Chapter 362 Six-legged Thunder Crocodile King

That majestic giant beast, bathed in purple thunder, came riding the wind and waves!

This highly visually impactful scene shocked and frightened everyone on the ferry!
Huge waves of water broke through to both sides, and what appeared in front of everyone was a hideous and ugly monster with a size of more than twenty feet and six giant feet!

Its appearance is very similar to the previous four-legged thunder crocodile, but its size has been enlarged by nearly ten times.

"This is... this is the six-legged thunder crocodile king!" Ling Qingzhu said in shock as she stared at the huge beast with her beautiful eyes, her red lips slightly parted.

There was a burst of paleness on everyone's face.

The strength of the six-legged thunder crocodile king is comparable to that of a human warrior!
Moreover, on the surface of this tumbling river, its strength will be multiplied, while others will be suppressed.

"It is, it is a fourth-order desolate beast!" The female disciples of Lingyan Pavilion hugged each other tightly, tremblingly.

"How could we be so unlucky!"

Although they are all strong at the level of great martial arts masters, their own strength and determination are extremely firm, but that is only compared to ordinary people.

Once encountering a powerful wild beast that can threaten them, they are still weak people who need protection.

Jiang Mo's complexion was also very serious. If he was on the shore, Jiang Mo would have seven layers of confidence to kill the six-legged thunder crocodile king.

But now it is above the river region, he has no certainty to block this fierce overlord of the water region!
The six-legged Thunder Crocodile King broke through the water waves, and roared toward him with a trembling low roar from his throat.

It was covered in purple thunder light, like a giant thunder beast!
Suddenly, an arm-thin beam of bright purple thunder spewed out from its mouth, and bombarded towards the ferry where Jiang Mo was.

Jiang Mo moved and jumped out.

With a wave of his arm, a streak of cyan Yuan Lian came out of his hand and collided with the purple thunder pillar!
An ear-shattering energy explosion suddenly sounded above the river, and a terrifying wave of energy swept away, setting off bursts of monstrous waves on the river below.

The fragile ferry was swaying in this violent wind and waves, as if a big wave could overturn it.

When the attack was blocked, the six-legged thunder crocodile king seemed excited, and let out a deep and heart-pounding roar. Suddenly, the sound waves spread like ripples, making everyone tremble.

"Miss Qingzhu, come and help me, this beast is too strong!" Jiang Mo shouted behind him without looking back. After all, Ling Qingzhu is also a three-star Martial Lord, and one more person means more strength.

"Okay." Only at this moment did Ling Qingzhu recover from the shock. She gave a clear drink, touched her feet on the deck, drew out a long green sword, and swept it to Jiang Mo's side.

At that time, the six-legged Thunder Crocodile King was less than five feet away from the ferry.

Jiang Mo and Ling Qingzhu looked at each other, they both knew that this huge monster must not be allowed to approach again, otherwise if the ferry was overturned by it, the consequences would be unimaginable.

In the violent wind and huge waves, the small ferry boat was still swaying in the wind and rain. Compared with the huge thunder crocodile that broke through the waves, it was extremely small!

But it was precisely because of Jiang Mo and Ling Qingzhu's obstruction that the six-legged Thunder Crocodile King was still unable to approach.

Green and green Yuanli covered the ferry, forming a two-color Yuanli light curtain, blocking the fierce attack of the six-legged Thunder Crocodile King.

Purple thunder beams spewed out continuously from the mouth of the six-legged Thunder Crocodile King.

The air trembled violently, and the continuous purple thunder beams merged together, like a sea of ​​thunder, bombarding the Yuanli light curtain.

Bang, bang, bang...

Explosions continued to explode one after another, and each sound was like a drumstick hitting everyone's heart, making them extremely nervous.

Once the light curtain of Yuanli is shattered, what awaits everyone is - destruction!

"I hope Mr. Jiang Mo and Missy can stop that big monster!" The female disciples of Lingyan Pavilion leaned on each other, their palms dripping with sweat.

They pinned their hopes on Jiang Mo and Ling Qingzhu.

Roar, roar, roar—
It still failed to break through the light curtain of Yuanli, which made the Six-legged Thunder Crocodile King seem impatient. Its six huge sharp claws kept stepping on the water surface, and water jets rose into the sky one after another!

It roared, and the thunder beams it blasted out became denser and faster, like artillery.

This big guy no longer intends to continue playing with these humans on the ship, it is about to launch a final onslaught!
Bang, bang, bang...

Accompanied by a series of deafening noises, the Yuanli light curtain jointly built by Jiang Mo and Ling Qingzhu began to tremble violently, and cracks quickly climbed up.

Seeing this scene, both Jiang Mo and Ling Qingzhu felt tense in their hearts.

They shot again, struggling to repair the cracked defense.

Both of them knew the consequences of the Yuanli light curtain being shattered, but they were helpless. After all, the six-legged thunder crocodile king was the real overlord in this river area!

"Be sure to hold on!" The female disciples of Lingyan Pavilion tightly twisted their palms together, showing how nervous and fearful they were.

This process of persistence only lasted about half a stick of incense.

In the end, because Ling Qingzhu's vitality was exhausted, a slight weakness appeared.

With Ling Qingzhu's defense as the center, a huge hole was blasted out of the Yuanli light curtain, and then the crack became bigger and bigger, and finally spread throughout the entire defensive cover.

Finally, with a bang, the light curtain of Yuanli exploded suddenly, turning into light spots all over the sky.

Ling Qingzhu, who was affected, suddenly let out a muffled snort, and was sent flying out.

After falling to the ground, a trace of blood spilled from her mouth, obviously Ling Qingzhu also tried her best.

Seeing this scene, the hearts of the other female disciples twitched suddenly, the light curtain of Yuanli shattered, and what awaited them next was probably a nightmare.

Jiang Mo also took a few steps back before stabilizing his body, raised his head, and looked solemnly at the huge figure like a mountain.

He stepped hard on the ground with his toes, and with the help of the counter-shock force, he leaped into the air, and immediately drew out the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword with his backhand, and slashed it down.

The dazzling sword light even covered up the purple thunder light for a while, and fell fiercely towards the six-legged thunder crocodile king.

The sword light was extremely fast, and the six-legged thunder crocodile king was too huge to dodge at all. The attack was directly on the huge body of the six-legged thunder crocodile king.

A ferocious sword mark spread from its back, and blood flowed down, causing the river below to be dyed red.

Although the six-legged thunder crocodile king's defense is strong, Jiang Mo is also as strong as a three-star Martial Lord after all, so how can he not be able to break through its defense?

Seeing this scene, all the female disciples felt hopeful.

Only Jiang Mo knew in his heart that unless the six-legged thunder crocodile king stayed still and let himself attack, it would be difficult to cause fatal wounds to it!
(End of this chapter)

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