Chapter 372 Jiang Mo makes a move
"Chi Chi——"

In the three-foot medicinal cauldron, the flames of the Orange Flame Stone were burning the medicinal materials, making bursts of sound.

The seal in the hand of the third-rank alchemist changed, and he carefully controlled the temperature of the flame to prevent the medicinal materials from being burned due to excessive medicinal power.

This process lasted for half an hour before her movements gradually stopped, her forehead was sweating, and a faint scent of medicine wafted out from the cauldron.

At this time, the faces of those Lingyan Pavilion female disciples who fell into a coma were extremely pale, and their lips had turned black and purple, which was dangerous.

Seeing this scene, sisters Ling Qingzhu and Ling Qingxuan couldn't help feeling extremely anxious, but they didn't dare to urge the third-tier alchemist.

"It's too slow. If it goes on like this, I'm afraid they won't be able to hold on at all." Jiang Mo said aloud.

Ling Qingzhu and Ling Qingxuan might be worried about offending this third-tier pharmacist, but Jiang Mo wasn't worried at all.

"Boy, what did you say?" Hearing this, the third-tier alchemist extinguished the orange flame stone, raised his eyebrows, and looked at Jiang Mo with a hint of anger.

As a third-tier pharmacist, her status is extremely noble. On weekdays, even the two sisters Ling Qingzhu respect her very much, how can Jiang Mo be allowed to question her?
"I'm just stating a fact. According to your refining speed, there's no time to treat them." Jiang Mo spread his hands and said seriously.

At this time, the third-rank pharmacist had already taken out four or five pills with a little bit of impurities from the medicine cauldron, handed them to Ling Qingzhu, and said, "Give them these pills first."

Then, she turned to Jiang Mo again, and said proudly, "You accused me of being slow in refining medicine, and I want to ask, what kind of confidence do you have?"

"Perhaps your martial arts cultivation is the best among all the people, but the art of refining medicine is not as simple as martial arts cultivation?"

"If you really think that my refining speed is slow, you can invite others to come over, or make it yourself."

While speaking, she was already planning to put away the medicine cauldron, flicked her sleeves, and wanted to leave.

Relying on his own status, this third-tier pharmacist spoke with great aura, as if he was born superior.

"Mr. Jiang Mo, let's forget it. Sister Ying's alchemy skills are second to none in our Lingyan Pavilion, and no one can compare to her." Ling Qingxuan hurriedly came out to persuade her, for fear that this Sister Ying would quit.

"Miss Qingxuan, I would like to ask, how much do you need to pay this 'honorable' alchemist?" Jiang Mo said, turning his head to Ling Qingxuan.

"I need to pay Sister Ying 300 million gold coins a year." Ling Qingxuan replied honestly after thinking for a while.

Hearing this, Jiang Mo turned his attention to the so-called 'Sister Ying', and said: "Since Lingyan Pavilion pays you so much, at this critical moment, if you refuse to do it, is it not in line with the nobleness of a pharmacist?" What about your identity?"

The reward of 300 million gold coins is indeed quite a lot, but this 'Sister Ying' is still putting on airs everywhere.

"Hmph, I don't need you to interfere with what I'm doing!" The Ying sister was obviously angry, turned around and left.

Although her strength is not very good, but with this medicine refining technique, no matter where she goes, she will always be treated as a guest of honor.

"Sister Ying, Mr. Jiang Mo's words are just urgent, don't take it to heart, these Lingyan Pavilion sisters are still waiting for you!" Seeing this, Ling Qingxuan pleaded hastily.

However, Sister Naying seemed to have a lot of airs and ignored Ling Qingxuan's dissuasion at all.

"Miss Qingxuan, you don't need to pull her. If I remember correctly, this is already a relatively inner area of ​​the Cyanwood Forest. There are many ferocious fourth-order desolate beasts haunting. If she thinks, she can go out relying on her own strength." If not, let her do it." Jiang Mo smiled lightly.

Hearing Jiang Mo's words, Sister Ying's forward steps suddenly faltered.

She glanced at the fourth-order desolate beast that had been beheaded, and then remembered the Fenglei winged tiger she had met before, and couldn't help but hesitate a little.

According to her martial arts cultivation base, she can at most reach the second rank of a great martial artist, not even as good as most Lingyan Pavilion disciples here.

Not to mention going up to the fourth-tier desolate beast, or meeting a slightly stronger third-tier desolate beast, her life must be confessed here.

"My status is so noble, and I must not die in the mouth of wild beasts." At this point, she came back and said: "Since you said that I took money from Lingyan Pavilion, then I will do what I should do .”

Seeing Sister Ying coming back in despair, taking out the medicine cauldron and continuing to refine the antidote, Ling Qingxuan couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and turned to look at Jiang Mo with her beautiful eyes.

She was so curious about Jiang Mo, even such a self-esteemed pharmacist was tamed by Jiang Mo.

"Forget it, you don't need to refine the antidote. Your speed is really too slow, and the effect is not very good." Jiang Mo curled his lips and said.

Hearing this, Ling Qingxuan and Sister Ying were a little surprised, and looked at Jiang Mo puzzled.

"Why, don't you have a better way to detoxify them?" Sister Ying raised her eyebrows and sneered, then said confidently: "Except for me, no one here can detoxify them!"

Ling Qingxuan also looked at Jiang Mo suspiciously. Although Sister Ying's attitude was a bit disgusting, she was still a third-rank pharmacist after all.

Jiang Mo didn't want her to continue refining medicine, what about the other female disciples of Lingyan Pavilion who were poisoned?
"Hmph, you're not afraid that the wind will flash your tongue." Jiang Mo shook his head, and then said, "Just look at their reactions."

Hearing Jiang Mo's words, Ling Qingxuan looked at the poisoned female disciples, and saw that they only opened their eyes, but their complexions were still ugly and blue.

Ling Qingzhu also shook her head in this direction, indicating that the antidote elixir refined by Sister Ying did not work well.

"What do you know? The shadow bat's toxicity is so strong, even the antidote elixir that I refine will not take effect so quickly." Sister Ying argued.

Jiang Mo looked at the other five or six female disciples who were in a coma, and shook his head, not wanting to waste any more time with Miss Ying.

"Actually, it's not that difficult to detoxify the shadow bat. You'll see clearly next." Jiang Mo took a deep look at Sister Ying.

After finishing the words, Jiang Mo caressed Zichen's ring lightly, and took out more than a dozen medicinal plants from it, all of which he obtained from the wilderness.

Based on Jiang Mo's experience in refining medicine in his previous life, it was easy to prepare an antidote.

"This kid actually has a space treasure, it's not easy!" Looking at the purple ring on Jiang Mo's hand, Sister Ying was surprised.

Jiang Mo didn't have time to pay attention to everyone's reactions. After taking out the medicinal materials, he stretched out his right palm, and suddenly a blue flame burst out from his palm.

Immediately afterwards, he methodically threw the dozen or so herbs into the blue flames.

Jiang Mo can make medicine out of thin air without a medicine cauldron!
(End of this chapter)

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