of black smoke.

Everyone panicked immediately.

At the same time, their long tentacles lashed towards the crowd, and for a moment, people on the ferry were turned upside down and screaming endlessly.

Some people were even directly drawn into the river by the octopus. The moment they fell into the water, they were directly eaten away by the creatures in the river. The dark red blood gushed out continuously from under the surface of the water, which looked extremely bloody. terrible!
Of course, this miserable situation only happened on ordinary ferries without strength.

The ferry Jiang Mo was on was commanded by sisters Ling Qingzhu and Ling Qingxuan, so no creatures from the river region could attack it.

"These eight-clawed stone badges are just ordinary first-order desolate beasts. They are not strong, so you don't need to panic!" Ling Qingzhu's cold voice came, like a reassurance, which made everyone calm down quickly and began to fight back.

At the moment when Ling Qingzhu's voice fell, under the surface of the water, shadows with the size of Zhang Xu flashed out at some point, swimming towards here.

A chilling roar sounded, and the shadow about the size of zhang finally broke through the water, opened its bloody mouth and began to gnaw at the wooden ferry.

clack clack-
The sound of gnawing was a little creepy, and at the same time, the hull was still shaking violently, and it might capsize at any time.

"It's a second-order desolate beast—the sawtooth shark!" Ling Qingzhu also saw this scene, and immediately frowned slightly, with a dignified look on his face.

The strength of the sawtooth sharks is not very strong, but they can eat the ferry, and if there are a lot of them, they can even overturn the ferry.

This can be said to be a threat to everyone who is not familiar with water.

Once the ferry was overturned, the hungry sawtooth sharks underwater would be a terrible nightmare for everyone!

"Everyone attack the sawtooth sharks with all their strength, and don't let these beasts get close to the ferry!" Ling Qingzhu ordered in an orderly manner.

Moreover, the people on this boat are also strong at the level of great martial arts masters. The tyrannical force blasted out, causing heavy losses to the approaching sawtooth sharks.

Jiang Mo never made a move. Ling Qingzhu and the two sisters could solve the threat of wild beasts at this level, even to the point where Jiang Mo stepped forward.

His brows were furrowed all the time, and the aura that was so powerful that it was close to the fourth-order desolate beast was approaching here quickly. Jiang Mo had a premonition that within a stick of incense, that aura would really come true. approaching!
That's when the nightmare will come!
Even Jiang Mo wasn't sure how to deal with fourth-order underwater desolate beasts in the river region where there was nowhere to stay.

The sky has been completely covered by dark clouds, not even a ray of light can come in. The only thing that can bring light is the scalp-numbing purple thunder.

One after another thunderbolts landed on the river region, not only crushing many river region creatures, but also killing many humans.

Under the majestic power of the sky, no matter whether it is human beings or creatures in the river region, they all appear so insignificant that they can be easily killed.

Boom -- click!

The purple thunder connects the sky and the waters, and the dense thunder descends, even Jiang Mo's ferry is not spared.

A thunder snake as thick as an arm landed on the mast of the ferry boat, smashing it directly, and the hull suddenly shook violently, which was extremely dangerous.

Sensing the sudden change, Jiang Mo lightly chopped the sole of his foot on the deck, and suddenly an ingenious force, like ripples, spread out, engulfing the entire ferry, causing the ship that had been shaking The body calmed down instantly.

Ling Qingzhu cast a grateful look at Jiang Mo. She had been sitting in command of Lingyan Pavilion's female disciples to resist the creatures in the river region, and she couldn't spare her hands, so she could only rely on Jiang Mo.

After half a stick of incense fighting, those sawtooth sharks finally realized that this ferry boat was not something they could provoke, and they retreated one after another.

Hundreds of sawtooth shark carcasses were left floating on the surface of the water. Their bellies were all silvery white, and bright blood filled the water, dyeing the waters blood red.

From a distance, it looks like a river of blood!
Jiang Mo looked solemnly under the bottomless waters, and he knew that the nightmare was far from over!

As if confirming Jiang Mo's premonition, everyone repelled the sawtooth shark, and before they had time to catch their breath, they were surrounded by even greater threats.

The ferry with its mast broken was struggling forward in the turbulent waters. Canglan City, which could be reached in half a day, seemed so far away in the eyes of everyone!
In Canglan City, the lights are bright, and people are singing and dancing.

Outside Canglan City, on the Blue River, the people on the boat had to struggle desperately to survive!
The ferocious and ugly heads slowly protruded from the water surface, and their mouths let out hoarse hissing sounds. The swimming speed was not very fast, but the protruding skin that surfaced and was exposed in the air showed a An indestructible feeling.

Like a rock.

Moreover, every time these nearly two-foot-long bodies swim past, there will be traces of purple lightning flashing from their bodies.

Suddenly, a purple thunderbolt came down and landed on the underwater monster.

However, what happened next made Jiang Mo a little surprised.

These monsters were not affected at all, and the purple lightning flashed directly into their bodies.

Every time at this time, the swimming speed of these monsters increased a little, as if they had absorbed the power of thunder.

Finally, those monsters approached the ferry, and their hideous appearance was exposed to everyone.

"Third-order desolate beast—four-legged thunder crocodile!"

Ling Qingzhu looked at these hundreds of ferocious monsters, and her pretty face finally became very ugly.

(End of this chapter)

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