Chapter 385 Rules
Everyone's eyes were on the patriarch of the Ling clan. These two assessments for members of the Ling clan are extremely important and cannot be sloppy at all.

Scanning the audience, the patriarch of the Ling clan spoke again, and said slowly: "Alchemy refining is extremely prosperous in our Cyanwood Empire."

"As for our Ling family, we are in charge of nearly [-] mu of medicine fields. Whether it's training pharmacists or exporting a large amount of high-quality pills to the empire, our Ling family can be said to do our part."

"It's not an exaggeration to say that my Ling family is a family of refining medicine."

"The future heirs of my Ling family may not necessarily become a respected pharmacist. However, it is an indispensable ability for the cultivation and win over of pharmacists."

"Therefore, I hope you all will pay attention to this alchemy competition."

Although the patriarch of the Ling clan is old, his voice is loud and clear, not weaker than some energetic young people.

Under his gaze, the eight teams nodded one after another.

The patriarch of the Ling clan stopped and took a sip of tea before continuing to explain the rules of the competition.

"The rules of the alchemy competition are very simple. There are pills of different grades and corresponding medicinal materials here. Each team only needs to send its own alchemist to participate in the competition."

"Everyone knows that any alchemist has a certain failure rate in the process of refining medicine."

"Therefore, we have prepared three medicinal ingredients for each pill, that is to say, after each alchemist chooses a pill, he only has three chances to refine medicine at most."

"Once all three medicinal materials fail, it means final failure."

"So, when you choose the pill formula, you must do what you can, and you must not be too ambitious."

"The final test of the elixir is personally appraised by the vice president of our Imperial Alchemist Association, so you don't have to suspect that there will be any unfairness." The patriarch of the Ling clan pointed to a white-haired old man sitting next to him .

"You have a total of eight teams. The No.1 team will get 2 points, the No.[-] team will get [-] points, and so on."

"The final grades you get are determined by the hunting points and the refining points. The one with the No.1 total score will become the future successor of my Ling family."

Hearing this, all the squads started to stir up chaos, because it was about the position of the family heir, they couldn't be calm.

But Jiang Mo's gaze stayed on the alchemist's robe on the white-haired old man for a moment.

The six flame marks on his pharmacist's robe are very conspicuous, representing that this white-haired old man has reached the level of a sixth-order pharmacist.

After hearing the introduction from the patriarch of the Ling clan, everyone in the altar square talked a lot.

"The vice presidents of the Alchemist Guild are here. It seems that the assessment of the Ling family is really strict this time!"

"The vice-chairman is a genuine sixth-level pharmacist. Being able to come here can be said to have given the Ling family enough face!"

The white-haired old man on the stage was also smiling and waving to everyone. He didn't have the pretensions of a high-level pharmacist, and was very approachable.

"Okay, if you don't have any doubts about the rules of the game, you can start now." Raising his hand and pressing down, the Ling clan leader said.

"Father, I have a request." Ling Qingzhu said, taking a step forward.

"Qingzhu, what request do you have?" The patriarch of the Ling clan was still very satisfied with this daughter, he said softly.

"This time, my daughter wants to send two alchemists to compete." Ling Qingzhu said, she had seen Jiang Mo's alchemy methods before, and although she didn't know much about alchemists, she also felt that Jiang Mo's is not simple.

"Oh?" Hearing this, the patriarch of the Ling clan pondered for a moment, and then said: "There is no precedent for sending two alchemists to participate in the competition."

"Haha, sister, the level of a pharmacist can't be compensated by the number alone! If I'm not wrong, the highest level of your Lingyan Pavilion is a third-level pharmacist, right? Such a level, But it's too low!" Lingyan Pavilion and others hunted wild beasts in the valley before, which made Ling Zhengshu still brood.

"It's not your second brother's turn to worry about our Lingyan Pavilion." Ling Qingzhu also heard the sarcasm in Ling Zhengshu's words, and her pretty face turned cold at the moment.

After she finished speaking, she turned to look at the patriarch of the Ling clan and said, "I wonder if it is feasible for the two alchemists sent by my daughter this time to only take the one with the last grade among them?"

"Okay, it's up to you." The patriarch of the Ling clan smiled gently.

Since there was no rule before that two pharmacists could not be sent, as the patriarch, he still has the right to give Ling Qingzhu some convenience.

After all, this competition assesses the highest level of medicine refining in a team, which is not considered a violation of the rules.

"Thank you, father." After hearing the patriarch of the Ling clan let go, Ling Qingzhu also breathed a sigh of relief and smiled sweetly.

Eight teams, including Jiang Mo, a total of nine pharmacists came out together.

Except for Jiang Mo, the other eight people were all wearing gorgeous alchemist robes, and only Jiang Mo was dressed in black, which looked very simple.

Everyone's eyes were on these nine people at the moment. Even in the Cyanwood Empire, alchemist is a profession that is quite respected.

"Among these nine people, there are actually three fourth-tier pharmacists!"

"Look, there's actually a fifth-level pharmacist in here!" Someone pointed at a pharmacist and exclaimed. On his pharmacist's robe, there were five flashing flame marks.

The teams participating in the competition were also a little shocked when they saw the fifth-level pharmacist.

"I thought that if I invited a fourth-level senior pharmacist, it would be enough to win the position of heir to the family. Unexpectedly, my second brother invited a fifth-level pharmacist!" Ling Zhengheng was shocked.

You must know that even if a fifth-level alchemist is in the Imperial Alchemist Guild, he is enough to hold the position of elder.

It is impossible to invite them without spending a lot of money.

"Hehe, among the pharmacists present, our team has the highest level. Even though the elder brother's hunting score has reached as much as 16, I still have a chance to win back from this competition." Ling Zhengshu secretly said in his heart road.

He glanced at the location of Lingyan Pavilion again, and said: "As for Lingyan Pavilion, the pharmacist they invited is only a third-level pharmacist, so it won't make a difference."

"Although their hunting scores are higher than mine, but this time the medicine refining competition can widen the gap."

As soon as he thought of this, Ling Zhengshu showed a smug smile on his face, as if he had seen that the position of the heir of the family was waving to him!
(End of this chapter)

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