Chapter 378 Appearance
The ancient sword slashed across the void, bringing up a flash of gorgeous sword light, and directly tore the throat of the eight-armed snow ape. In an instant, hot blood shot out, covering the dense forest with a layer of blood mist.

The Heavenly Punishment Ancient Sword cut off the eight-armed snow ape's vitality in an instant. After a blow, its fleshy body stopped convulsing, and its vitality died out.

With Jiang Mo's sword, the altar square fell into a frenzied commotion again.

The light on the huge stone tablet flickered, and the name of the Lingyan Pavilion team climbed up again, jumping directly to the second position, squeezing the Lingzhengshu team down.

Now the hunting points behind the Lingyan Pavilion team have reached as much as 12. Although there is still a gap from the 1 hunting points of the No.14 Lingzhengheng team, it is higher than the No.3 Lingzhengshu team. Nearly [-] points were awarded.

During this period of time, Jiang Mo's hunting points alone had more than 8000 points, while Ling Qingzhu's entire team had only obtained more than 2 hunting points.

Coupled with the [-] hunting points obtained before, the Lingyan Pavilion team naturally rushed to the second position, leaving the others far behind.

"In just four hours, Lingyan Pavilion's hunting score has directly increased by as much as [-]. This is too abnormal!"

"It's unbelievable!"

"Even the No.1 Ling Zhengheng team has only increased their hunting points by more than 6 during this period of time."

"But how can the overall strength of the Lingyan Pavilion team compare with that of Ling Zhengheng's team? You must know that the latter team has three strong Martial Lords!"

"It really makes people wonder if this Lingyan Pavilion team is cheating!"

"Don't talk nonsense, the spiritual formations in the Cyanwood Forest were all personally arranged by the elders of the Ling family. How could there be cheating? Isn't that a slap in the face?"

"But if it weren't for that, it wouldn't make sense."

"But have you noticed that for the past four hours, the score of Ling Qingmei's team seems to have never increased."

"Huh? Really! As far as I know, Ling Qingmei's team also has a four-star Martial Lord! Logically speaking, this shouldn't happen!"

"It's strange."


Everyone talked and said, the more they got to the end, the more excited they were, and they even cared more about the final result than those who participated in the Qingmu hunting.

At this time, in the Cyanwood Forest, the strange man was finally so angry that he spat out a mouthful of old blood.

In the past four hours, all the desolate beasts they hunted with great effort, regardless of their level, were killed by a mysterious ancient sword at the last moment.

In this way, according to the rules of Aoki Hunting, they won't even get any hunting points.

Because, the desolate beast was killed by the mysterious ancient sword in the end, and it had nothing to do with them.

The strange man was extremely furious. He had never been so aggrieved like today. He clearly saw the ancient sword slashing in front of him, but he was helpless, because after the ancient sword killed the desolate beast, it quickly flitted back. Give him time to react.

He also tried to track down the source of the ancient sword, but after finally chasing it to a deep valley, the ancient sword disappeared.

He had no choice but to give up.

And behind this, of course, Jiang Mo is controlling everything.

"Husband, this person is really shameless, actually doing such indecent activities!" Ling Qingmei said through gritted teeth, "If you tell me to catch him, I will definitely tear him to pieces!"

Ling Qingmei came here to compete for the position of the family heir, but based on the current hunting points, she has no chance of winning at all.

"Hehe, are you going to tear me into pieces? My heart is vicious enough!" A voice came from Lang Lang in the dense forest.

Hearing these words, Ling Qingmei and the strange man looked at each other, and then her face became condensed, and she said in a deep voice: "Your Excellency, why do you hide your head and show your tail, like a turtle with a shrunken head, if you have the ability, come out and fight head-on!"

"Come out as soon as you come out, are you afraid that you will fail?" After the voice fell, a thin figure with a wide ancient sword on his back pushed through the dense forest and walked out.

"It's you!" Ling Qingmei and the strange man said in surprise when they saw Jiang Mo.

"Isn't this the attendant of Eldest Sister and Second Sister? Why did it appear here?" Ling Qingmei was surprised.

"Your eldest sister and second sister's ability alone can't control such a strong man!" The bewitching man said with a solemn expression as his eyes fell on the ancient sword of heavenly punishment behind Jiang Mo.

"If I'm right, your Excellency is the one who controls the flying sword behind the scenes, right?" the bewitching man asked coldly.

"Hehe, your vision is pretty good. I'm here." Now that he came out, Jiang Mo didn't intend to hide anything.

Hearing Jiang Mo's admission, Ling Qingmei's expression turned cold, and she said, "Husband, kill him!"

The strange man probably sensed a sense of danger from Jiang Mo.

He rarely paid attention to Ling Qingmei this time.

"Since your Excellency controls the flying sword and kills the desolate beasts we have worked so hard to round up, I don't know if you should give us an explanation, or give us some compensation?" The strange man rubbed his chin with his right hand and said slowly.

"Explanation, compensation? These, I haven't thought about it?" Jiang Mo smiled brightly and spread his hands.

"Your Excellency is too much, right?" Hearing Jiang Mo's casual words, the strange man's face finally turned cold, and his palms slowly clenched the two scimitars.

"Too much? Don't you think it's not too much to deal with us by attracting the shadow bats?" Jiang Mo raised his eyebrows and said awe-inspiringly.

The invisible aura emanating from his body actually made the flowing air a little sluggish and under tremendous pressure.

Hearing this, the two of them suddenly came to their senses, Ling Qingmei said: "He escaped from the siege of shadow bats! In this way, the eldest sister and the second sister should have already escaped!"

"Hmph, do you admit it?" Jiang Mo said coldly.

"So what if you admit it? You are just one of His Excellency Ling Yan's attendants. We kill you as easily as killing a chicken and a cow!" Ling Qingmei turned to look at the strange man, and said, "Husband, you and I Let's fight together and kill this kid!"

"Hehe, is that right? I want to see how you slaughter chickens and cattle!" Jiang Mo smiled coldly, and the ancient sword of heavenly punishment flew out of his hand automatically behind his back.

Immediately afterwards, he moved towards the two of them.

"You guys, protect Madam, leave this kid to me!"

The strange man gave orders to the last three remaining guards behind him, and then one of them brandished a scimitar and faced Jiang Mo alone.

(End of this chapter)

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