Chapter 374
In the altar square, on the huge stone tablet, the light is constantly beating, and the ranking of the team on it is also beating non-stop along with the change of the hunting score.

"Huh? Look, Lingyan Pavilion, where the hunting score increased the fastest, why is it motionless now?" Someone noticed this situation.

"Yes, an hour has passed since just now, and their scores are still over 8000 points, without any change."

"Now their ranking has dropped to the sixth position, and even some branch people have surpassed them."

"How is this going?"

"Could it be that they have encountered some powerful desolate beast..."

In the altar square, everyone looked at the anomaly on the stone tablet and fell into an eager discussion.


In the green wood forest.

Looking at Jiang Mo who was surrounded by everyone, Sister Ying's face flashed with extreme displeasure.

As a third-tier pharmacist, she is respected by everyone no matter where she goes, but Jiang Mo's appearance took away all the special treatment that originally belonged to her, which she could not tolerate.

"Miss Ling, the Ling family's assessment ceremony should be more than just the hunting of green wood, right?" Sister Ying asked Ling Qingzhu, she secretly scolded these short-sighted people in her heart, for the sake of some antidote pills, she gave her third-level The pharmacist was negligent.

"Of course, there is another one is the competition of refining medicine." Ling Qingzhu's mind is so delicate. Hearing this, he knew that Sister Ying was unhappy, and said immediately: "In the competition of refining medicine, I still have to rely on you, Sister Ying." Come and do your best!"

Although Jiang Mo had refined the antidote elixir, Ling Qingzhu did not dare to place all his hopes on Jiang Mo for the time being.

After all, except for this time, no one has seen Jiang Mo successfully refine other elixir.

"Hmph, that's natural!" Hearing this, Sister Ying glanced at Jiang Mo proudly, as if showing off, and said, "At that time, for the second item in the assessment ceremony, the competition of refining medicine, you will have to rely on I can do it."

Seeing this, Jiang Mo didn't bother to explain much. He ignored Sister Ying's complacent expression, took out some medicinal materials from Zichen's ring, and continued refining medicine.

The cyan flames in the palm of the palm roasted the medicinal materials until they made a 'chichi' sound.

"Mr. Jiang Mo, everyone's poison has been cured, what are you?" Seeing this situation, Ling Qingzhu asked in surprise.

"I am refining some high-level anti-drug pills for you. With these anti-drug pills, as long as you don't encounter highly poisonous wild beasts above the fourth level, you will be safe and sound." Jiang Mo explained.

Since Jiang Mo's spiritual power broke through to the fourth level, the frequency of his refining pills has gradually increased.

It would be a pity if his medicine refining technique, which was the best in the entire Tianwu Continent in his previous life, was sealed up.

Furthermore, he also didn't want to see Lingyan Pavilion face such danger again.

After all, he also has needs from the other party, and needs to obtain the medicinal materials he needs through Lingyan Pavilion.With Jiang Mo's personality, either he would not promise anything to others, and once he promised, he would do his best.

"Hehe, that's really arrogant. Even I am not sure how to refine the elixir that can resist fourth-order poisonous beasts. I really don't know where your confidence comes from?" Sister Ying snorted coldly and said disdainfully.

Jiang Mo looked at her with raised eyebrows, and said indifferently: "How can you compare with me with your pitiful alchemy skills? In the past, you wouldn't even be worthy of carrying my shoes."

He was telling the truth. A pharmacist of Sister Ying's level was not even qualified to meet Jiang Mo.

Hearing this, Sister Ying was so angry that her face turned livid. For a moment, she didn't know what to say to refute Jiang Mo.

"Miss Ling, since he is so arrogant, I have a good suggestion to test this guy's refining skills." After a long pause, Miss Ying said.

"Oh?" Hearing this, Ling Qingzhu looked at Sister Ying and said, "If you have any good suggestions, you might as well say it."

"I think that Jiang Mo can also participate in the second competition of refining medicine. At that time, the two of us will compete on the same stage, and let the head of the Ling family and all the elders evaluate the quality of the medicine. Which one is stronger and which one is weaker." Sister Ying looked at Jiang Mo provocatively.

"This should be possible, but in the final competition, you need to choose the best one from the two of you."

Ling Qingzhuxuan immediately cast his eyes on Jiang Mo, and said with a trace of inquiry, "Mr. Jiang Mo, what do you think?"

"I didn't want to expose the skill of refining medicine in front of everyone, but this woman's chatter is really annoying." Jiang Mo curled his lips and said, "In that case, I'll ask her to see what it means to be an outsider. There are people, there is a sky beyond the sky."

"I accepted this competition."

After the voice fell, bursts of strong Danxiang also wafted out.

Jiang Mo's gestures changed, and the viscous medicinal liquid slowly fused, and finally condensed into dozens of longan-sized pills. Jiang Mo was familiar with the whole process without any sense of lag.

This scene, even in the eyes of those who don't know how to refine medicine, can understand that Jiang Mo's technique is extremely proficient, and he looks like a veteran of medicine refining.

"Okay, put these elixirs away, I have to leave." Jiang Mo handed the anti-drug elixir to Ling Qingzhu, and immediately clapped his hands.

"Master Jiang Mo, where are you going?" Ling Qingzhu asked suspiciously, and Ling Qingxuan also looked at Jiang Mo, obviously not wanting the latter to leave.

"Hehe, the reason why we were besieged by that shadow bat was because someone set us up." Jiang Mo recalled the light yellow powder scattered on the ground.

With his eyesight, it is not difficult to see the abnormality of those pale yellow powders.

"Now, what I have to do is to give back to him in the same way." Jiang Mo looked out of the dense forest with his dark eyes like stars, and said solemnly: "If you dare to plot black hands against us, you have to kill us." Get ready for revenge!"

Recalling the scenes that happened just now, first they were attracted by the roar of the injured wild beast, and then the shadow bat came and attacked everyone. No matter how you look at it, it seems that someone secretly planned it.

At this time, no one doubted Jiang Mo's words.

"Master Jiang Mo, let me go with you! Just let me see who dares to attack our Lingyan Pavilion." Ling Qingxuan looked at Jiang Mo expectantly and said.

"No, it's safer for you to stay with your sister. If I take you with me, I'm afraid I won't be able to take care of it." Jiang Mo shook his head and said.

"However, my strength is not bad, and I won't hold you back..." Ling Qingxuan said dissatisfiedly, wrinkling her nose and pursing her red lips.

"Okay, Qingxuan, Mr. Jiang Mo is going to do business, so don't make trouble." Ling Qingzhu stopped her sister.

She glanced at the gradually darkening sky, then looked at Jiang Mo, and said, "Young Master Jiang Mo, you must be more careful, there are still six hours before the end of the hunting in Qingmu, we must try our best to hunt as many wild beasts as possible to obtain Hunting points."

"Don't worry." Jiang Mo nodded, and with a flash of his figure, he flew out and disappeared into the lush and dense forest in the blink of an eye.

(End of this chapter)

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