Chapter 387 One Successive Failure

"Yuanli Huayan, does this kid want to make medicine out of thin air?"

"Are you kidding, Yuanli Huayan is a means that only a seventh-level alchemist possesses. This kid is only 20 years old. Tell me, is there a 20-year-old seventh-level alchemist in this world? He is from the womb. It's impossible to start practicing so fast!" Another pharmacist retorted on the spot.

However, when his gaze fell on the dancing blue flame on Jiang Mo's right hand, he was equally astonished.

Turning Yuanli into flames and refining medicine out of thin air are methods only available to seventh-level pharmacists, but with Jiang Mo's control over the Eight Desolation Fentianyan, he can do this without a medicine cauldron at all!
"Can anyone explain to me what's going on here?"

"It looks like that guy looks very strong!"

"Which idiot just said that he tricked Danfang into coming here?"

"Take the initiative to stand up, I promise not to kill him!"

"Anyway, we don't know how to refine medicine, so we can leave this kind of problem to those alchemists."

Everyone around the altar square stared at Jiang Mo's strange tricks, and whispered.

Jiang Mo ignored everyone's astonishment. He adjusted the temperature of the Eight Desolation Fentianyan to a level suitable for refining medicine, and then began to throw at each of the medicinal materials in order.

After a long while, everyone around, including the vice president, finally calmed down.

Looking at Jiang Mo's skillful technique and methodical movements, they didn't know what to say for a while.

How could this be a fourth-level pharmacist? Even if a sixth-level or seventh-level pharmacist came in person, it would be nothing more than that, right?
"Guy who pretends to be a ghost, I'll see if you can refine the barrier-breaking pill!" The fifth-level alchemist snorted coldly, and then began to refine the violent blood pill.

Ling Zhengshu clenched his fists secretly, with a gloomy face, and said: "That guy must be playing tricks, besides, what he refined is only a fourth-order elixir, which is not as good as a fifth-order violent blood pill! The final victory, It's still mine!"

Seeing this, the rest of the pharmacists also calmed down, and threw the Orange Flame Stone into the bottom of the medicine cauldron. With the urging of Yuan Force, the Orange Flame Stone turned into a gentle flame and began to roast the medicine cauldron.

When everyone was baking the medicine cauldron, Jiang Mo had already refined a round of medicinal materials. The reason why it was difficult to refine the Breaking Barrier Pill was because the energy in the medicinal materials had to be continuously refined.

In order to successfully refine the Breaking Barrier Pill, the power of the medicinal materials must be refined at least three times.

And the power of refining medicinal materials is the greatest test for a pharmacist.

Whether it is the heat or the balance among the medicinal materials, all of them require the full attention of the alchemist to control.

If you are not careful, it is a trivial matter to burn the medicinal materials, and then the fryer will not be so good.

Therefore, the refining of the Breaking Barrier Pill is extremely difficult even for some fifth-level pharmacists.

However, what is extremely difficult for other alchemists is nothing to Jiang Mo, who was the top alchemist in the mainland in his previous life.

With his control over the power of divine thoughts and the balance of medicinal materials, it can be said that he has reached the state of perfection.

I saw that the medicinal materials were constantly rolling in his palm, the mixed and redundant energy was removed, and what was left was the pure medicinal power.

After half a stick of incense, Jiang Mo had refined the medicinal power to the fourth time, which was enough to condense the young pill.

"Let's refine it again, otherwise there will be too many impurities in the elixir, which will affect the effect." Jiang Mo secretly said in his heart.

As everyone knows, his actions have already attracted the attention of the real high-ranking person in the alchemist guild on the high platform---the vice president.

"This kid has refined the medicine four times, what a freak..." Before the vice president could finish his sentence, he was shocked by the next scene.

I saw the cyan flame in Jiang Mo's palm tumbling, enveloping the slowly wriggling liquid medicine again, and began to refine it.

"Do you want to refine the fifth time?" The vice president was so shocked that he didn't know what to say.

Even if he wants to refine it for the fifth time, it is extremely difficult and has a high failure rate. Can this young man in front of him succeed?
Jiang Mo naturally didn't know what the vice president was thinking. If he wasn't worried about shocking the people around him, he might have refined it seven or eight times before giving up.

The cyan flame was slowly burning, and once again burned away some impurities in the medicinal materials. Unknowingly, the time for a stick of incense has passed.

During this time of burning incense, Jiang Mo refined the power of the medicine five times, and the whole process was smooth and natural, without the slightest sense of sluggishness.

"This kid actually succeeded!" The vice president suddenly stood up, and said in shock with a pair of veteran hands trembling.

"Master Vice President, isn't this kid very powerful?" The patriarch of the Ling clan also noticed the abnormality of the vice president and asked immediately.

"It's not just amazing, he's simply the most talented person I've ever seen in refining medicine! No, even his skill in refining medicine is even better than mine!" the vice president said seriously.

"Mr. Vice President, are you kidding me? I saw that you are only 20 years old at most. How can you be compared with you, Mr. Vice President?" Hearing this, the clan chief of the Ling clan was extremely shocked.

"Am I kidding, you'll know when the refining is over." The vice president was immersed in Jiang Mo's smooth refining, and he didn't want to say a word to the Ling clan chief.

The patriarch of the Ling clan stood still on the spot, and murmured: "Could it be that this little guy recommended by Qingzhu really has such strength?"

The eight pharmacists present at the scene, after refining the medicinal power in the first round, began to fuse the medicinal power, preparing to start forming the young pill.

Perhaps, in their thinking, there is no concept of refining the medicinal power several times at all, as long as the pill can be refined, it is enough, and there is no need to care about the quality of the pill.

This is also the gap between them and the truly great alchemists.

And this kind of gap, they often spend their entire lives, and they can't make up for it!
Poof, poof...

Just when they were about to make pills, they suddenly remembered two dull voices.

Jiang Mo didn't need to look to know that it was an imbalance in the power of the medicine, which caused the fusion pill to fail.

However, each of them received three copies of medicinal materials. These people failed the first time, and they still have two chances.

Although it was also a failure, some alchemists with a good mentality would sum up the reasons for the failure from the first failure, and would solve these problems during the second refining, so that the refining was successful.

For other pharmacists with a bad mentality, the first failure is like a shadow that hangs over their hearts. If no one guides them, it may be difficult to get out of the failure.


There was another muffled sound, and the fifth-rank pharmacist who had mocked Jiang Mo before also failed...

(End of this chapter)

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